New law requiring helmets in california

Just found this and it is great!

From Gregg Imus who is running for Congress

I have read the summary of AB 1595 and would like to start off by saying that I don’t need Sacramento or Washington telling me what to do or how to live. The duty of government is to protect our individual freedoms, rights and liberties, not take them away from us. I grew up riding dirt bikes and at one time owned 7 off road motorcycles for myself and my family. My wife and I would spend weekends riding with the kids. It was my obligation as a father to teach my kids safety, not the governments. This bill is nothing more than the expansion of government into the privacy of our lives and recreation. AB 1595 tells us that we do not have the ability to know what is best for our families. The arrogance of the Sacramento politicians that feel they know what is best for us is appalling. They can’t even take care of the fiscal crisis that faces the state, and until they fix that mess they should not be allowed to do anything else. After all, they work for us, not us for them.

In Washington I will fight for expanding the use of government land for OHV use. After all, it is our land, not theirs. I will push back the BLM from locking us out of our land. I will work to repeal Feinstein’s Desert Protection Act, Endangered Species Act and Wilderness Protection Acts that have taken away Americans rights to enter the land that is ours. This government we have today is no resemblance of the Constitutional Republic our founders envisioned. It must be our goal to elect leaders who will fight to dramatically reduce the size of government and bring us back to a government that works for the people.
Live Free or Die,
Gregg Imus
Just got this from a "friend"

Cook Proposes Clarifications to Off-Road Vehicle Law
For Immediate Release: August 1, 2012
John Sobel (916) 319-2065

SACRAMENTO - Assemblyman Paul Cook (R-Yucca Valley) responded to the off-road vehicle safety guidelines contained in AB 1595 with the following:

"I'm proposing two deletions to this law to address concerns over restrictions on aftermarket seats and passenger height. My goal is to move these clarifications through the Legislature before the end of session.

"The original bill saw wide support over the course of four committee hearings and one presentation on the floor of each house, with no opposition to the bill from any organization or individual at the time. I'm optimistic that these clarifying changes will find the same bipartisan support."

Anyone seeking more information on these proposed changes should email
It appears Paul Cook is running for the U.S. house of Representatives in district 8. His opponent is Greg Imus. Both are republicans. Not commenting on differences between the 2, but this means that Paul cook will no longer be a member of the california assembly after this session expires on august 31st. All this effort being put into his office may be a total waste of time. All he may be trying to do is provide a good lip service to us ohv users. This new amended bill will unfortunately wont make the docket before the session ends and cooks office will say they made every effort to help us out. They know they are trying to win a different election and frankly this bill will be something he takes to washington and tries to implement nationally. I think if he fails to do anything in this matter all of us whether we live in California or not should look at donating or helping Mr. Greg Imus beat Paul Cook in November.

This shows that our effort needs to be more widespread and not just to Paul cooks office.

(if I don't have all this info totally right please feel free to correct me)
It appears Paul Cook is running for the U.S. house of Representatives in district 8. His opponent is Greg Imus. Both are republicans. Not commenting on differences between the 2, but this means that Paul cook will no longer be a member of the california assembly after this session expires on august 31st. All this effort being put into his office may be a total waste of time. All he may be trying to do is provide a good lip service to us ohv users. This new amended bill will unfortunately wont make the docket before the session ends and cooks office will say they made every effort to help us out. They know they are trying to win a different election and frankly this bill will be something he takes to washington and tries to implement nationally. I think if he fails to do anything in this matter all of us whether we live in California or not should look at donating or helping Mr. Greg Imus beat Paul Cook in November.

This shows that our effort needs to be more widespread and not just to Paul cooks office.

(if I don't have all this info totally right please feel free to correct me)

Cook is termed out, but there is a way it can go this session, I just don't care to explain how, because its not my place.

