If you look at this law, much of it is in accordance with most of the posted safety stuff on UTVs these days. I agree with Jeff about the CPSC.....it could be a matter of this. Rather than ban UTVs altogether, perhaps the ROHV worked with legislature to develop some of these laws? Purely speculation on my part....but it makes sense.
Helmet law? Really? How bad can this be? I wear a helmet in my SR1 when I'm riding recreationally anyway....so does whoever is my passenger. I make my kids wear them in other people's UTVs. I see this as preserving my right to even BUY a UTV in the future, because if helmets are mandatory, it will result in FAR less injuries from people who are idiots and roll their UTVs while NOT wearing a helmet.
16 years or older as an operator? YES! I fully agree with this. Coming from someone who has watched countless little kids driving their parent's UTVs in the pits and at the dunes llike little terrors in camp while their parents aren't even around. It's a shame we couldn't police ourselves on this, but hey....I really am not upset by this one. Yes, there are some kids who can drive well, but the majority.......yeesh.
No additional non-OEM seats? I have never been a fan of aftermarket or home-made four-seater UTVs anyway. Weight bias is all wrong when it's not made from the factory that way......(except for a few really well done 4-seat XPs and RZRs that were stretched before Polaris actually made them) I have seen some things come through our shop that I would NEVER allow anyone to ride in.....can't say as I'm super upset about this one, either.
The feet on the floor dealio? Meh.....makes sense, since this, again, is something that UTV labels also strongly suggest.
Yeah, it sucks that more laws are being made to protect us from ourselves......if everyone had OUR common sense, it wouldn't be a problem. But everyone doesn't. And I'd much rather deal with these laws than have an entire industry that I love be banned (UTV's, in particular).
I'm sure this isn't a popular opinion, but it's not the end of the world. I'll be at the dunes this season in my SR1 with my helmet on and I'm sure I will still manage to have a LOT of fun!