Are UTV Racers Cheating at BITD??

I will stand on my opinion. Im not saying you guys didnt have a good idea. I just think the rules we a little too indepth for anyone to agree upon. Imho if you guys had kept it a bit more simple folks would have got behind it, however from what i remember about it you guys treated it as if it was gonna be the law of the land. Or at least thats how i perceived it. I remember reading the entire rule book and thought cant be serious.

Ok lesson learned was a good idea needed tweaking is what I'm about a "do over"?
Man a lot of bitchen and whining going on sound like a bunch of pit bike riders back in the day and look where that scene went gone. Utv are meant to Cruz around have fun with friends and family not cause problems between grown men. There's always going to be cheating in racing can't help it nascar , AMA racing evening baseball. And props if you do an engine change in back of wallmart during a race props to you I've changed out xp's motors with race cages around the engine and they are a bitch and not fun todo. So pull it together and figure this out or you guys will look like Whiney bitches everywhere you go. Just my opinion
Kawasaki teryx hands down the best utv ever built bitches !!!!!!!!!!!
I don't know how many of the OEMs actually do much to help fight for our land.. a few do, but thats another topic.

We didn't expect to take on and have every race league adopt our rules or join our org immediatley. Problem was we couldn't even get our own ENTHUSIASTS to help back the foundation we laid to support to even get to that point. Everyone has an argument yet no one wants to actually do anything but argue.

We didn't consult with the AMA directly that I can remember however it was possible that Reid did. Reid at Kawasaki has just a little experience with the AMA.. lol Just a tad... He help seed the ISA and sat on the board with us. Again, we had all the right pieces to the puzzle whether anyone wants to finally admit it or not. All we ever caught was the negatives, no one wanted to support the positives. Now the sport is still sitting at zero because our own enthusiasts, racers, etc couldn't see past their own noses...

Quote from the movie BLOW "maybe you had the wrong dream"
Man a lot of bitchen and whining going on sound like a bunch of pit bike riders back in the day and look where that scene went gone. Utv are meant to Cruz around have fun with friends and family not cause problems between grown men. There's always going to be cheating in racing can't help it nascar , AMA racing evening baseball. And props if you do an engine change in back of wallmart during a race props to you I've changed out xp's motors with race cages around the engine and they are a bitch and not fun todo. So pull it together and figure this out or you guys will look like Whiney bitches everywhere you go. Just my opinion
Kawasaki teryx hands down the best utv ever built bitches !!!!!!!!!!!

Cory told me at the beginning if the 2014 season that I could build my own rails and pivot points only if I provided constant progress pics and was careful in reproducing the exact dimensions. He also advised against it saying that I could expect protests at which time I would bear te responsibility of proving that stock geometry was maintained.
The problem is, 99% of everyone here will bitch, moan and complain and no one will actually get off their own asses to donate, participate and help shape the future of our sport. Everyone will sit here and type their glorious ideas out and tell us all how things should be done but majority here won't even take 2 minutes to sign an online petition to help save our sport from an impending land closure issue. Thats reality. And if anyone reading this looks in the mirror and realizes they are one of these people then do us all a favor and please just move along to another thread. As far as I am concerned the only people who should be here complaining or offering suggestions are people who are willing to actually do something to help the situation!

I believe that there are a few of us out here with the experience and willingness to help shape the sport in a positive direction. Unfortunately, the 'price of admission' for volunteering to do so has always been (and most likely always will be) to leave what we truly believe in at the door..and that is the true unification of the off-road community.
Every single time that a voice pops up to simply explain the hierarchy of why this necessary unity has not happened in literally generations or how communities are purposely divided even east to west in this respect it is quickly shouted down for obvious reasons.
Who would ever want to be a part of that?
Swear your allegiance to Tom, Dick and Harry...yet certainly don't ever dare question why we are continually on the brink of disaster in terms of losing it all due to the lack of a true unified voice that is relevant nationwide?
Why would I trust any organization that slaps guys on the back continually working to split us all part and keep it that way? I'm supposed to believe that we need to have 'exclusive' trails for every single machine with a wheel on it...or none at all?
If a leading sxs manufacturer came in to your state and tried to open up the entire trail system (largest in the nation at the time) to UTVs and the largest 'off-road rights' district in the entire country angrily shut them down in less than 24 hours using nasty political pressure on your legislators..what would you do?...expect 'the BRC' to ride on in there immediately with their lawyers and 'help' crush the same guys that they lay on the beach with at convention(?)...are you kidding me?
Just about everything in this country is broke for a reason and the primary cause has been those purposely not solving problems for their own benefit nor possessing the attitude/general competence that attracts others to said 'cause' in the first place (see public service, charity and too many others to list here). If that is too 'harsh' for a younger generation about to be saddle with more problems than they could ever dream of while their elders happily wander a beach all day long into the sunset..stay tuned.

I truly believe that you guys have been on the cutting edge of this sport and have done more good for it than perhaps anybody else in the nation on a large scale. With that said, please forgive some of us for not jumping on the traditional bandwagon here as we point to many (not all) of the gray-haired band leaders who have angrily shut down any and all 'dissent' surrounding community unity (or even 'pay to play' for that matter) in the past.

They aren't heroes...they never will be (in my opinion)...and what we are about to experience in land closures/regulatory fiascos could have all been avoided had they put the need to unify over the desire to divide..and then tried to make a 'career' out of it.

Sorry to go off-topic yet 'cheaters' is the subject matter and these guys have been cheating our kids out of a "..bring what you have; let's all meet at the trailhead TOGETHER (experience).." that bleeds right in to these races and the sport in general.
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