Not sure what his intention is with this.
I talked to two Legislative Directors today. Paul Cook's and Shanon Grove's. The abbreviated version of my conversations is this. The bill was brought to Cook's office as a draft. It was an attempt to define UTVs (by a group of manufactures) in the California Vehicle Code and lay out basic safety guidelines as law. This was sold to them as needed to help in dealing with lawsuits (of course) in all aspects of that process. The bill flew through all parts of the process including public comment.Now, the important thing is this. THERE WAS NO OPPOSITION. Nothing from CORVA or or any other offroad group. Zip, nada, nill, Nothing. Nobody representing UTV's is watching legislation, it's that simple. Where were these guys? I pay a membership for a group that sells itself as a watchdog for all off road users. What happened? Going forward they're going to try to push a gut and amend bill but that's sketchy and WILL NOT INCLUDE THE HELMET PORTION OF THE BILL.
We have one more who wants to hear from you! . I just spoke to my San Diego (Republican) Senator Joel Anderson's office. He too voted for for this. Senator Anderson has been an advocate for keeping our public land open and supporting OHV use. His office could not explain his reasoning for voting Yes.

Senator Joel Anderson

A Legislative Director told me why this bill went through with out any Republican nays. It was authored by a Republican, it went through 2 committees without any Republican objections and was recommended as a ye vote by Republican consultants. Fact is they have so many bills during the session that they don't all get read. This one, again, having no objections by peers, groups or voters was voted on through. Even if every Republican voted against it the Democrats could have passed it.
I talked to two Legislative Directors today. Paul Cook's and Shanon Grove's. The abbreviated version of my conversations is this. The bill was brought to Cook's office as a draft. It was an attempt to define UTVs (by a group of manufactures) in the California Vehicle Code and lay out basic safety guidelines as law. This was sold to them as needed to help in dealing with lawsuits (of course) in all aspects of that process. The bill flew through all parts of the process including public comment.Now, the important thing is this. THERE WAS NO OPPOSITION. Nothing from CORVA or or any other offroad group. Zip, nada, nill, Nothing. Nobody representing UTV's is watching legislation, it's that simple. Where were these guys? I pay a membership for a group that sells itself as a watchdog for all off road users. What happened? Going forward they're going to try to push a gut and amend bill but that's sketchy and WILL NOT INCLUDE THE HELMET PORTION OF THE BILL.

I to just spoke to someone in the political ring and they feel this press release is a stall tactic by Mr Cook. They said they dont see how he can correct this is a few weeks. It can take a year or more to fix a law once signed. Our Governor has already signed this bill into law. With Cook termed out and wanting to go to Congress (District 8) next year this will wipe him clean of this issue and he will not have to or be able to fix this.

Some other Republicans are looking into this as they feel there are other motives for this Bill and we have yet to find this out.

I was told to keep the heat on Paul Cook and continue to hound his office, Call multiple times, beg everyone you know to call his office.

Then when you get done call your local Assemblyman and Senators office and ask the why they voted for this and did they know all the details about this bill.

Senator Joel Anderson's office is asking people to call in about this. Even if you dont live in this district you should still call. They need to have it on record. Like mentioned they probably said yes as a Republican was pushing the Bill and they never looked at it

Senator Joel Anderson
Its a new day and a new day worth of phone calls to make.

Call both of Paul Cooks offices.
Call your local Assemblyman office
Call you local Senators office.

Let them all know you dont support Paul Cook and his AB 1595 law.

BTW Paul Cook is termed out and will not be running for State Assembly again. So what is his motive to fix this? Also he is going to be running for Congressional District 8 which is a hot topic for the OHV users as the Marines are trying to take Johnson Valley away from the OHV community.

Anyone find it interesting his passes a law restricting how we use our UTV's and now he wants to control area that currently has a lot of OHV land, that the military and the liberals would like to out of the public hands?

Makes you think!
Its a new day and a new day worth of phone calls to make.

Call both of Paul Cooks offices.
Call your local Assemblyman office
Call you local Senators office.

Let them all know you dont support Paul Cook and his AB 1595 law.

BTW Paul Cook is termed out and will not be running for State Assembly again. So what is his motive to fix this? Also he is going to be running for Congressional District 8 which is a hot topic for the OHV users as the Marines are trying to take Johnson Valley away from the OHV community.

Anyone find it interesting his passes a law restricting how we use our UTV's and now he wants to control area that currently has a lot of OHV land, that the military and the liberals would like to out of the public hands?

Makes you think!

