New law requiring helmets in california

I just called Perez's office and spoke to Rachel. Wow talk about getting a feeling that someone does not give a shit. I asked her why Perez would vote yes on something that would cause the Imperial Valley to lose revenue she hadno answer. Well the answer she gave me was " you should call our Sacramento office at 916-319-2080 and speak to Orazco Gonzalez we dont have many political anwers" WTF So make the call to Gonzalez as well
PLEASE CALL AMY at Gonsalezes office in Sacramento. They are in charge of the 80th district and have no idea why this went through since they know how much Ca and AZ put into the community. I was told by her that if there is no opposition that thay pass bill thinking its cool. 916-319-2080

She said they will get in contact with Cooks office so lets get the pressure shifted around and let everyone know
You know what I find awesome about all of this, we are actually making an impact. We, ladies and gentlemen, are changing a law, that's powerful. This is proof we can do it, now let's use this momentum to keep moving forward. This is just the tip of the iceberg and let's don't stop here!

Good going all, give yourself a hand....

Next week we are going to need this kind of action to save the Johnson Valley OHV area. I know I can depend on this new found momentum from the UTV community. Feels good to affect change doesn't it? Stay tuned I will post instruction later, we have a planning meeting in 10 minutes. Go get em guys you are being good Americans.
Well, there is your voice. It was all you guy's that made the calls, sent the e mails and responded on the forums that made the sections 38603 and Section 38604 be put up for elimination. Pat yourselves on the back for what you all have done. You don't need 1 voice speaking for the entire off-roading community.

I strongly believe that the manufacturers were behind this to increase their bottom line by knocking out the aftermarket company's and by this bill only allowing 4 seaters to be legal if built by them. I don't care what anybody say's.

Anyway, good luck to you guy's and let this be a lesson to all of us no matter where we live.
Next week we are going to need this kind of action to save the Johnson Valley OHV area. I know I can depend on this new found momentum from the UTV community. Feels good to affect change doesn't it? Stay tuned I will post instruction later, we have a planning meeting in 10 minutes. Go get em guys you are being good Americans.

Jeff you better believe we will be ready to do the same for Johnson Valley. We just need direction and info on who to call.

I am so surprised on how everyone on here stepped up and yet on RDC which is suppose to be the premier off-road site, they just sit on their butts and watches the Government take way our land and rights. I posted this same info about AB 1595 and no one has posted but me! WTF?

But nerf a guy too hard and you will see 20 pages of bench racers telling you who was at fault.

Now back to AB 1595!

Most offices open at 8am. Be the first to call. This will let them know until this is resolved this is how there days will be starting!
About time the Asa gets on board.

ASA News :* New CA Law Will Impact How You Operate Your SXS
Many people have contacted us to express concerns regarding the newly passed AB 1595 which changes the vehicle code to define a Recreational Off-Highway Vehicle (ROV) and establishes requirements for their operation, which includes requirements to wear helmets, seat belts, driving age limits, physical size requirements and prohibits modifications to add seating.*

In response to the surprise passage of this law, the ASA has been in contact with the Recreational Off-Highway Vehicle Association (ROHVA) which is the vehicle manufacturer organization that sponsored AB 1595.* They are currently accepting inquiries regarding the law that will go into effect on January 1, 2013.* All questions should be directed to their Washington, DC office by calling (703) 416-0444 or emailing *
ROHVA recently released a statement providing further information about the recently passed legislation. "AB 1595 contains five provisions regulating the use of ROVs in California. Each of those requirements directly address hazards identified by the Consumer Product Safety Council in incidents resulting in serious injuries and fatalities. In order to ensure that ROVs continue to be available, and safely used, it is critical that industry and enthusiasts support legislation to ensure the vehicles are used as designed and recommended by the manufacturers."

The California Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation Division (OHMVR Division) is the agency responsible for administering the law. The ASA has been in discussions with the Division to determine how they intend to enforce the new law.* At this time, the Division is still int he process of reviewing AB 1595 and will not make an immediate determination until they have adequate time to conduct their review.* In the meantime, the OHMVR Division would like to receive input regarding your legitimate concerns.* They understand that the law is somewhat vague and your input may help them determine the best way to enforce it.

Please note that the OHMVR Division did not create this law, they are the agency responsible for disseminating information to the law enforcement agencies that have to enforce it.* They are creating an email address for the public to submit questions to one central location and it will be available in about a week.* We will provide it to you as soon as it is received. Please be respectful when contacting these agencies.

