About time the Asa gets on board.
ASA News :* New CA Law Will Impact How You Operate Your SXS
Many people have contacted us to express concerns regarding the newly passed AB 1595 which changes the vehicle code to define a Recreational Off-Highway Vehicle (ROV) and establishes requirements for their operation, which includes requirements to wear helmets, seat belts, driving age limits, physical size requirements and prohibits modifications to add seating.*
In response to the surprise passage of this law, the ASA has been in contact with the Recreational Off-Highway Vehicle Association (ROHVA) which is the vehicle manufacturer organization that sponsored AB 1595.* They are currently accepting inquiries regarding the law that will go into effect on January 1, 2013.* All questions should be directed to their Washington, DC office by calling (703) 416-0444 or emailing
info@rohva.org. *
ROHVA recently released a statement providing further information about the recently passed legislation. "AB 1595 contains five provisions regulating the use of ROVs in California. Each of those requirements directly address hazards identified by the Consumer Product Safety Council in incidents resulting in serious injuries and fatalities. In order to ensure that ROVs continue to be available, and safely used, it is critical that industry and enthusiasts support legislation to ensure the vehicles are used as designed and recommended by the manufacturers."
The California Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation Division (OHMVR Division) is the agency responsible for administering the law. The ASA has been in discussions with the Division to determine how they intend to enforce the new law.* At this time, the Division is still int he process of reviewing AB 1595 and will not make an immediate determination until they have adequate time to conduct their review.* In the meantime, the OHMVR Division would like to receive input regarding your legitimate concerns.* They understand that the law is somewhat vague and your input may help them determine the best way to enforce it.
Please note that the OHMVR Division did not create this law, they are the agency responsible for disseminating information to the law enforcement agencies that have to enforce it.* They are creating an email address for the public to submit questions to one central location and it will be available in about a week.* We will provide it to you as soon as it is received. Please be respectful when contacting these agencies.
The ASA has also been in contact with the Yucaipa and Sacramento offices of Assemblyman Paul Cook who carried AB 1595. They are currently working on supplemental legislation to amend items 38603 and 38604 pertaining to ROVs.* A press release was issued by Assemblyman Cook's office responding to the off-road vehicle safety guidelines contained in AB 1595 with the following: "I'm proposing two deletions to this law to address concerns over restrictions on aftermarket seats and passenger height. My goal is to move these clarifications through the Legislature before the end of session." *
We've been told the supplemental legislation should receive a bill number early next week.* At that time, ASA will provide our membership the guidance required to contact Assemblyman Cook and your own legislators. If you feel that this legislation is flawed, we will be asking you to take this opportunity to voice your opinion to those who can reverse the negative impacts before they an take effect.
The ASA knows that our members have many concerns regarding this new law. We assure you that we are staying on top of this matter and will keep you up to date on the latest information as it becomes available.
More information regarding AB 1595 can be found on the State of California's Legislative website