Are UTV Racers Cheating at BITD??

Nope I have been in many of the bitd races and have won a few bitd races I have currently stopped racing because I feel that being an engine builder and racing against my racers I build engines for is both bad business and a conflict of interest.

So that is actually why I am not a racer this year.
I do not feel that I have lost because one of the top guys is cheating. But many other racers do! That in itself is enough to hurt our sport. Also when they say "why would thy not cheat there is no tech that is consistant". That says alot about the people who are content to just pay for a good time racing. Alot of what could be top competitors have left as a result of the attitude " if you don't like it go somewhere else."

So I can say us racers!

What BITD races have you won? In the UTV class?
There is a big diffrence between 083 chrome moly and .095 Dom
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It does not matter! If the rules state that you can build your cars with either DOM or Chromoly and the wall thickness on the main chassis has to be .095, then it has to be .095, no matter what material you use. If your smart and read the rules you can see which tubes are considered the main structure and which tubes are not. The non main structure tubes if not specified in the rules can be whatever wall thickness you want.
Because when that dumb ass tech inspector drops dirt or something in my motor its gonna be a "sorry man" I've said it once and i'll say it 100 times....put your money where your mouth is. You think a team cheated.....protest them...if you dont have the balls to protest then dont cry.
If your so intent on us being cheaters put your money where your mouth is. After someone fingered us at cheaters we passed tech fine at Parker. Our car will pass fine on any given day you wanna put up or shut up.
Can Am won the 2015 Mint 400. Congrats to them. They looked like they were on the gas, drove well and were consistent all day. Good job! Johnny had them covered and had some absolute chit luck to break literally a few miles from the finish. Were you jones'n for a heater Johnny and threw 'er in reverse at 60 mph? I kid, I kid. Johnny has a great car and has been driving it like he stole it all year with a 'checkers or wreckers' mentality which is what it takes in our new drag race class.

I agree with JXWS and don't think any of the teams are cheating...and if they are they REALLY suck at it. If people want to do the spark plug trick for the top five finishers, long as the racers vote for this as a class and designate and compensate a qualified person to perform the displacement check. The formula, if you don't already know it is simple; bore x bore x stroke x .0007854 x the number of cylinders. It is either under 1000cc's or it isn't. But like someone said above, a cam, more compression, porting and a real reflash will get you power quicker than displacement.

I also agree with Joey on the turbo. They are impossible to police, because who knows hexadecimal coding. Really who? And if you do know someone who knows it, there are like a million points on the 3D map and you would be looking for a needle in a haystack. What this means is by reflashing an ECU of a turbo engine, you can change when the waste gate dumps (the aforementioned hexadecimal code) and go from say 6 lbs of boost to 10 lbs of boost with a stroke of a keyboard. As you can guess, the hp kind of follows the boost.

My 2 pesos!
I am not calling you a cheater I am simply stating that if you don't feel that you can roll your car through a post race tech at any given race or every given race what do you have to hide.
Top 5 should be willing if your not cheating. And an unbiased tech inspector should be no problem if you have some other bore stroke ratio than a stock one who cares as long as it meets the 1000cc rule.
I never said no nerfing! And I am not but hurt. I could care less if the whole field is cheating Iwill not build a cheater engine. I would rather beat the cheats with a legit engine. And from or conversation earlier johnny so would you. So why don't the top 5 put their cars where their mouths are and go for a post race tech and stop all these rumors of cheating. A pre race engine tech the day before the race is BS. Just like putting a stock turbo ecu on would be. And I can say this if guys are not going to tech cars the right way, guys are gonna cheat.
I am not calling you a cheater I am simply stating that if you don't feel that you can roll your car through a post race tech at any given race or every given race what do you have to hide.
Top 5 should be willing if your not cheating. And an unbiased tech inspector should be no problem if you have some other bore stroke ratio than a stock one who cares as long as it meets the 1000cc rule.

as Matt said I think everybody here is more then willing to follow and allow what ever rule they have pretty simple so you keep arguing with the wrong guys all of us here just wana win races .. simple simple
I never said no nerfing! And I am not but hurt. I could care less if the whole field is cheating Iwill not build a cheater engine. I would rather beat the cheats with a legit engine. And from or conversation earlier johnny so would you. So why don't the top 5 put their cars where their mouths are and go for a post race tech and stop all these rumors of cheating. A pre race engine tech the day before the race is BS. Just like putting a stock turbo ecu on would be. And I can say this if guys are not going to tech cars the right way, guys are gonna cheat.
Sorry I didnt know it was you ... and im good with tech on the top five I finished 18 and am 6th in the series .. but really nobody here is against rules or tech if thats the rules so you gota man up and stop fighting us and get it done with Cory or Casey

and I was talking about George crying about nerfing .....
I can promise you one thing, what Polaris does for our team (cognito) we wouldn't jeopardize it by cheating. I'll put my driver up against ANY driver in our class any day. If we wouldn't have hit the tree at mm 100 and lost the lower radius rod, I'd bet we would have won the mint (of course cause johnny broke) but we had no idea johnny was broke yet.
I can promise you one thing, what Polaris does for our team (cognito) we wouldn't jeopardize it by cheating. I'll put my driver up against ANY driver in our class any day. If we wouldn't have hit the tree at mm 100 and lost the lower radius rod, I'd bet we would have won the mint (of course cause johnny broke) but we had no idea johnny was broke yet.
Wait, I thought you were the driver and Lambert was just your minion. Either way you are just a fat version of Justin Bieber. :)
I do want to go against Cory and Casey for the better of our sport but I also know that without your guys help and willingness I would have a much larger fight.
Not trying to fight with you guys I am trying to get us together and move forward in this!!
well I think you can see that most people feel we might be better with a new tech guy I respect Cory for all he has done for the sport but its grown from a few OG s to a big time now that im here .. you need to figure out the plan if you want to and are willing to change the world .. looks like plenty would listen to your plan once you come out with it ..
yep but the turbo is here so maybe since so many of us spent so much on none turbo cars their should be a Turbo Pro Class and the Pro Class ??

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