The ASA has also been in contact with the Yucaipa and Sacramento offices of Assemblyman Paul Cook who carried AB 1595. They are currently working on supplemental legislation to amend items 38603 and 38604 pertaining to ROVs.* A press release was issued by Assemblyman Cook's office responding to the off-road vehicle safety guidelines contained in AB 1595 with the following: "I'm proposing two deletions to this law to address concerns over restrictions on aftermarket seats and passenger height. My goal is to move these clarifications through the Legislature before the end of session." *
We've been told the supplemental legislation should receive a bill number early next week.* At that time, ASA will provide our membership the guidance required to contact Assemblyman Cook and your own legislators. If you feel that this legislation is flawed, we will be asking you to take this opportunity to voice your opinion to those who can reverse the negative impacts before they an take effect.

The ASA knows that our members have many concerns regarding this new law. We assure you that we are staying on top of this matter and will keep you up to date on the latest information as it becomes available.
More information regarding AB 1595 can be found on the State of California's Legislative website Here
Jeff you better believe we will be ready to do the same for Johnson Valley. We just need direction and info on who to call.

I am so surprised on how everyone on here stepped up and yet on RDC which is suppose to be the premier off-road site, they just sit on their butts and watches the Government take way our land and rights. I posted this same info about AB 1595 and no one has posted but me! WTF?

But nerf a guy too hard and you will see 20 pages of bench racers telling you who was at fault.

Now back to AB 1595!

Most offices open at 8am. Be the first to call. This will let them know until this is resolved this is how there days will be starting!

The RDC thing doesn't surprise me as they are primarily there in regards to racing. I am not defending but sites like ours, RF, GD are mainly enthusiast driven. RDC came in HUGE when the Cal 200 accident happened as did UTVUG but yet RF's and other sites just sat on their hands. IT goes both ways.
We have one job and that it to continue calling and letting our voices be heard, Without it we will lose this battle and the next battle to come. If they push we need to scream even louder! Our job is to call them at 8am and let them know this will be the first call they will receive every day until this is resolved.

The ASA released a Press Release, which I will not post. It is a total joke. I would prefer it not get posted because some might do as they suggest. One suggestion was to call the ROHVA and let them know how we feel about the bill they are sponsoring. What the hell is that going to do!!! They are lawyers paid to push these bills and they dont care about us or our feelings. They are the enemy! If they support us they dont get paid.

And then later the ASA would give their members contact info to reach Cook and your legislators. We dont need them for that, We are doing that now! It was us that told the ASA about this. They dropped the ball.

We need to focus on what we have been doing. That is to flood these Legislators office with calls. So far it has been working. Dont waist your time calling the enemy. That is what they want you to do. Then you are focusing on them and not the ones who can fix and change the issues.
Plus you are giving them info and ammo to use against us.

Think of us as the OHV Tea Party! We are stronger as a community than being heard though a single entity. We just need to stand up and be heard over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over. Get my point. They make one call, we make thousands!


Here is another one I will be calling in the morning. I'm thinking the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) would like to know about this law that Paul Cook wrote and that Jerry Brown signed.

The ADA is a huge org and does not take lightly to laws passed that discriminate against people with disabilities. This could be the final straw that makes sure this gets fixed. If not they could have some serous lawsuits filed on behalf of the ADA. The ADA has their own lawyers too!

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Open 10:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m Eastern Time

800-514-0301 (Long automated message, Dial 7 for assistance)
Or (202) 307-0663
So I just recently joined the forum and have loved all the information but this new law is going to destroy the dunes for my family. I have a rhino with an aftermarket cage and more important I have a 7 year old son with downs syndrome you absolutly loves the dune trips we make. I was just going to bite the bullit and by a new 4 seater but his feet won't touch the ground. I think this is one of the times my son Tanner feels normal he see's all the other kids in the back of the sand cars and utvs and he is no different. The kid will ride 24 hours a day I can't keep up with him it has gotten to the point he will take his nap strapped in so he doesn't miss anyting. We do live in AZ please let me know what I can do to help.
It sounds like we are on the right track w/ the 2 sections that have been focused on. Hopefully it will go as stated above.

<O:pBUT I do think we ALL need to get on the same page on the helmet section. I do not want to be told I have to wear a helmet when I am properly restrained and in a cage.

Those of you that think I/We should wear helmets are certainly entitled to do so, but please don't mandate that I have to. Nobody is telling you that you can't wear one If YOU WANT.

If it becomes law that we must wear helmets then what is next shoes, pants, long sleeve shirts ?? All of which are not bad ideas depending on the terrain and riding conditions but should be left to me to decide.

So lets take a united stand against over regulation in any form that takes our freedom of choice. Helmets included.

Thanks for all the hard work so far and keep up the calls and letters.<O:p</O:p
So I just recently joined the forum and have loved all the information but this new law is going to destroy the dunes for my family. I have a rhino with an aftermarket cage and more important I have a 7 year old son with downs syndrome you absolutly loves the dune trips we make. I was just going to bite the bullit and by a new 4 seater but his feet won't touch the ground. I think this is one of the times my son Tanner feels normal he see's all the other kids in the back of the sand cars and utvs and he is no different. The kid will ride 24 hours a day I can't keep up with him it has gotten to the point he will take his nap strapped in so he doesn't miss anyting. We do live in AZ please let me know what I can do to help.