To me it's even more reason for us to be cool to him. Jeff Knoll and Mike Lasher have been working tirelessly to help save the hammers for all of us. We need to befriend Cook as to not draw a line against OHV enthusiasts.

Thanks for all your work on this subject NIKAL
To me it's even more reason for us to be cool to him. Jeff Knoll and Mike Lasher have been working tirelessly to help save the hammers for all of us. We need to befriend Cook as to not draw a line against OHV enthusiasts.

Thanks for all your work on this subject NIKAL

Joey the other Republican Candidate that will be running against Paul Cook for Congress District 8 is Gregg Imus. He is staunchly against the AB 1595 law and how it was presented. He is also very much against turning Johnson Valley over to the Marines.

Sometimes knowing you have a rival that could take your votes away can be a very good thing and give us more leverage and power.

If you read Mr Cook's Bio is he a retired Marine Colonel. Who do you really think he is going to back? There is a brotherhood in the Military that runs deep. IMO he will bend the OHV community over to move his way up the ladder.
Also here are more people who need to know how we feel about AB 1595.

These are the real areas this will effect. Brian Jones office knew nothing about this as they have not heard from anyone. They too are concerned as this greatly effects their district.

V Manuel Perez 80th District Assemblymen (Imperial Valley & Glamis)
District Offices
760-342-8047 Indio Office
760-336-8912 El Centro Office

Brian Jones 77th District Assemblymen (East Sand Diego County including Anza-Borrego & Cleveland National Forest)
619-441-2322 Santee Office
916-319-2077 Capitol Office

Juan Vargas District 40 State Senator (Cleveland Forest, Anza Borrego & Glamis)
619-409-7690 Chula Vista Office
760-335-3442 El Centro Office
916-651-4040 Capitol Office.
Joey the other Republican Candidate that will be running against Paul Cook for Congress District 8 is Gregg Imus. He is staunchly against the AB 1595 law and how it was presented. He is also very much against turning Johnson Valley over to the Marines.

Sometimes knowing you have a rival that could take your votes away can be a very good thing and give us more leverage and power.

If you read Mr Cook's Bio is he a retired Marine Colonel. Who do you really think he is going to back? There is a brotherhood in the Military that runs deep. IMO he will bend the OHV community over to move his way up the ladder.

Good to know. We should have the backs of both cook and Imus then! we need these guys to understand how important this lifestyle is to us, our families, and to local off road businesses.
This info was found on another site. It sounds like we have a slimy Attorney who has started this whole mess.

Listen up. Its important to know how this all came about. The culprit here is KEN GLASER and the corporation he just created on his own called ROHVA. Ken Glaser appears to be an attorney who makes a living creating corporations which recieve sponsorship funds from manufacturers. Ken Glaser has trademarked the following 12, yes 12 corporations.

Revive your ride
Right rider access fund
Bike Bonding
KS Rider course
ATV Safety institute
Specialty vehicle institute of america

All of the above were trademarked between 2010 and 2012 accept marauder which is listed as dead.
The ROHVA came out of nowhere in 2011, and clearly they are not acting on behalf of the end user. He has positioned himself to protect liability of manufacturers and to collect "sponsorship funds" to do so. He was able to collect sponsorships from polaris, yamaha, brp, kawasaki, arctic cat ect on this bill and thats where he makes his money. This isnt the last problem Ken Glaser is going to cause in our industry.
This info was found on another site. It sounds like we have a slimy Attorney who has started this whole mess.

Listen up. Its important to know how this all came about. The culprit here is KEN GLASER and the corporation he just created on his own called ROHVA. Ken Glaser appears to be an attorney who makes a living creating corporations which receive sponsorship funds from manufacturers. Ken Glaser has trademarked the following 12, yes 12 corporations.

Revive your ride
Right rider access fund
Bike Bonding
KS Rider course
ATV Safety institute
Specialty vehicle institute of america

All of the above were trademarked between 2010 and 2012 accept marauder which is listed as dead.
The ROHVA came out of nowhere in 2011, and clearly they are not acting on behalf of the end user. He has positioned himself to protect liability of manufacturers and to collect "sponsorship funds" to do so. He was able to collect sponsorships from polaris, yamaha, brp, kawasaki, arctic cat ect on this bill and thats where he makes his money. This isnt the last problem Ken Glaser is going to cause in our industry.

