Are UTV Racers Cheating at BITD??

JX on Turbos- I was told that the class voted to let the Can- Am turbo race in the production class. I have yet to find another racer who admitted to voting that way. When asked by Cory, my "vote" was to allow the Turbo to race in the unlimited pro class until such time that multiple manufacturers offered comparable vehicles.
Yet the decision was made to allow it. Without any formal way of illustrating that this was a "class" decision it certainly could appear to be a Conflict of interest given the final Rule maker is in fact a Can Am team racer.

I also said no to turbo cars racing in the pro class and was told that I was the one and only naysayer. There should have been some sort of racer vote on this matter.

I have no problem with a post race tech for top 5. Not that I think anyone in our class is cheating.. It just makes sense.
I'm trying to keep a strait face and level head when reading this but between Matt Parks winning the internet with his Beiber post on The Sheaks and Johnny moving the sport to the Big Time with is presence I am over here LOL'ing and can't be serious any more lol

ok ok ok..

I am collecting myself.

This discussion really needed to happen months ago before the season started. Ultimately its the racers decision how they want this tech thing to go down but to drop Cory now mid season to me could do more harm then good. Then again maybe not.

All I can say is I knew the Turbo would be bad for this class and in saying that I am taking nothing away from Can-Am or ANY of the racers running them. I just think it was bigger than what many gave it credit for, Polaris included. I know they were not concerned with the Turbo Maverick racing, but it was more than it just racing, it was tech'ing it and keeping it fair for the class a whole.

Either way, we have the biggest class in off-road now, what do we do collectively to keep it that way!!!??
I do want to go against Cory and Casey for the better of our sport

Seems like you already have...

That said heres a serious question, so say the Tech guy opens the top ten cars and they are all legal, will you:
a. apologize for your remarks & post a retraction for any inflammatory and derogatory remarks you have made in regards to the the top guys being cheaters ?
b. Say Tech wasn't smart enough to catch them and continue alienating those around you with accusations of cheating?

Just curious.

BTW Joey,
nice work. Place has been a little quiet lately.
I agree we can do something about the tech situation as a Group.And then hopefully the rest will play out correctly and we don't have a Rule Breaker situation or even more important ..UNSAFE RACE CARS RACING

As for the Turbo Maverick staying in the Pro UTV Limited,I guess that's a different issue

As for a New Turbo Pro Class that is the current Pro UTV Unlimited points class....

I for one is trying to see if we have New Rules coming for 2016 ...Since we are building a New Pro Unlimited
Turbo 1000 Polaris RZR....
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Wasn't a problem till a turbo car won. Guess if Polaris could keep clutches in there's, they would of had it out by now. If Polaris would of won with a turbo then b no big deal. In the end it all comes down to a driver. Anyone can have a turbo car, don't mean they will win. Have the biggest baddest legal built motor and ur still not gonna win. Winning comes from a great driver and awesome built car to handle the conditions. But this is great to watch get debated for sure. Without Cory's dedication, Along with everyone else the class wouldn't b where it is.

Post tech top 5 after the race, and let the drivers do the racing. Not the keyboards cause everyone seems b a winner today I c if we go by that history. Lol
I'm trying to keep a strait face and level head when reading this but between Matt Parks winning the internet with his Beiber post on The Sheaks and Johnny moving the sport to the Big Time with is presence I am over here LOL'ing and can't be serious any more lol

ok ok ok..

I am collecting myself.

This discussion really needed to happen months ago before the season started. Ultimately its the racers decision how they want this tech thing to go down but to drop Cory now mid season to me could do more harm then good. Then again maybe not.

All I can say is I knew the Turbo would be bad for this class and in saying that I am taking nothing away from Can-Am or ANY of the racers running them. I just think it was bigger than what many gave it credit for, Polaris included. I know they were not concerned with the Turbo Maverick racing, but it was more than it just racing, it was tech'ing it and keeping it fair for the class a whole.

Either way, we have the biggest class in off-road now, what do we do collectively to keep it that way!!!??
Maybe the post topic should be changed to Utv racing issues
I would like to see a class called unlimited TRUELY unlimited.

But the real reason for my post is that I was told by a local shop manager that he was standing right there when dustin said he had a reflashed ecu by evolution.
So what I have is hear say.
But I have also heard from others that the boost is turned up and other mods done.
That is an unlimited car at that point.
I like the guys at S3. And hope that all I have is hearsay and no proof. But without tech there is no way to tell.
If you have an unlimited class and a limited (current pro class)
It is easy to put guys where they belong.

I know this isn't true about our desert cars and we (S3 Racing) do have Evolution as a sponsor and we run their cat deletes on our desert cars. Now there may have been a misunderstanding about is running their reflashes, because we do on our woods racing Mavericks. Heck we don't need anymore power than the turbo Maverick is in stock form because if we push hard we can't keep belts on it.

And as far as our top speed thats simple, the Maverick comes with a 82mph speed limiter with 28" tires. Every factory built can-am can have the tire size changed in the computer by any dealership, simply put a 25" tire in the computer and run a 30" tire on the car and you have a car that is capable of 95mph with zero performance modifications. Even with a turbo motor we are still slower than some in the class, infact in the Mint we only got above 78mph a couple of times.
Whats sad is no one cared about the turbo Maverick until the Mint and now its a issue.... And if there was an issue with a couple of Cajuns from the swamps racing a Turbo Can-am then why wasn't it brought up at Parker or the UTV World Chapionships?

