New law requiring helmets in california

Since we are all ranting here, I figured maybe someone can explain to me how the hell can DENNY'S now accept "EBT" I saw this on my way to work tonight, WTF!!!!! If anyone has seen the movie "Idiocracy" you'll know what's coming... and for those that have, don't bother me, "I'm BATING" the rest of the nite :rolleyes:
I'll use "most" as a general term...not meaning all, not meaning some, but just a general rule of thumb.... "most" LEO look for IDIOTS!!! people blatantly not observing the "law" most "IDIOTS" find the LEO, it's rather quite amusing..... anyways if you and you're passengers are cruising normally with their helmets on of course, I highly doubt they are coming after you, but on the other hand you act like a fool, push their buttons trying to prove your point, expect them to push back, just saying, common sense ..... Again, I don't agree with the law, just stating how I'd handle the situation. Look for my registration on my rzr, you won't find it, but I'll gladly show them if I am stopped, and it has happened at Jawbone. Be friendly, show them your paperwork, and you're on your way. Ask the guy that didn't have his stuff, the guy that asked for a break, It's a hassle for them to look you up, they would rather spend time going after real crooks, but when your given lemons, you make lemonade....
Okay, so what manufacturer is gonna be the first out with a 1000CC + SXS? Is it even legal... I thought there was a 1000cc cap on SXS's as ATVs.
This sucks, all the money we have put out to make our sxs's better than from the factory. Better seat belts, better suspension, better roll cages all to make the vehicle safer to operate and safer for our families and the Jerry Brown in all his douchebag best effort pulls another stunt to criple the people of Cali. This state sucks. maybe all the tickets the Rangers pass out can pay for his stupid trin to nowhere
Anyonw interested in an R1 rhino? My car is officially for sale....I am not wearing a F**K'n helmet to go riding.:mad:
Well it says up to 1000cc. It shouldnt take much to make that R1 a little bigger

Only problems is proving its over a 1000cc, my bet is going to be they will go off of what your regerstration says.
California is full of wack jobs making these laws. Looks like I will be getting a lot of tickets next year. These are two laws that go to far.

38603. A person operating a recreational off-highway vehicle shall not allow a passenger to occupy a separate seat location not designed and provided by the manufacturer for a passenger.

Basically: no more 4 seat conversions for Rhino, Teryx, Artic Cat, Rangers and Can Am.

38604. A person operating a recreational off-highway vehicle shall not ride with a passenger, unless the passenger, while seated upright with his or her back against the seatback with both feet flat on the floorboard, can grasp the occupant handhold with the seatbelt and shoulder belt or safety harness properly fastened.

This law is really stupid. Most kids and some adults will no longer be able to ride as a passenger. I suggest mounting up some gopro's so when you get pulled you have proof to show the court that this law is fucktarded.

Thanks for nothing California. If you want something from this state you have to be poor and looking for a hand out. Next it's going to be illegal to be logical and responsible!
This law is really stupid. Most kids and some adults will no longer be able to ride as a passenger. I suggest mounting up some gopro's so when you get pulled you have proof to show the court that this law is fucktarded.

LOL!! That's awesome!!

Option #2:
Turbo kit on your ride, so the basterds can't even catch up to you to present you with your ticket??
This is unreal. Looks like my family trips will not be to the California deserts and possibly not in a UTV at all.

Hey Rusty, lets just plan our trip to Moab, Coral Pink, etc now! F-This place!

Whose ass can we kick, whose face can we scream in?
Do I have to be the voice of reason?;)

I think I posted this already but I will say it again. Sometimes things like this are chess moves to block something worse. Word I am getting is the the Consumer Products Safety Commission was looking for a full ban, based on all the Yamaha BS. I can't verify this yet.

I don't have a full understanding, but my limited knowledge is telling me to calm down and search out greater details.

The Floorboard issue is about the only thing I think is retarded. Helmets I can live with if it keeps UTV's legal. Belts I already use. Grab handle is a no brainier.

I can easily modify my machine so my wife can meet the letter of the law. If I had kids I am sure I could meet the requirement. I already figured out how to make a sub floor for the back seat of my Teryx 4, it took about 5 minutes.

I don't support this law, I think its retarded because of the floorboard, but since i work in this circle of law generation and OHV access, I have to believe that a Republican law maker who has supported OHV issues in the past might have something else at play. I don't think MIC would support something that would chop half of its members sales into the dump.

There is more to this story, and it was kept quiet for a reason beyond screwing us OHV people.
How can they enforce the rear seat law? If your was done prior to law, the US Constitution prevents ex post facto...
Nothing shocks me about this state or country anymore for that matter. Hell, they have been trying to put small business's like me out of business for years now, and I'm still here. With that being said, I'll be the one ripping through the beautiful bowls of Glamis CALIFORNIA helmet less, yup me! Good luck enforcing that crap California.

Unfortunatley this is just more of the same Nazi crap they have been doing to us for years. And I'm sad to say it will only get worse. Amazing what they can come up with and PASS while we're all sleeping...
Nothing shocks me about this state or country anymore for that matter. Hell, they have been trying to put small business's like me out of business for years now, and I'm still here. With that being said, I'll be the one ripping through the beautiful bowls of Glamis CALIFORNIA helmet less, yup me! Good luck enforcing that crap California.

Unfortunatley this is just more of the same Nazi crap they have been doing to us for years. And I'm sad to say it will only get worse. Amazing what they can come up with and PASS while we're all sleeping...


Looks like ill need you guys to build me a new two seat cage.
after my last meeting at the aat meeting( adopt -a-trail ), an the tahoe ban . I think thay mite be thinking the same thing for san bernadino mtn. make harsh laws, than ban utv from the mountians. hope not
If you look at this law, much of it is in accordance with most of the posted safety stuff on UTVs these days. I agree with Jeff about the could be a matter of this. Rather than ban UTVs altogether, perhaps the ROHV worked with legislature to develop some of these laws? Purely speculation on my part....but it makes sense.

Helmet law? Really? How bad can this be? I wear a helmet in my SR1 when I'm riding recreationally does whoever is my passenger. I make my kids wear them in other people's UTVs. I see this as preserving my right to even BUY a UTV in the future, because if helmets are mandatory, it will result in FAR less injuries from people who are idiots and roll their UTVs while NOT wearing a helmet.

16 years or older as an operator? YES! I fully agree with this. Coming from someone who has watched countless little kids driving their parent's UTVs in the pits and at the dunes llike little terrors in camp while their parents aren't even around. It's a shame we couldn't police ourselves on this, but hey....I really am not upset by this one. Yes, there are some kids who can drive well, but the majority.......yeesh.

No additional non-OEM seats? I have never been a fan of aftermarket or home-made four-seater UTVs anyway. Weight bias is all wrong when it's not made from the factory that way......(except for a few really well done 4-seat XPs and RZRs that were stretched before Polaris actually made them) I have seen some things come through our shop that I would NEVER allow anyone to ride in.....can't say as I'm super upset about this one, either.

The feet on the floor dealio? Meh.....makes sense, since this, again, is something that UTV labels also strongly suggest.

Yeah, it sucks that more laws are being made to protect us from ourselves......if everyone had OUR common sense, it wouldn't be a problem. But everyone doesn't. And I'd much rather deal with these laws than have an entire industry that I love be banned (UTV's, in particular).

I'm sure this isn't a popular opinion, but it's not the end of the world. I'll be at the dunes this season in my SR1 with my helmet on and I'm sure I will still manage to have a LOT of fun! :)

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