Cause California likes to be the lead on things like this, CARB, EPA, Air Quality, yadda yadda yadda, California puts its hand in it and the other sheep states follow.
It will spread.
You will never outvote the sheeple................Sorry but its the truth, I worked for the State for 15 years, have lived all over the state and worked in most of it. 50%+1 is all they need, almost 40 years of leadership by a select few have led this state to its current path. I live here cause I can afford it, the weather is unmatched and my wife says so But I am not gonna support the way it is run or headed, Voting does not matter anymore as one side is now entirely negated, not that they were really on our with your feet and move out. California Sucks and the Cities are all filing BK and its just getting worse.
For your information Papa This law was thunk up and introduced by a GD Republican Paul Cook representative for our district which includes Johnson Valley where I live!Remember you have to Pass it to find out what is in it! GD Dumocrats! Didn't realize so many where dying from head trauma? But the Nanny State has to take care of us!
Don't worry they'll pass a law about it soon! Oh, I think there already is one and some of the Color Police have commented!
I feel better now, carry on.
This is unreal. Looks like my family trips will not be to the California deserts and possibly not in a UTV at all.
Hey Rusty, lets just plan our trip to Moab, Coral Pink, etc now! F-This place!
Whose ass can we kick, whose face can we scream in?
Everyone of the MFs is UNION Backed and elected Dumocrats! They will ruin this state in the next, oh ya they already have! Sounds like Polaris will have to come up with 1002CC for Kalifornia! Please VOTE and SUPPORT THOSE who will SUPPORT US!