New law requiring helmets in california

Get This Shit. Went to Lake Powell last week and it cost $50 to enter the park with a truck and a Boat. I was like WOW. Next year's fees will probably like always go up again too. Government just Taxes us to Death.
Make OffRoading Great Again. Make Boating Great Again.
Make Duning Great Again.
Fire these career Politicians

Sent from my Magic Wand!
Completely agree. I hate that off roading has become a cash cow for the Federal Government. There are a bunch of government agencies that need to be abolished. Even Arizona is starting in it with their state land permits. Why in the hell should we have to pay to use state land???

The state land permits have been required for a long time. This is not a new thing, they are just starting to enforce it more evenly across the state now.

Before when you had a state land permit it was like the golden ticket, you could ride in all of the land close to town.
The state land permits have been required for a long time. This is not a new thing, they are just starting to enforce it more evenly across the state now.

Before when you had a state land permit it was like the golden ticket, you could ride in all of the land close to town.
I still ride on some state land that I'm not sure if that permit will fly. Lol

Sent from my Magic Wand!
The state land permits have been required for a long time. This is not a new thing, they are just starting to enforce it more evenly across the state now.

Before when you had a state land permit it was like the golden ticket, you could ride in all of the land close to town.
Yeah, I know but I live in a small town and basically grew up in the desert. I had never seen anyone get a ticket for not having a state land permit until recently. Good thing my hunting license works and I always have a gun with me! lol

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