Did you know.........
Currently there is not a document that out lines the economic impact of the OHV industry in California? The most powerful tool we have had in raising awareness of the 29 Palms Marine base expansion was an economic impact report around visitors to Johnson Valley. Annually we found that visitors spent roughly $71 Million locally. That's Yucca Valley to Victorville. All in San Bernardino County. Our study found that Johnson Valley injected $2.3B into the national economy.
Our entire culture needs to get into the habit of keeping track of the money it spends, because I believe that is about the only thing that matters to politicians. Well that and getting re-elected.
I have been trying to raise money to complete a California based Economic Impact Study that will take 18 months.
Stuff takes money, and time, but I firmly believe the OHV industry is generating a lot of income for the State than it knows, and if Legislators knew how much more money we spend than the Bird Watchers we might get a different outcome on some of this stuff.
38604. A person operating a recreational off-highway vehicle shall not
ride with a passenger, unless the passenger, while seated upright with his
<Oor her back against the seatback with both feet flat on the floorboard, can
<Ograsp the occupant handhold with the seatbelt and shoulder belt or safety
<Oharness properly fastened.
This paragraph has been bothering me... I am no lawyer but I work with a bunch of them and I'm going to solicit some opinions but this sounds like a description for being able to reach the handhold not a mandate for feet on the floor.... ???
Using grammar rules... if you take out the descriptive info it says:
"38604. A person operating a recreational off-highway vehicle shall not
<Oride with a passenger, unless the passenger, *** , can
<Ograsp the occupant handhold with the seatbelt and shoulder belt or safety
<Oharness properly fastened."
Am I wrong ?? and how will this be interpreted by LEOs. Maybe a grammatical loop hole or maybe not even intended to require feet on the floor... ??
Thank ORBA, AMA D 37, and the ASA for these answers. They come from Ecologic partners, paid by the those three associations.
Just got off the phone with David Hubbard and the leadership of The three associations listed above. Here is some more information.
1.) Ex Post facto. Does not apply, It would only apply to giving you a ticket for something you did before the bill became law. Example A.) I get pulled over for no helmet next weekend, and they write me a ticket on Jan 1st for that infraction. Example B,) requiring me to smog my 2005 PSD Ford truck. I did not need to get a Diesel smogged when I bought it, but now I do. Same as all the Commercial trucks that are now illegal in the state.
2.) Lawsuit Not a lot of legs unless you can find a plaintiff who can file on the grounds of constitutionality. e.g violates the civil rights of a handicap person. Where you run into problems is two places IMHO with this approach. a.) Watch what you wish for because the manufacture will get heat in the suit, and the vehicle may become very different as a result. b.) The maunfacture operational guide clearly states the requirements that a rider must meet the basic limitations. BTW this is why a lawsuit would be difficult any other way.
3.) Who would fund this. As debated earlier, political ramifications within our industry.
4.) It passed unanimously, who would carry any amendments to the bill?
5.) Can you get around the law with some modifications? Helmets is pretty cut and dry, as is the belts, so that leaves the floor board. I know of two people who are already proto-typing sub floors. I also believe you can change the classification of your 2 seater that was converted to 4 seats to special construction. That gets you around the floor issue IF......
6.) Enforcement. (According to the folks on the call tonight) There is already some talks inside state parks on how best to enforce this. Because it is a California law, I assume BLM and USFS will look to Ca state parks LEO on what is what. Perhaps the next move is influence there?
I will see what I can find out from my contacts at State Parks later this week.
Again this info comes from Ecologic partners they pay the attorney and foster the brain trust that I got this info from.
Hope this helps, sorry if it burst anyone's bubbles.
That is what I have been saying...they can't take something that is previously legal and then declare it illegal. If you look in the CA OHV Guide for Glamis, it even SAYS that 4 Seaters are LEGAL if they have a roll cage and seats with seatbelts. They can't just say its now illegal and can't be used. If the people advising OHV groups in this state can't see that, well its no wonder we are fucked!
That is what I have been saying...they can't take something that is previously legal and then declare it illegal. If you look in the CA OHV Guide for Glamis, it even SAYS that 4 Seaters are LEGAL if they have a roll cage and seats with seatbelts. They can't just say its now illegal and can't be used. If the people advising OHV groups in this state can't see that, well its no wonder we are fucked!