New law requiring helmets in california

Adopt -a-trail isn't about just picking up papers and cleaning the forest. It's the forestry's way of listening to various groups their suggestions and what type of vehicals they drive also what types of laws that are in legislation and what forestry service plans to do. I said earlier about possible bans on UTV's in SB mountians . the ranger said " if we can't ticket it we ban it". Silverwood/ Miller Canyon staging area, as of right now, is up for renovation or closure . They're asking various Jeep club /AMA assoc for there suggestions. They would ask the utv groups but there is none. there is AAT MEETING AUGUST 15th sizzler in corona. off the 15 fwy. 1461 rimpau ave corona, ca. 6pm

Great point. If you have the time and patience, get involved with something that can have a positive influence on our sport.
When you stop and read all the warning labels and instruction manuals for our UTVs the new laws aren't saying anything different than we already knew.

Do I agree with this law being passed? NO! Kinda BS the way it was swept under the rug.

I believe this is a case of the OEMs creating ROVA and building this bill so that they could govern themselves as opposed to have the CPSC or other agency force down their throat what should happen to our industry.

Don't throw Kawasaki under the bus either, they are no different than Polaris, Yamaha, John Deere, Can-am and the others involved. They were just singled out in this process and got a bad wrap!

Because of the ambulance chasing attorneys being greedy and bringing our sport to the attention of the "Government" (CPSC) we have to pay the penalty now unfortunately. Do I like it? No! But I would rather have a few regulations placed on us as opposed to loose the sport all together and have something worth nothing sitting in my garage.

Everyone on this forum is smart enough to figure out how to still do what they love! It may take a little thought and foresight and a couple of extra bucks but they haven't shut us down.

Now we just need to keep our eyes open and watch what ROVA and the MIC etc are trying to do in the future. It's a really good time to get to know your representatives and what they stand for with the election coming up in November!

What amazes me is that this bill passed both houses without a single objection! Not one single person in the CA government voted against this!!!
I called the number and Talked to the lady that did the analysis, she was glad to hear from an offroader. She said she did not know where to talk to folks about the bill that were on the other side of it. I gave her several websites (the underground first) and groups where she could get the "opposition" she needed for these types of bills. I also called Rohva and they were supported by all the big players, not just kawi. If you want to call and vent your frustration here is the number to their washington office. 703-416-0444

Victoria Alvarez / TRANS. / (916) 319- 2093 is the very polite woman I talked to that did the analysis.

AWESOME!! hahahaha I LOL'd just now!
To ensure your right to responsibly experience and enjoy public lands, ROHVA encourages you to sign up with ARRA, Americans for Responsible Recreational Access and NOHVCC, National Off-Highway Vehicle Conservation Council, a national body of OHV recreation enthusiasts that develops and provides a wide spectrum of programs, materials and information to individuals, clubs, associations and agencies in order to further a positive future for responsible OHV recreation. The not-for-profit Recreational Off-Highway Vehicle Association (ROHVA) is a source of information about the Recreational Off-Highway Vehicle (ROV) industry.

ROHVA is dedicated to enhancing ROV safety awareness. ROHVA is sponsored by Arctic Cat, BRP, Kawasaki, Polaris, John Deere, and Yamaha.
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SENT TO ME BY A MAN WHO WILL REMAIN NAMELESS.... Thank you nameless man...
If you look at this law, much of it is in accordance with most of the posted safety stuff on UTVs these days. I agree with Jeff about the could be a matter of this. Rather than ban UTVs altogether, perhaps the ROHV worked with legislature to develop some of these laws? Purely speculation on my part....but it makes sense.

Helmet law? Really? How bad can this be? I wear a helmet in my SR1 when I'm riding recreationally does whoever is my passenger. I make my kids wear them in other people's UTVs. I see this as preserving my right to even BUY a UTV in the future, because if helmets are mandatory, it will result in FAR less injuries from people who are idiots and roll their UTVs while NOT wearing a helmet.

