New law requiring helmets in california

As I came to my senses and stopped packing my things to go back where I came from a more sensible thought came to mind. We'll wear the ignorant little hats when we get busted, they'll be the little barely legals with a big oval sticker that simply has FTG on it. I found the stickers online already so now I just need the helmets. I will ensure that they're made in China by a non American company that had no way to lobby for this legislation. Thats the best I came up with and it's a lot less work than moving halfway across the country:)
All I know is this...all those pimped out "4 seat" Teryx's and Rhino's should be REALLY cheap now!:eek:
, I will change my registration to special construction. If I get pulled over by a ranger for having my kids strapped into race seats with helmets on, in my safely constructed 4 seat rhino. I will fight the ticket.

Rusty your saying that being of specialty construction will make you exemt? my fathers rhino is 2200cc and special construction is how az did his title and registation. All i know is that when at glamis when you head to gecko for the sand drags i always just go up aways from the rangers who stop everybody at osborne lookout who check to see for tags and make sure your legal

My mother now is technically not allowed to ride cuz she is short. what the hell is she suppose to do now not go to glamis??

I do think we all as sxs owners who have these for our families, those with say a wife or gfriend whatever and how this now is taking away. Find a lawyer and talk to him i believe with ASA and us the sxs owners throw up money for a lawyer if we can. I'd gladly throw 500 in if we can get a massive lawsuit on the infringement on us owners and now how we have lost this use for our.
38604. A person operating a recreational off-highway vehicle shall not
ride with a passenger, unless the passenger, while seated upright with his
or her back against the seatback with both feet flat on the floorboard, can
grasp the occupant handhold with the seatbelt and shoulder belt or safety
harness properly fastened.[/quote]

i know how to get past this now platform shoes for the feet and like my xmf cage has the OS bar is adjustable, make a longer one if need be :D
Well, I guess after the first big weekend at the dunes, when all the unsuspecting folks show up with their SxSs all tricked out, and the BLM starts handing out tickets. It will become a real quiet place!!!! So, all of us here in AZ that go to the dunes, that have valid plates, registration, titles etc... does this mean we have to fall in step too???? They banned the manufacture of ATCs but there is still quite a few still running around. Will they grandfather everyone up till now? I love the dunes, this blows!:mad:
Has a steering wheel for steering control.

As pointed out on another forum....

hhhmmmm. A handlebar would exclude a machine, any ideas on fabbing one up that wouldn't be more painful than a helmet? I would put my FTG sticker right in the middle of it. Loopholes are awesome :)
I just bought two new helmets today. I got one for you Slacker. 2,4,1 sale.


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F-U California and the morons whom elected the morons who passed this bul!shit bill. Goodluck trying to catch me and as for Kawi-Green machine I will never buy any of your shitty ass products!!!!!!!!
Guys lay off Kawi. All the Manufacturers supported this!!!!!!

Joey, I wouldn't go so far as to say "supported" this. It sounds like they were coerced into agreeing. They were probably going to be handed some dumb ass regulations that would have stopped UTV production all together unless they agreed to support it.
The only way to change this is to voice your concerns, as for me i have contacted Paul Cook through his website. See letter below. The link to his site is when inputing your comments you will need to use an address in his district, I used the Yucaipa city hall address 34272 Yucaipa Boulevard yucaipa, CA 92399.
Please voice your oppinion to Mr. Cook as well as your local congressman.

AB 1595 Chapter 165
Mr. Cook I am writing to you in opposition of your AB 1595 where you are imposing that I wear a helmet while being in my UTV and the portion of your bill that states while seated upright with his or her back against the seatback with both feet flat on the floorboard, can grasp the occupant handhold with the seatbelt and shoulder belt or safety harness properly fastened. The last portion will obviously stop me from taking my children for rides in my UTV.
When building my UTV safety was my first concern as I had a fully enclosed roll cage as well as 4 point harnesses installed to replace the useless manufacture roll cage and seatbelts. Now this bill is telling me that I can not use my UTV with my family.
I believe that family is the most important aspect of life in my young children's life and spending as much time as I can with them is my priority.
When the UTV industry started to expand this gave me the opportunity to combine my love of the outdoors and offroading and family time. Now this bill will take that away.
Our vacations and leisure time revolves around our RV and UTV with trips through out CA to places like mammoth, Big Bear, and Glamis. Now I will have to take into consideration this bill when planning my next trip and as of now it will probably out of state. Not only does this law take away a freedom that I once had but will also affect the already beaten up economy hear in CA.

On your website you state that you have spent a lifetime defending America and the values that make us strong, well Mr. Cook I feel this bill is the exact opposite of that. I will be in contact with my congressman and will look into how I can oppose or overturn this bill. Excuse my ignorance as I am not sure how that can be done but be sure that I will pursue this as it affects my lifestyle, rights and values that I too have fought for as a Marine and a voting citizen of this great country.
Aaron Juarez

Joey, I wouldn't go so far as to say "supported" this. It sounds like they were coerced into agreeing. They were probably going to be handed some dumb ass regulations that would have stopped UTV production all together unless they agreed to support it.

You are correct..... I shouldn't say SUPPORTED...