I wrote and then spoke with my assemblyman Mr. Tim Donnelly (R) who represents the 59th Assembly District which includes the Hesperia/Victorville area.

Tim stated that this was passed because of the way it was represented to the assembly. The summaries stated this was to be for a new, never before used, classification of off-road vehicle.

Everyone used the summaries and did not require that it be vetted line by line in the assembly. Tim is very much opposed and is already doing everything he can to repeal this law. The fact that it was miss represented (by the bill author, another republican, which also bothered Tim) and not vetted in the full assembly means it was passed by consent. There are many bills that are written into law this way because of the shear volume of legislation that moves through our state government.

Tim promised he'd do everything in his power to stop this. I'm sure he will and wish him luck and volunteered to do anything I can to help.

He also spoke of this shell group ROHVA and said they were also responsible for seeing this bill through. By what Todd has said above, I guess this makes sense.

Dan ...
I called as an out of state resident, to voice my concerns.

Tim (Paul Cook LA): Very attentive and listened to my concerns. He explained that they are trying to get the two sections remove in this session. I ask about term limits and what happens if the changes do not get made in this session. Tim said he was actively inquiring other assemblymen to carry the torch next session. I also explained my concern over my young children being required to wear helmets. He explained that the "helmet war" is raging in Sac. and they would take it up next session. He assured me that the BLM and rangers were going to be looking for people who "do not show a concern for restraint" when it comes to vehicle safety. I explained that while the guidelines are loose for tickets, I'd expect the law to be clear and not left to ranger interpretation.

Manuel Perez office: Girl who answered the phone was less than interested in anything I had to say. She kept referring me back to Assemblyman Cook's office. I explained that I had already called, but wanted to voice my concern to Mr. Perez's office, as Glamis is within his district...silence, followed by a thank you for calling.
Hot off the press... BTW, Mr. Cook is the Republican Whip....

8/1/2012 Cook Proposes Clarifications to Off-Road Vehicle Law

John Sobel (916) 319-2065 SACRAMENTO - Assemblyman Paul Cook (R-Yucca Valley) responded to the off-road vehicle safety guidelines contained in AB 1595 with the following:
"I'm proposing two deletions to this law to address concerns over restrictions on aftermarket seats and passenger height. My goal is to move these clarifications through the Legislature before the end of session.
"The original bill saw wide support over the course of four committee hearings and one presentation on the floor of each house, with no opposition to the bill from any organization or individual at the time. I'm optimistic that these clarifying changes will find the same bipartisan support."
Anyone seeking more information on these proposed changes should email
Hot off the press... BTW, Mr. Cook is the Republican Whip....

8/1/2012 Cook Proposes Clarifications to Off-Road Vehicle Law

John Sobel (916) 319-2065 SACRAMENTO - Assemblyman Paul Cook (R-Yucca Valley) responded to the off-road vehicle safety guidelines contained in AB 1595 with the following:
"I'm proposing two deletions to this law to address concerns over restrictions on aftermarket seats and passenger height. My goal is to move these clarifications through the Legislature before the end of session.
"The original bill saw wide support over the course of four committee hearings and one presentation on the floor of each house, with no opposition to the bill from any organization or individual at the time. I'm optimistic that these clarifying changes will find the same bipartisan support."
Anyone seeking more information on these proposed changes should email

That was the mass e-mail sent out yesterday to all that called his office. Some others in the political arena are saying this type of letter could be a tactic to calm the masses. It's goal is to make people feel comfortable they are looking into it.

BS! Keep the calls coming! We need him to feel the pressure and let him know we will fight to keep him from winning Congressional District 8 if he does not fix this before his term is up and Legislation is closed until next year.

See if he cant get this fix in 4 weeks then he will not have any authority to fix it next year. His term is over and he has reached his term limit. His only option is to run for another position which is Congressmen.

The District he wants is District 8. This includes Johnson Valley. The Military is currently fighting the OHV community to take Johnson Valley. Mr. Cook is a former Marine. Do you think he will support the OHV community? Hell NO!