16 years or older as an operator? YES! I fully agree with this. Coming from someone who has watched countless little kids driving their parent's UTVs in the pits and at the dunes llike little terrors in camp while their parents aren't even around. It's a shame we couldn't police ourselves on this, but hey....I really am not upset by this one. Yes, there are some kids who can drive well, but the majority.......yeesh.

No additional non-OEM seats? I have never been a fan of aftermarket or home-made four-seater UTVs anyway. Weight bias is all wrong when it's not made from the factory that way......(except for a few really well done 4-seat XPs and RZRs that were stretched before Polaris actually made them) I have seen some things come through our shop that I would NEVER allow anyone to ride in.....can't say as I'm super upset about this one, either.

The feet on the floor dealio? Meh.....makes sense, since this, again, is something that UTV labels also strongly suggest.

Yeah, it sucks that more laws are being made to protect us from ourselves......if everyone had OUR common sense, it wouldn't be a problem. But everyone doesn't. And I'd much rather deal with these laws than have an entire industry that I love be banned (UTV's, in particular).

I'm sure this isn't a popular opinion, but it's not the end of the world. I'll be at the dunes this season in my SR1 with my helmet on and I'm sure I will still manage to have a LOT of fun! :)

The One thing goverment keeps doing over and over is making LAWS that make us weaker. Natural selection should be allowed to run its course....That way we can weed out the dumb shits that dont need to Pro create anyways!!!

Helmet law?? How bad can it be?? Your in a machine with a roll cage and a seat belt, there is no need to FORCE a person to wear a helmet. Are we going to be wearing helmets in our street cars next? For Recreation Its BULLSHIT.

On another note, I just bought a helmet because I took our shop XP 4 out and raced it....2 hour desert race. The next day my neck was so sore that I could barly move it. I could not imagine the weight of a helmet and cartwheeling 2-3 times.

16yr olds driving....yea...I argree...there are a lot of adults that have no business in one much less there 10yr kid.

The non OEM seat issue...again...let natural selection run its course, if the hack wanna be welder at home builds a death trap that kills him and his family..thats his loss...maybe big brother should let it be.

NO NEW NANNY LAWS!! Its time for Anarchy
Guy's, I feel your pain but before the seat belt laws were imposed, I never wore a seat belt. Now, it is second nature to strap in before i even start my truck and I don't even know it's on.

Anytime, anywhere that myself or a member of my family is in an offroad machine, UTV, 4 wheeler or dirt bike, we have a helmet on or we don't ride. We have in helmet 4 way radio's and and can talk to each other like we are sitting in the house. I hope you guy's can just adapt and go enjoy the ride as I have. ( even though I am glad I don't live in California). :D
Unfortunately, natural selection, when it occurs, is blamed on others and those others are then sued for something they were not responsible for. I'm all for natural selection.....but until you do away with lawyers who sue and judges who put up with total BS lawsuits and every Sam, Dick and Harry who refuses to take responsibility for their own actions, the only thing that will happen by allowing natural selection to occur is it will permanently destroy an industry that we all love.

I've already heard some creative ways around some of the four-seater stuff - I think there are some smart enthusiasts out there who will rise to this new challenge, and people will find a way to still enjoy their dunes within these new laws.
Unfortunately, natural selection, when it occurs, is blamed on others and those others are then sued for something they were not responsible for. I'm all for natural selection.....but until you do away with lawyers who sue and judges who put up with total BS lawsuits and every Sam, Dick and Harry who refuses to take responsibility for their own actions, the only thing that will happen by allowing natural selection to occur is it will permanently destroy an industry that we all love.