The only way to change this is to voice your concerns, as for me i have contacted Paul Cook through his website. See letter below. The link to his site is when inputing your comments you will need to use an address in his district, I used the Yucaipa city hall address 34272 Yucaipa Boulevard yucaipa, CA 92399.
Please voice your oppinion to Mr. Cook as well as your local congressman.

AB 1595 Chapter 165
Mr. Cook I am writing to you in opposition of your AB 1595 where you are imposing that I wear a helmet while being in my UTV and the portion of your bill that states while seated upright with his or her back against the seatback with both feet flat on the floorboard, can grasp the occupant handhold with the seatbelt and shoulder belt or safety harness properly fastened. The last portion will obviously stop me from taking my children for rides in my UTV.
When building my UTV safety was my first concern as I had a fully enclosed roll cage as well as 4 point harnesses installed to replace the useless manufacture roll cage and seatbelts. Now this bill is telling me that I can not use my UTV with my family.
I believe that family is the most important aspect of life in my young children's life and spending as much time as I can with them is my priority.
When the UTV industry started to expand this gave me the opportunity to combine my love of the outdoors and offroading and family time. Now this bill will take that away.
Our vacations and leisure time revolves around our RV and UTV with trips through out CA to places like mammoth, Big Bear, and Glamis. Now I will have to take into consideration this bill when planning my next trip and as of now it will probably out of state. Not only does this law take away a freedom that I once had but will also affect the already beaten up economy hear in CA.

On your website you state that you have spent a lifetime defending America and the values that make us strong, well Mr. Cook I feel this bill is the exact opposite of that. I will be in contact with my congressman and will look into how I can oppose or overturn this bill. Excuse my ignorance as I am not sure how that can be done but be sure that I will pursue this as it affects my lifestyle, rights and values that I too have fought for as a Marine and a voting citizen of this great country.
Aaron Juarez

Very well done Aaron!
Please take the time today to make your voice herd. Everyone, please call the numbers listed below and tell them "POLITELY" your concerns and issue with the laws. Take 5 mins and make some notes before you call. Understand each item you want to discuss before calling. Don't "Papa Bear" them for lack of a better word. Let's join forces today and make a difference.

Washington office 1-703-416-0444
California office 1-949-255-2560

Papa Bear I had to, your what's hot right now.
Well this new Law is causing friends of mine here in Az to now make the decision as to sell there current UTV and Toy Hauler and do something different and they say they will not be going back to California for any reason and Sadly that means they wont go to Glamis this Season. Kinda Sucks but Im on the fence as to what we will do. :(
This is B.S.... That is why I bought a fully enclosed UTV/SxS so I wouldn't HAVE to wear a helmet if I didn't want to.

So I guess neck injuries from helmets will increase and we can sue because they didn't make us use HANS devices also.

I hope Rugged will trade my brand new unused headsets in for a helmet system.... :D
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Nothing surprises me out of Kalifornia...My 4 seat Teryx utilizes racing approved suspention seats, 5 point safety harnesses, full frame integrated roll cage (0.095 DOM, TIG welded...not that "tip" approved crap from the OEM), full aftermarket LT suspention that doesn't buck my Teryx into uncontrolled positions, full doors and many other upgrades that the OEM can't match. My Teryx is no doubt, 100% safer (even with riders in the back) than an off the floor stock machine.

What does this all mean? Means I'm done riding in Kalifornia, they don't recognize that private business can design and manufacture products that are as safe or safer. They tax you to use their OHV areas, then the rangers hassle you the entire time your out there. My Teryx is registered as street legal, yet Kalifornia refuses to recognize the license plate and registration issued by my state.

Bye Glamis, bye Ocotillo Wells...I'll miss riding with my Kalifornia group, however I won't miss giving Kalifornia any of my $ to support the agenda.
This is B.S.... That is why I bought a fully enclosed UTV/SxS so I wouldn't HAVE to wear a helmet if I didn't want to.

So I guess neck injuries from helmets will increase and we can sue because they didn't make us use HANS devices also.

I hope Rugged will trade my brand new unused headsets in for a helmet system....
Yep, give us a call over here at the shop and we will be more than happy to help you out!
Yep, give us a call over here at the shop and we will be more than happy to help you out!

I know you will.... Thanks. I still have a few months to decide my own fate... so I will probably use the headsets as long as possible then get setup w/ helmet kits :mad:

P.S. I really feel for all you folks with smaller kids and this dumb-a$$ new law... as many of you have already said it's just one more chop at the family unit and one more activity we have to endure over regulation.... esssshhhhhhhh
I just spoke with Phil Lighty @ the Washington office. This is a law. The manufactures provided a lot of the detail spelled out.

1. 38603. A person operating a recreational off-highway vehicle shall notallow a passenger to occupy a separate seat location not designed and provided by the manufacturer for a passenger.
No additional seats can be added. The manufactures designed the vehicles to carry two, four or six people. This law is retroactive. So do not think because you built a car prior to the law being created you are clear.<O:p</O:p

2. 38604: A person operating a recreational off-highway vehicle shall not <O:p</O:pride with a passenger, unless the passenger, while seated upright with his <O:p</O:por her back against the seatback with both feet flat on the floorboard, can <O:p</O:pgrasp the occupant handhold with the seatbelt and shoulder belt or safety <O:pharness properly fastened.

