1921 - I'm in. Car is finished and going thru testing.
1911 Secret Deere Guy - ?
1954 Leeper -?
1913 Lucas - ?
1919 JX - Yes
1920 Lansky - Yes (he glued on his wheel for a total of 4 now)
1921 Dunlap - Yes
1917 Murray - Yes
1915 Raber - Yes (brakes?, we don't need no stink'n brakes)
1932 Bobsled - Yes
1924 Lasher -Yes
1901 Cory - ?
1935 Gary - ?
1992 Bill M - ?
1937 Vinagro - ?
1943 Renolds - ?
1910 Leard - ?
1912 Cook - ?
1950 Lindberg - ?<!-- google_ad_section_end -->
1927 Anderson - ?
1905 Palhegyi - ?
1931 Jessi - ?
1938 Thomas - ?
1967 Jeff Palhegyi - ?
1939 Sheakley - ?
1929 Furnell - ?
1949 Hall - ?
1933 Nolan - ?
1930 S. Cook - ? (same as 1912?)
1914 - Diller - ?
1998 - Lambert - ?
1990 - Neumann - ?
1994 - Gardner - ?<!-- google_ad_section_end --> <!-- / message -->
1911 Secret Deere Guy - ?
1954 Leeper -?
1913 Lucas - ?
1919 JX - Yes
1920 Lansky - Yes (he glued on his wheel for a total of 4 now)
1921 Dunlap - Yes
1917 Murray - Yes
1915 Raber - Yes (brakes?, we don't need no stink'n brakes)
1932 Bobsled - Yes
1924 Lasher -Yes
1901 Cory - ?
1935 Gary - ?
1992 Bill M - ?
1937 Vinagro - ?
1943 Renolds - ?
1910 Leard - ?
1912 Cook - ?
1950 Lindberg - ?<!-- google_ad_section_end -->
1927 Anderson - ?
1905 Palhegyi - ?
1931 Jessi - ?
1938 Thomas - ?
1967 Jeff Palhegyi - ?
1939 Sheakley - ?
1929 Furnell - ?
1949 Hall - ?
1933 Nolan - ?
1930 S. Cook - ? (same as 1912?)
1914 - Diller - ?
1998 - Lambert - ?
1990 - Neumann - ?
1994 - Gardner - ?<!-- google_ad_section_end --> <!-- / message -->