If he wrote the stupid bill, he is not looking out for our best interest. Gregg Imus seems to be on our side and has said he will fight to keep our land open and try to get some of the land that Cook and some other other Liberals took away.

Keep calling Cooks offices and let them know you do not support his bill and will not support his election campaign. Even if your not in his district you will do what you can to support his competitor Gregg Imus. Even if that is just an internet campaign.
Here are several assemblymen and Senators that need to hear from you.

These are the real areas this will effect. Brian Jones office knew nothing about this as they have not heard from anyone. They to are concerned as this greatly effects their district.

V Manuel Perez 80th District Assemblymen (Imperial Valley & Glamis)
District Offices
760-342-8047 Indio Office
760-336-8912 El Centro Office

Brian Jones 77th District Assemblymen (East Sand Diego County including Anza-Borrego & Cleveland National Forest)
619-441-2322 Santee Office
916-319-2077 Capitol Office

Juan Vargas District 40 State Senator (Cleveland Forest, Anza Borrego & Glamis)
619-409-7690 Chula Vista Office
760-335-3442 El Centro Office
916-651-4040 Capitol Office.

Senator Joel Anderson
619-596-3136 El Cajon Office
Ask for William If he is unavalible one of the other people will help you

Assemblymen Tim Donnelly (Hesperia- Lucerne Valley)
760-319-5277 Hesperia office
916-319-2059 Capitol office

And last but defiantly not least keep calling Paul Cook's office. Hound them! Keep the pressure on them, and let them know if he does not fix this you will campaign and fight to make sure he is not elected into Congresses 8th District.

909-790-4196 main office
916-319-2065 Capitol office where Tim is at.
quoted from and

Quote: Originally Posted by Tim.Itnyre
Hi, my name is Tim Itnyre and I'm the Legislative Director for Assemblyman Paul Cook. I've spoken with several of you on the phone over the past couple of days about the significant problems in AB 1595. I've been following the discussions in the forum since yesterday and thought that I owed it to you to reach out directly to explain what happened with AB 1595 and to explain what Assemblyman Cook is doing to fix it.

First, here's the background on AB 1595. Last winter, our office was approached by ROHVA (the sponsor of the bill) with proposed language that would add a definition of "recreational off-highway vehicles" to state code and put in place a couple of basic safety regulations. The regulations as we understood them were basic stuff such as having restraints, having a parent or adult directly supervising in vehicle when you have children younger than 16 driving ROHVs, and some sort of helmet law. These regulations were supposed to be pretty minor and there was already some pressure from state agencies to act on this or there was the prospect of some sort of administrative action with no direct accountability to the voters. Running the bill would head off administrative action and give off roaders a lot more opportunity for input during the legislative process. Additionally, Assemblyman Cook knew that by agreeing to be the author of the bill, he would be able to control its contents. Specifically, as it went through hearings any portions of the bill that the off-road community raised objections to could be modified or eliminated. If necessary, the entire bill could be killed with a single phone call if he was the author.

Unfortunately, the legislative process broke down when the legislature heard nothing from the off-road community during the legislative process. The language that makes up AB 1595 was in print from March 29 until it became law on July 24, and during that time, there was not a single individual, group, club, or off-roading organization that raised any objections to the contents of the bill. Because of this, it went through hearings in 4 different committees and passed off the floor of both houses of the legislature without a single "No" vote. A single call, email, or fax at any point during that process would have caused us to halt the bill and fix or kill it entirely.

I'm not trying to pass the buck on this one, we clearly made a mistake by assuming that the silence of the off-roading community meant that there were no complaints or issues with the contents of this bill. I'm just trying to explain to you how it appeared from our perspective. As far as why AB 1595 started as a tax bill, that was because of a pretty common legislative process known as "gut and amend". Because there are limits on how many bills can be introduced adn when they can be introduced, bills that have stalled or failed are often "gutted and amended" into new bills during the process to deal with new issues that come up. AB 1595's sales tax reduction was dead on arrival in Assembly Tax and Revenue Committee, so we gutted and amended it on March 29 to run the Off-Highway Vehicle Safety bill.