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Whats sad is no one cared about the turbo Maverick until the Mint and now its a issue....

I agree... if no turbo mav podium, there still to this day would be no debate... that's absolutely the truth, every other team BLEW IT OFF stating how it's driver this and driver that and how turbo would make no difference and it's more to do with reliability and on and on. Now look at the backlash AFTER the fact.
Sounds like the guys that are slow are looking for excuses as to why they are slow. Claiming they are just slow because everyone else is cheating. Douchebag move if you ask me. Never have understood getting on the internet and trying to bash someone. If you had a problem with S3, you should have protested at the Mint, not 3 days later when everyone is at home. Like Johnny said put your money up and protest, not sit behind your computer and complain.
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Shame on all you guys!!!!! You are the ones who will ruin this class with your statements. Who wants to join a class with a bunch of complainers accusing others of cheating!! and me of noteching UTV properly. No one is cheating in BITD. You posts will ruin this class !!! The internet sucks!!! I will no longer be viewing the UTV Underground site. I will no longer address any issues on the internet, if you want to give your opinion to me you will need to call or email me. I have gone out of my way in one way or another to help every one of you BITD racers. I'm sure this thread would not be here if Johnny would have won. Flame on!!!
Tech should be by race org. ie BITD, SCORE, SNORE, not by an outside org. and it should be free covered by the enrty fee like every other class. Had to pay $30 at the end of the line, been racing for decades and never payed to tech
Shame on all you guys!!!!! You are the ones who will ruin this class with your statements. Who wants to join a class with a bunch of complainers accusing others of cheating!! and me of noteching UTV properly. No one is cheating in BITD. You posts will ruin this class !!! The internet sucks!!! I will no longer be viewing the UTV Underground site. I will no longer address any issues on the internet, if you want to give your opinion to me you will need to call or email me. I have gone out of my way in one way or another to help every one of you BITD racers. I'm sure this thread would not be here if Johnny would have won. Flame on!!!

Will you be viewing Facebook since thats really where this stemmed from?

I moved it here so that more of the racers could see the statements being made and so that the discussion could happen.

Cory you don't have to defend yourself, but answering questions and dispelling rumors can go a long way. You have always been good about responding to issues.

My thought is you should reconsider because blaming the Internet and UTVUG for hosting a discussion involving YOUR customers is not something to just dismiss.

As for the Turbo issue. I saw this coming a mile away. I knew this Turbo would turn into a problem. Just took it winning for the things everyones been talking about to surface. It comes with the territory.

Just my $.02 pesos as MP would say. Either way its your decision. I personally respect you either way.
I can tell you I am not against racing the Turbo Cars in my current car you win some you lose some and shit happens do I think they will dominate the season ..hell no .. and if they do that will force Polaris and other Manufactures to Step up the game and ill be in line to buy what ever it is .. I don't want to be limited at my current top speed and limited by horsepower forever racing it would get boring ... I do thank Polaris every night in my Prayers for sponsoring me and the sport ! Such a huge help for all of us racing and they reason why our sport has blow up ...

Kudos to Polaris, the Underground, Cory , Matt Parks , Jagged X, BITD and Everybody that has made this a great sport and im just happy to get to race ..
I didn't know that we were all saying S3 cheated. Green jacket Gold jacket! Who gives a shit that a can am won. Besides Craig.
Shane88 I am glad that what I heard is just what it was hear say. Thank you for clearing that up. And this post (on facebook) was not to call out cheaters but the loop holes in the current tech process. And for Cory to still claim there is nothing wrong and shame on us is just not right. I also agree with what was said earlier that ousting Cory mud season may not be the right way to go. But now is the time to discuss these issues and come up with a solution for next season.
I would hope that Cory would not be so hard headed so that he could not see that everyone feels there is a change needed.
I kinda thought these cars had other components other than motors that you had to get dialed in. I heard Johnny is running top secret shocks and the jagged guys had a super secret squirrel set of tires. How come none of this stuff didn't come up until the Can-Am won a race? Why all of the sudden it's such a big deal? A.p.s why do you care? Are none of the guys running your motors doing very well? Is that bad for your business? So because your motors aren't getting on the podium it's everyone's responsibility to prove to you that there not cheating? I don't understand. Don't hear of many guys losing races over speed or HP. Maybe busting a transmission, belts, or CVs.
Shame on all you guys!!!!! You are the ones who will ruin this class with your statements. Who wants to join a class with a bunch of complainers accusing others of cheating!! and me of noteching UTV properly. No one is cheating in BITD. You posts will ruin this class !!! The internet sucks!!! I will no longer be viewing the UTV Underground site. I will no longer address any issues on the internet, if you want to give your opinion to me you will need to call or email me. I have gone out of my way in one way or another to help every one of you BITD racers. I'm sure this thread would not be here if Johnny would have won. Flame on!!!

Aint going to make any friends that way!! Remember Parker 2014 ???

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