V2R 2011 Thread....

Nice! I knew you guys would shoot me straight. And if that is all you do then I think I am good. :rolleyes:
Just got my V2R entry form in the mail today. Woot...woot!

I just hosed of the schmuck from the BWGP and squirted some WD on it. That is an ok prep job right? Do you think I need to change the oil, and if so where is the drain plug thingy. :rolleyes:
I don't believe that for a second Matt! Our car is probablly already striped down to the frame! WD40 is what Pistol Pete uses to prep his trophy truck!
I don't believe that for a second Matt! Our car is probablly already striped down to the frame! WD40 is what Pistol Pete uses to prep his trophy truck!

Believe it, race ready...just like Pistol does. BTW how is your car 'probably stripped down.' Probably?' :)
Believe it, race ready...just like Pistol does. BTW how is your car 'probably stripped down.' Probably?' :)
My car is retired again ;) However Brian and I started his new build last weekend. It won't be done in time for VTR look for a new build thread in the next few weeks.
I don't know, think I should enter... :D .....

Just need to put the skid plates on and get some detail work finished (rear lights, radio, intercom, nets, etc)...runs sweet..just hope it holds together.
Sorry Joey, a cute blonde gal from Reno volunteered to navigate... on first team. Ryan (Lakefire on here) will co-dawg on second team. Matt Hunt is 2nd driver.

i know i talked to lasher about this but wanted to see if anyone else would be interested
if i worked on a room block for another hotel instead of the one BITD has set up for reno would any of you be interested

Starting to work on the logistics...Lucas, is this something you are still pursuing? if so I'd be interested in a couple of rooms in Reno..
I figured out my pit strategy. 15 pits = 15 pit stops. Sound right? :p

Lucas...where are you? :confused:

Jeff...you and Brian need to burn the midnight oil and get that spanky new XP900 done for V2R. :eek:

JX...do you recommend the 8 oz WD40 for race prep or the 16 oz economy can?

Lasher...ready to rumble?

Amos...your rig have four corners on it yet?

You guys might be worried about rooms in Reno, but you might want to start thinking about getting rooms at the starting line. :rolleyes:

Can't wait for V2R amigos!
I hear that Harbor Freight sells it by the gallon!

Ooooo...really? I heard that place has the best tools too. Come on Mike, prep your's with WD too, and it will be a three way battle.
So WD40 is the secret to a great race prep! :D Who is planning on being at V to R? Is it time for a list?
Here is a list that I did for SS300.......that I modified. Add/delete etc. Let's get as many Ute's to V2R as possible.

1911 Secret Deere Guy - ?
1954 Leeper -?
1913 Lucas - ?
1919 JX - Yes
1920 Lansky - ?
1917 Murray - Yes
1915 Raber - ?
1932 Bobsled - Yes
1924 Lasher -Yes
1901 Cory - ?
1935 Gary - ?
1992 Bill M - ?
1937 Vinagro - ?
1943 Renolds - ?
1910 Leard - ?
1912 Cook - ?
1950 Lindberg - ?<!-- google_ad_section_end -->
1927 Anderson - ?
1905 Palhegyi - ?
1931 Jessi - ?
1938 Thomas - ?
1967 Jeff Palhegyi - ?
1939 Sheakley - ?
1929 Furnell - ?
1949 Hall - ?
1933 Nolan - ?
1930 S. Cook - ? (same as 1912?)
1914 - Diller - ?
1998 - Lambert - ?
1990 - Neumann - ?
1994 - Gardner - ?

Who am I missing?
Id start a new thread...that's how folks will know what your asking instead of just another post in this thread...and btw...Yes Avid Racing...the steed amongst steeds...mighty#1920... is IN..as I found a 4th wheel and spindle to locktite to my hub:D

Also.. since mighty # 1920 is already in Reno right now getting a few mods to suspension (yes I ordered a new spindle and a couple of spares) maybe I should just leave it there..then I'm guaranteed it will be at the finish!
Naaaaww...let's keep it simple and to one thread. So here is the update...

1911 Secret Deere Guy - ?
1954 Leeper -?
1913 Lucas - ?
1919 JX - Yes
1920 Lansky - Yes (he glued on his wheel for a total of 4 now)
1917 Murray - Yes
1915 Raber - ?
1932 Bobsled - Yes
1924 Lasher -Yes
1901 Cory - ?
1935 Gary - ?
1992 Bill M - ?
1937 Vinagro - ?
1943 Renolds - ?
1910 Leard - ?
1912 Cook - ?
1950 Lindberg - ?<!-- google_ad_section_end -->
1927 Anderson - ?
1905 Palhegyi - ?
1931 Jessi - ?
1938 Thomas - ?
1967 Jeff Palhegyi - ?
1939 Sheakley - ?
1929 Furnell - ?
1949 Hall - ?
1933 Nolan - ?
1930 S. Cook - ? (same as 1912?)
1914 - Diller - ?
1998 - Lambert - ?
1990 - Neumann - ?
1994 - Gardner - ?
1915 Raber is in. I think I am addicted to this racing stuff. Just to make things more interesting, we plan to run this race WITH brakes. My brother says the roll cage is good, even in a 15 foot revene off the side of the road.
Boys with brakes are in! Woot...woot!

1911 Secret Deere Guy - ?
1954 Leeper -?
1913 Lucas - ?
1919 JX - Yes
1920 Lansky - Yes (he glued on his wheel for a total of 4 now)
1917 Murray - Yes
1915 Raber - Yes (brakes?, we don't need no stink'n brakes)
1932 Bobsled - Yes
1924 Lasher -Yes
1901 Cory - ?
1935 Gary - ?
1992 Bill M - ?
1937 Vinagro - ?
1943 Renolds - ?
1910 Leard - ?
1912 Cook - ?
1950 Lindberg - ?<!-- google_ad_section_end -->
1927 Anderson - ?
1905 Palhegyi - ?
1931 Jessi - ?
1938 Thomas - ?
1967 Jeff Palhegyi - ?
1939 Sheakley - ?
1929 Furnell - ?
1949 Hall - ?
1933 Nolan - ?
1930 S. Cook - ? (same as 1912?)
1914 - Diller - ?
1998 - Lambert - ?
1990 - Neumann - ?
1994 - Gardner - ?<!-- google_ad_section_end --> <!-- / message -->
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