New law requiring helmets in california

Yeah that's the site I use to track it's progress. I even have an email alert setup with that site to let me know when anything happens with this bill. Also there's another bill out to do the same AB-64. But it hasn't move as well as SB-234 has.
Once lodged, this crap won’t budge even with a pound of ex-lax; I wish ALL the restrictions Cook brought down on us would magically go away (especially the senseless “helmet†law) but have my doubts about any of it, including the JV “dealâ€.
I disagree. This bill has a chance. It could have easily gone away already in committee. Plus this one is a CORVA sponsored bill they did their homework with manufactures to get this bill written so that they would all agree with it. But this bill does not make helmets go away that is something the manufactures would not let be taken out. I was told this by CORVA.
As far as Crook is concerned he screwed us all and will continue to screw the off road community. Any that believe different about this guy is lying to themselves.
I get everyone's pissed off about the past presidents endorsements but they are "past" not present presidents. CORVA as a body did not endorse him. But I feel CORVA is about the offroad community's only option. Know one else stepped up and talked to manufactures to get legislation written to help fix what Crook f'd up. There was a lot of talk about trying to help get something done by others but it turned out to be talk. So I have decided my support and financial support will be with CORVA. Plus CORVA had always called or emailed me back when ever I have attempted contact to discus helping the UTV community.
If Crook rounds up more co-sponsorship for his JV bill like that of Representative McKeon, gets the bill through the House and Senate, saves JV (verses military budget cuts halting the deal).

I’ll take back what I’ve said about people and organizations that support him, such as the “Past†presidents of Ham/Waldheim Enterprises.

However, I will not forget how he screwed us and do not trust that ROHV Industry TOOL . . . period!
I agree with you about Crook and RHOVA they both suck. I am just not quick to through CORVA in the mix because of some rouge asshole that use to be presidents used their name when they shouldn't of. CORVA has done more than anyone else.
Ed runs Ham/Waldheim Enterprises and signed on . . . make of it what you will.

Signatures . . .

Ed Waldheim

Steve Kuehl

David Swoger

Posts like this really put into perspective how quickly the UTV Scene is moving, 4yrs ago we were worried about grandfathering in 4 seat rhinos.

When was the last time you passed one of those on the trail?
Posts like this really put into perspective how quickly the UTV Scene is moving, 4yrs ago we were worried about grandfathering in 4 seat rhinos.

When was the last time you passed one of those on the trail?

Seriously! lol Its moved really fast!
4 years ago today.... Has everyone adjusted??

What you meant to say was; 4 years ago today a poorly written law was snuck in under the radar and many of us came together to fight the biggest legal fight the UTV family had and still has ever fought. Some of us started calling our Representatives daily and hounding Assemblymen Paul Cook for writing and sneaking a UTV bill in a Tax bill through the Assembly floor which was going to hurt the UTV public and keep our children from riding with us.

A year later is when we won back our rights to have kids ride in a UTV. We got older modified 4 seat UTV's like the Rhino grandfathered in, and we got the feet on the floor removed all together from the law.

So while the UTV industry ultimately got what they wanted, we did get back some of our freedoms here in California and got Paul Cooks attention to fix the screwed up law that he later admitted he knew nothing about and that he did not write, only signed. He admited everything but the pocket lining he got from the manufactures via the Rovha org and with that he ran for the Senate.
4 years ago today.... Has everyone adjusted??

I have adjusted, it wasn't hard. I do believe it's a good thing to wear helmets but, I don't think our government should have the right to tell us we have to wear a helmet. My norm is when I am in the rocks crawling I normally don't wear one (unless there is a hairy spot). When I am in the desert or dunes hauling a$$ getting crazy I wear one. Government has there hand in to much.
I have adjusted, it wasn't hard. I do believe it's a good thing to wear helmets but, I don't think our government should have the right to tell us we have to wear a helmet. My norm is when I am in the rocks crawling I normally don't wear one (unless there is a hairy spot). When I am in the desert or dunes hauling a$$ getting crazy I wear one. Government has there hand in to much.
I say the Government at all levels needs to stop trying to save everyone and stop being the Nanny state and quit interfering with natural selection and let the Herd of Dummies thin them selves out but No can't do that and now look what's happening got the weak freaks running the show and calling the shots all up in the Government. Pathetic.

Sent from my Magic Wand!
Completely agree. I hate that off roading has become a cash cow for the Federal Government. There are a bunch of government agencies that need to be abolished. Even Arizona is starting in it with their state land permits. Why in the hell should we have to pay to use state land???

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