That's all the past though and what we're focused on now is the future. There are several provisions of AB 1595 that have been brought to our attention that need an immediate fix. The following two sections have been the focus of about 90% of the calls and emails that we've recieved:

Section 38603: This is the section requiring that factory-installed seats be used. When we had read the bill and talked with the sponsors and state agencies, we had understood that this was supposed to prevent people from "mad max"-style seats strapped on to vehicles with bungee cords, etc that were inherently unsafe. Over the past couple days, the off road community has done an excellent job educating us about the huge market in after market seating, much of which is even safer than the original factory installed seating. This provision is clearly far too broad and would cripple the aftermarket industry in California while leaving countless California offroaders with vehicles that they can no longer legally use.

Section 38604: This section requires that passengers be able to grab the safety handhold while their feet are on the floor and they are fully strapped or harnessed in. When we talked with the sponsors about the bill, we heard that this was a safety requirement to ensure that the harness worked correctly. Unfortunately, we learned after the bill was signed into law and off-roaders began contacting our office that this will prevent children, indivduals with dwarfism, and possibly even amputees from being able to use ROHVs. This was never Assemblyman Cook's intent and is completely unacceptable to him.

The fix that we are running is simple. Both Section 38603 and Section 38604 will be eliminated entirely. Remember what I wrote earlier in the post about "Gut and amends"? That is the method that I'll be using to run the fix and get it passed in the four weeks remaining in legislative session. I've already begun speaking with committee officials from the relevant committes and they all appear very understanding of the problems with these provisions and open to doing what is necessary to move this bill through over the next four weeks. The fix should be in print on monday or tuesday of next week and as soon as it is, I'll post the bill number for the fix on this forum and let you all know what the first committee that it will be assigned to will be.

One other thing that I'd like to briefly touch on: the helmet provision. Unlike the two sections I listed above, there has been significant division in the position of callers vis a vis helmets. There appear to be three camps that I've heard from so far among off-roaders:

1) Those who more or less support the helmet provision as written.

2) Those who would support some sort of helmet law, but want some changes to it.

3) Those who are opposed to any sort of helmet law.

The debate over helmets and vehicles has been going on in California for at least the past 25 years. With the abbreviated four week timeframe, turning the fix bill into the latest chapter in the helmet battle would almost certainly guarantee that the bill is delayed, which will effectively kill it for the year. I'd rather get the two parts that I know we can fix immediately done. Once we get this fix, I would be glad to help you find an author willing to carry a bill fixing the helmet provisions of the law for next year (since Assemblyman Cook will be termed out of the Assembly this December).

Fixing AB 1595 has become Assemblyman Cook's top legislative priority for the remainder of his time in the Assembly and I will be glad to serve as a direct line of communication either here on the forum or via email ( or by calling our Capitol Office (916-319-2065) as we move forward.

Timothy Itnyre
Legislative Director
Office of Assemblyman Paul Cook
This is shocking and I am very surprised, but Manuel Perez's office has not had but maybe two calls about this and they don't seem to know much about it. How can this be? Perez's District 80 covers most of the Imperial Valley including Glamis and the rest of the sand dunes. This law will have a big economic impact on his district and citizens.

V Manuel Perez 80th District Assemblymen (Imperial Valley & Glamis)
District Offices
760-342-8047 Indio Office
760-336-8912 El Centro Office

Also Assemblymen Brian Jones who is an off-roader himself is very displeased about this bill and he to Voted yes. I guess small non argumentative bills like this was suppose to be voted on without everyone taking the time to read them. They get sent though in batches. They are passing hundreds of bills and they dont always get the time to look at them all. (Lame excuse if you as me! Dont be in Politics if you cant read what you are voting or signing.)

I was told that Brian Jones has been in direct contact with Paul Cook and is willing to help him fix this issue. It is still uncertain if this can actually be fixed? The reason why is even if they can draw up an amended bill in time. It still needs to be voted on and that is counting on some Democrats voting Yes on the amendments to help get a majority vote.

So even if your local constituents are Democratic YOU need to call them about your displesure about this bill passing. Because they will need to vote and past the amended bill. If it does not get a majority vote the amended bill will lose and the current will stand.

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