<O:pThe OEM's of these ROV's do not feel anyone under a certain height can ride safely in one of these machines. They feel your feet need to be firmly planted, but in the seat and your back pressed firmly into the back rest all while grasping the grab handle. (To me it sounds like someone that is braced for a crash). Based on some information gathered from the WEB on average weight and height charts. My children should be able to safely ride in a ROV around age 10 or 50" tall. This is a huge setback for family sports.<O:p<O:p</O:p

Please take the time to contact the ROHVA and share your opinion. I thought these new laws were designed to force the Rhino into extinction and increase the sales of the new 4 seat models but the passenger height/size restriction pushes me out of the UTV market all together. I think all we can do is rise up in numbers and be heard. If you will not at least make a 5-minute phone call than I guess people really don’t care. I hope everyone takes 5 minutes out of your day to call. <O:p
I did some research, and I am still doing more. There is never a good time for regulations, but last week and this week are possibly the worst time I have seen in a long time.

Johnson Valley FEIS was released on Friday, This UTV law, and the stuff going on with Parks, Eldorado, and Bla Bla Bla. :mad:

So far.
The Consumer Products Safety Commission has every intention of shutting down UTV sales nationally. California always leads the way.

ROHVA (which is part of MIC) and its manufacture based membership. (ALL of them, not just Kawasaki) introduced this bill in an effort to save the product line. If you say F Kawasaki, you should say F all of them. How Kawasaki ended up attached to the bill is beyond me, but it was another manufacture that donated money above and beyond the rest.

Now I am going to step outside my comfort level, and give you my opinion.

There is a war being waged every day in our government, from the top down to your local city . The rules have so drastically changed from our nations fathers vision, that it is almost impossible to tell right from wrong. We have become so over run with personal and corporate influence that we now create legislation in an effort to stop legislation. We need to take back our government. IMHO we need a third party

You are going to have to stop complaining on the internet, and start getting involved. You can't expect someone else will do it for you. You can pick any OHV access group, and the story is the same.

"how did this happen?"

We are all understaffed and Under Funded. The Johnson Valley FEIS is over 24,000 pages of documents. Someone has to read it all and comment. That's just one example, there are 1000's. (BTW ORBA has spent over $70,000 on Johnson Valley so far and we expect we will have to spend even more.)

Lawsuit you may say?

Who will pay for it?

The Truckhaven Lawsuit which is funded by ASA, ORBA, SDORC, and AMA D 37, with a small donation from Cal 4 wheel, and the TDS club is over $90,000 in investment right now.

Lawsuits are expensive.

After all that, let me ask you one final question.

Which group represents UTV owners best interests?

Currently not one of these groups represents UTV owners exclusively.

Why would any of them spend valuable time, and money to stop this bill from becoming law? Why would any of them lobby against this, or have the knowledge on how best to correct the language so that it makes sense? Do you expect a Jeep owner to understand safety standards for a UTV?

The only people you have right now is ROHVA. Do you want the manufactures to speak for you? I have met Larry Smith at ARRA he is an very smart guy but he is not a UTV guy. That's who ROHVA suggests you to join.

The ISA has no membership, no money, and no power. It will only be able to do something about things like this if it has a voice, and only people who care about UTV's can give it that voice.

A couple part time people can't do much in their spare time but a bunch of dedicated people can affect change.

Do you want to fix this, or bitch about it?

You have just as much power as ROHVA to create a law, but you can't do it getting angry on the internet. You have to learn how to play the same game that those who want to take away our freedoms play.

I can't promise you I have the answers, I can't promise you that the ISA is the be all end all. But UTV owners need a voice, or this is just the beginning of the end for what I think is possibly the best type of vehicle you can buy. I love my UTV's, regardless of the make or model. I want to continue to go off roading, but I am just one guy.

I can't stress to you enough how important the ISA is for this community. Maybe you don't like the people trying to organize it? That's OK vote them out. But WE have to start somewhere. I will be happy to hand over the articles of incorporation if there is an able bodied leader.

October 21st Glamis North KOH. The First ISA convention. 2 board members need to be added, and we need to create some momentum so our voices will be heard. 5 guys who work nonstop can't do it alone. We need your help to build something like this.

Through ORBA I am learning about how a bill can change some of the content of this law, but frankly I don't even know if that makes sense. All of the standards in this law are in your owners manual as guidelines to operate the machine. Perhaps we are better suited to make an effort to influence the national law that I assume is coming.

Personally my wife can't currently ride in our Teryx4. But I will quickly fix that problem with a small adjustment of the seat. I have already figured out a fix for small children as well. I hate helmet laws. I don't like them on my Harley, and I don't wear a street legal helmet when I ride, but I still ride. That is the message I am trying to get across here. Right now we can still ride, we will overcome this, but we might not be as lucky next time. It is done, now lets talk about how we can fix things.

The UTV market is the fastest growing segment of Off Road. We have the numbers, to sit at the table, its time we took that seat.

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