Joey if you guys had gone by the "keep it simple stupid" rule your ISA deal may have taken off. But there was way to many classes to sort out, way to many rules that most felt were un founded, and you guus put the horse in front of the cart. You guys built a book NO org. Was willing to step up and use and i truely believe it was because it wasnt simple. BITD rules are simple.
Actually you are incorrect. While the book was not perfect WORCS did apply the ISA rule book and so did AVE Racing series.
While WORCS never ended up fully endorsing the org they did take our rule book, slightly modify it and run it. Our rules were not the problem and we had a lot of classes but we were very clear, an org does not need to run all the classes. Pick and choose what you want. At the time WORCS took Production 1000, 850 and 700. They later added the Pro class and now look, they have like 6 or 7 classes. So don't tell me our problem was we had too many when WORCS gets a fairly decent car count in each. We created the class structure we did that fit the vehicles at the time. The book would adapt as new vehicles came out.
The biggest problem the ISA had was that this sport did not embrace what we had created. We didn't create a law, we created a foundation. The rules could have been modified and the org could have been the sports voice in many different ways. But the general UTV public couldn't see past stupid little stuff like what you are mentioning. Instead of joining and supporting and then helping shape everyone did what they do best and that's complain and criticize. So what you all ended up with was 5 dedicated guys throwing their hands up and saying fine go figure it out on your own.
I'll tell you right now. Very few of you guys reading this know just how much work, time and money it was and took to build that org. I promise you, you won't get any of us to do it again. I'll sit on a board or support something but I won't waste my energy to do something like that again for any sport. It was very discouraging.