The transportation department as cleared the "Kids" and the "Backseats" but the job is not done! We have to take what we can get and get more as we can!
I just emailed Polaris and told them I WILL NOT be buying a new Polaris product and Im cuuting up my Polaris Credit Card.I just got this automated mass e-mail from Polaris promoting the new 2013 line of XP's.
At the bottom of the page I saw this.
"Warning: The Polaris RANGER and RZR side by side vehicles are not intended for on-road use. Driver must be at least 16 years old with a valid driver's license to operate. Passengers must be at least 12 years old and tall enough to grasp the hand holds and plant feet firmly on the floor. All SxS drivers should take a safety training course. Drivers and passengers should always wear helmets, eye protection, protective clothing, and seat belts. Always use cab nets. Be particularly careful on difficult terrain. Never drive on public roads or paved surfaces. Never engage in stunt driving, and avoid excessive speeds and sharp turns. Riding and alcohol/drugs don't mix. Check local laws before riding on trails. ATVs can be hazardous to operate. Polaris vehicles are for riders 16 and older. For your safety, always wear a helmet, eye protection and protective clothing, and be sure to take a safety training course. For more information, visit our website at Polaris ATV, RANGER, RZR, Snowmobiles, Victory, GEM Global Website. All riders are professionals on a closed course."
Does anyone remember seeing passengers must be 12 years old and be able to reach the grab bar & have your feet planted on the floor, listed in the list of warning disclaimers before? A course this is Polaris's advise, but age is not even listed in AB1595?
Dont forget to keep calling those phone #'s. Its easy to think you already did it and someone else will. But the fact is for every 1 call they get there are 10 more where people forget too, or just dont care too. We need to make those calls for them.
As soon as we back down, so will the politicians from fixing this.
I just emailed Polaris and told them I WILL NOT be buying a new Polaris product and Im cuuting up my Polaris Credit Card.
This is the stupid reply I got from Polaris and Papa Bear you are way to Bias all the Manufactures have supported this in ways!Thank you for contacting Polaris Industries with your constructive feedback for the new RZR. Your comments have been fully reviewed and documented for continuous improvement. Polaris would like to assure you that we are constantly striving to provide our customers with the best Product Group in terms of quality and value. Your valuable input will allow us to move closer to achieving our goals.I just emailed Polaris and told them I WILL NOT be buying a new Polaris product and Im cuuting up my Polaris Credit Card.
Yep, What Papa Bear said the truth sometimes hurts, at what point do you quit giving up you freedoms? As of 1-1-2013 my duning days are over i will spend no more money in CA!. When the money drops off from the land use fees the law will change that is a 100% guarantee.Joey, if anyone is smoking something it is weed, as the motivation for freedom seems to be compromise or were cool about it? Well we have an election coming where we can tell the FEDS go suck eggs! I don't believe in compromise because it is always their way or the highway! This is a supposed to be a free country, even though we don't look very free for the last 30 years, but start with the lawyers and the laws, not with us! If you think the Manufactures care about anything but the Bottom line your blind, they should use their money and resources to fight together with us for a better product and a safer one as well! I don't buy the Harness issue from their prospective, that make no real sense at all, except their bottom line! Why not a law that simple says if you modify it at all you CAN'T sue the Manufacture? How about better Judges? How about better Politicians! Live Free or Die! Never give up, not even an inch, when it is your freedom at stake! You need to talk to Cooks aid Matt about Kawasaki's involvement because the perception is as important as the truth!
As for California we have all kinds of terrain, not just the big flats and sand dunes! A lot of the problems are because people get in over their heads, use bad judgement, Drugs, and Alcohol play a roll as well! People kill themselves on the road ways all the time, but we aren't banning convertibles, Trucks, or Smart Cars! You can't legislate stupid, but you can pass some stupid laws! We either pull together or we will lose it all! If I can't take my family then it is back to my Jeep and stop all the hassle! Or maybe a POS sand rail built in someones back yard that you don't have wear a helmet going 100mph!
The industry through the consumer under the bus for the bottom line, but they may have woken up the sleeping giant, and after all it is all our money we spend with them! The customer is always right, something forgotten in to days world!
Sense when are recommendations written by lawyers supposed to be Law? That is flawed thinking to me, it is about personal responsibility and as for them wanting all of us to go riding, what about the youngsters? They want to sell units period and could care less about the family aspect! They haven't built a machine that is family friendly unless all your family is 16! We have modified our rides to accommodate our families! Your own after market industry is at risk to satisfy the Manufactures! You can't put lipstick on this pig and tell us is is a beauty queen!
If you are 16 do you think you'ed be happy with a 170? Really? Recommendations?
As far as the Consumer safety Commission, they are a government agency and work for us! The right administration can close their doors! The Lead Battery Issue is a good example!
This is why we will lose in the end and makes me wonder why we try? We can't even agree that we are under a bus, let alone who put us there! It is the "Manufactures LOVE of us" that they know better than to let or children ride with us or that we need a helmet! Well it is their love for profit that motivates them to restrict us even if they have to have our government do it! We aren't locked into these vehicles except they meet our needs, when they don't we have options, Jeep, Long Travel Cars, ATVs, Bikes, Buggies, Home Made stuff (Exempt) and 4x4s! They don't have the only game in town! It might be back to the Buggies for many Glamis Families? Jim's Build is exempt for example for the same money and it will go anywhere and you can take your kid without a helmet!
But you still don't need a helmet!![]()