Wow I can't believe I'm going to say this-
I fully agree with Papa Bear on this issue.(that wasn't so bad)
Joey I'm able to see what your saying and it is a good point, but it is exactly the point the cpsc and big government in general wants us to accept. It is incrementalism at it's finest. They know very well the huge national uproar that would happen if they banned the future sales of utv's. Not only would we the people be outraged, but all the Major manufacturers would dump millions of dollars fighting it. The Cpsc knows that it would get so big that they would lose that battle. Instead they are trying to take small jabs here and there both at us and the manufacturers. They have successfully pitted us against the people who make utv's. How dumb is that when the real enemy is the Cpsc. They will take this win then when the dust settles they will take another jab. If we keep amputating one limb at a time then soon there are no more limbs and the gov't wins. I really wish the Manufacturers would push back and quit being the cpsc's pawn. Every one keeps saying this is just like the 3 wheelers. Well it is. The cpsc successfully bullied manufacturers into getting rid of a product. The bullying won't stop with a few laws. Liberal gov't run agencies will never be satisfied until they control every facet of our lives.
Boiling Frog Experiment - YouTube
We are the frogs in the water and we are fighting with each other Just as the cpsc wants. We are saying the water is getting hot and it's going to kill us and you are saying that we should be grateful we get to keep and enjoy the water because somebody was going to take it away completely. You should be using your contacts with the manufacturers to change their opinions. It appears that you would rather take a free machine every year to test for them and keep that relationship alive instead of fighting for what is right and the people who support you. You keep saying for us to look at the bigger picture when you can't even see the flames under the pot.
You thought people were pissed about a freaking little helmet law in one of 50 states. Go ahead and ban the Utv's. Wait till you see the uprising then. Remember what happened with prohibition? How did that work out for the gov't? At some point all us little individuals need to stand up and let gov't know they work for us. We are in charge.