YOU need to call Paul Cook's office ASAP! Explain what this is going to do to you and your family. Let them know you are going to be contacting The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and filing a complaint. Get a compaint started ASAP. The ADA might say the law needs to be in effect, but you can get all the info you need to start proceeding with this. The ADA will assign you a agent and get you a lawyer if need be.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Open 10:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m Eastern Time
800-514-0301 (Long automated message, Dial 7 for assistance)
Or (202) 307-0663

This could be the straw that brakes the camels back and causes the State to throw the whole bill out and keep them from pushing this law into other states.
I just spoke with Phil Lighty @ the Washington office. This is a law. The manufactures provided a lot of the detail spelled out.

1. 38603. A person operating a recreational off-highway vehicle shall notallow a passenger to occupy a separate seat location not designed and provided by the manufacturer for a passenger.
No additional seats can be added. The manufactures designed the vehicles to carry two, four or six people. This law is retroactive. So do not think because you built a car prior to the law being created you are clear.<o:p</o

2. 38604: A person operating a recreational off-highway vehicle shall not <o:p</oride with a passenger, unless the passenger, while seated upright with his <o:p</oor her back against the seatback with both feet flat on the floorboard, can <o:p</ograsp the occupant handhold with the seatbelt and shoulder belt or safety <o:p</oharness properly fastened.

<o:p</oThe OEM's of these ROV's do not feel anyone under a certain height can ride safely in one of these machines. They feel your feet need to be firmly planted, but in the seat and your back pressed firmly into the back rest all while grasping the grab handle. (To me it sounds like someone that is braced for a crash). Based on some information gathered from the WEB on average weight and height charts. My children should be able to safely ride in a ROV around age 10 or 50" tall. This is a huge setback for family sports.<o:p</o<o:p</o

Please take the time to contact the ROHVA and share your opinion. I thought these new laws were designed to force the Rhino into extinction and increase the sales of the new 4 seat models but the passenger height/size restriction pushes me out of the UTV market all together. I think all we can do is rise up in numbers and be heard. If you will not at least make a 5-minute phone call than I guess people really don’t care. I hope everyone takes 5 minutes out of your day to call. <o:p</o
If the kids can't ride safely in a UTV without their feet flat on the floor, how in the HELL can they ride in our cars safely? I guess we have to leave the lil buggers locked up in the house when we go to town! And we will have to start wearing helmets in our cars, right?
It sounds like we are on the right track w/ the 2 sections that have been focused on. Hopefully it will go as stated above.

<O:pBUT I do think we ALL need to get on the same page on the helmet section. I do not want to be told I have to wear a helmet when I am properly restrained and in a cage.

Those of you that think I/We should wear helmets are certainly entitled to do so, but please don't mandate that I have to. Nobody is telling you that you can't wear one If YOU WANT.

If it becomes law that we must wear helmets then what is next shoes, pants, long sleeve shirts ?? All of which are not bad ideas depending on the terrain and riding conditions but should be left to me to decide.

So lets take a united stand against over regulation in any form that takes our freedom of choice. Helmets included.

Thanks for all the hard work so far and keep up the calls and letters.<O:p</O:p

I agree, the helmet provision is nonsense. SxS vs Quad/Bike are very different things. Im already belted in with a 5 point and a cage and I am 6'4, a bulky helmet will easily hit the roof of my SxS and I wont be able to even ride it anymore with one on.

I've called everyone under the sun. Cook's office, Jones, a few other assemblyman in the area, the state senator for my district, rohva, corva, asa... This bill slipped under the radar
If the kids can't ride safely in a UTV without their feet flat on the floor, how in the HELL can they ride in our cars safely? I guess we have to leave the lil buggers locked up in the house when we go to town! And we will have to start wearing helmets in our cars, right?

Az just passed a law yesterday that kids under 4ft9 need to be in car seats IN A CAR unless they are over 8 or 9 years old i forget the age.

Just wrote Assemblyman Tim Donnelly again, who represents the 59th district which covers this area. Unfortunately I have to work tomorrow morning or I'd be there at 7a.m. I sure hope someone from here can show up, because the lack of input is going to hurt this effort. This looks like it's last minute thing hoping to keep the opponents down.

I guess I might end up with jail time as I am just going to start asserting myself. The one area they're talking about, Juniper Flats, is 5 minutes from my front door and I ride there often.

I'm tired of this crap and I hope these POS tree huggers get their just rewards. I'm f@cking mad as hell right now, and thinking about running for office myself just to stop these stupid bastards!

Dan ...:mad:

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