I've already heard some creative ways around some of the four-seater stuff - I think there are some smart enthusiasts out there who will rise to this new challenge, and people will find a way to still enjoy their dunes within these new laws.
Its unfortunate for sure, Im not wearing a helmet to It looks like I will have to move onto something else that doesnt require one.
I'm sooo glad I don't live in the red state of California! The problem I have is that after the CA douche bags are done ruining their own state they move here to AZ. These types of laws and regulations only tighten the strangle hold on CA. Any of you guys that are sick of this type of government control can move here to AZ, the rest of you stay in your beloved Calitopia!
LEO anywhere else might be cool, but I can promise you the BLM Dicks wont be cool at all! Smaller and Smaller, less and less, but we are always the ones that have to "Compromise"! :mad: I am telling you all the states are next! Hell AZ is considered a Toss up State! What is up with that?
It's considered a toss up sate because we were demonized so bad about SB1070! Also the preseident has been trying to win over the imigrant vote with his amnesty policy.
Red to me is the Blood our Fathers spilled to keep us Free! LOL!:(

Amen to that!! It sickens to to see the direction our country is going. This country is slowly losing the freedom that our fore fathers faught so hard to earn! Something drastic has to change in November.
It was ALL the Manufactures who threw us under the bus! It is going nation wide as soon as possible they are introducing it in every state fearing a ban nation wide! So what about Midgets? Or Amputees? It all goes back to "Compromise" and the Nanny State! Why not a law that says you sign a liability release when you buy it and it is DONE! :mad::mad:

Bear, there is already a Law/Doctrine here in California. It's called "Primary Assumption of Risk Doctrine"

Here's a good example of how this works.

This is the law that kept us from suing the douche bag who was driving on the wrong side of Hodge road in the buggy and hit Chris head-on riding his MX bike almost killing him.

I do not understand how these mfr's are being sued in California. This new law has to be the work of the same idiots in the legislature that now require an engineer to hold a degree in the field they are working in, or they can't work that field.

This was the knee jerk response to the bridge collapse back east because the inspectors weren't college degreed individuals, and the state was sued. So California figured they'd absolve themselves of liability by making the individual and the company assume the risk if the employee f'd up.

I think this new law is an attempt by the state, who probably has the largest number of SxS in the country, to prevent themselves from being sued.

I think we need to wait this one out, but I'm with others and do not see how they're going to enforce this.


It, like the rest of the BS, it will be done one revenue ticket at a time! S-22, Superstition, Glamis, and Yes JV will all have the Rangers pulling people with kids over and doing the ticket thing! Next TDS, MVSR, and all the organized rides will not allow Kids at the "Safety Checks" because of NEW liability that if they let you go on the ride knowing your a LAW Breaker they could get sued! So now you have the Family activities suppressed! At first they will start out slow and then it will be game on! This is a mess and the real boycott needs to be this state, politicians, and all the companies that have made millions off us! BUY A JEEP! or maybe a Joyner? What do people do with the 170s? 16? Really, I was driving at 13, my daughter at 3-1/2 and Breven at 8, it mad them better drivers! Mary was 13 when she gave birth to Jesus! You can SCUBA at 10, but drive a 170, oh no not that! BUY A JEEP! :mad::eek::rolleyes:

Yeah, you can also be a solo pilot of an airplane at 15. Go figure... This has other implications as already stated. It'll be interesting to see what happens....
Gesus... I frapping can't believe it. Cali has become so restrictive! Some of the best UTV products are made there..are they going to be forced out of state now? The implications of this law is stagering.

That Gawd that we got out of that failing state 6 years ago....
This law is another great example of why I'm thankful that we live in UTAH!
It was ALL the Manufactures who threw us under the bus! It is going nation wide as soon as possible they are introducing it in every state fearing a ban nation wide! So what about Midgets? Or Amputees? It all goes back to "Compromise" and the Nanny State! Why not a law that says you sign a liability release when you buy it and it is DONE! :mad::mad:

While I do feel the law has some poorly written pieces, I think you have targeted the wrong people in your anger. You are blaming the manufacturers when I think the real source is the CPSC. And the CPSC is forcing this due to all the frivolous Rhino lawsuits. If RHOVA (all the manufacturers) did not step in to do something, what would have come down from the CPSC would have been much worse. Our politicians, our sue happy society and laws that foster legal action are where your anger should lie.

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