Maybe thy should make a class for each individual racer so everyone gets a trophy. I will bring snacks and juice boxes for everyone after the race.
I'm driving my kids to football practice. I get it lol
Maybe thy should make a class for each individual racer so everyone gets a trophy. I will bring snacks and juice boxes for everyone after the race.
In red
Most Desert races are won by the guy who prepped the best and made his machine last, not the guy with 11 more hp.
I say let them add the turbo element and gamble that the 11 more hp is worth it.
My money is on the one with less stuff to go wrong
Look a Casey Currie Puts the teryx on the podium at hammers against some cars that I would say had 50% more power
As of right now I do not know of anyone that can do as good or better job than Cory does. he knows our class which is important in my opinion. This has been a concern for our class for a long time, many still share the concern.
Cory is doing a great job, albeit a thankless one. It is weird that I (we) race against the class rep, but somehow it works.
That was certainly a factor but it would have been a harder decision to make if we had car counts like today's regionals. Proof is how long they kept j1 and k2 around.
As for the SR1, it had nothing to do with the demise of UTV racing in the big series at LOORRS. If anything, SR1 preserved it for a bit. WE as a class outraced ourselves from the class because of the limitations of the factory CCs and our desire to go faster thuis spending wayyyy to much money to do so. If you didn't have a $10K + engine package in your UTV don't even bother showing up... that was only sustained for so long by Venbeekum, Funco, RJ Anderson, Kimbrell, etc... everyone else played for 4th place hoping for one of the fast guys to break.
SR1 gave guys with Rhino's an option to get back out there and have some fun. Weller made that attainable and the SR1 has sustained itself as a class. But SR1 had nothing to do with us losing UTVs at LOORRS. If we had the RZR 1000 back then we would still be in the big show. Look at the numbers today at the Regionals. Then again, I doubt 50% or more of the current UTV racers would spend the money it costs to race LOORRS at the national level. Entry, pit costs, crew, travel, etc is not to be overlooked. Regionals reduce all of that cost by 90% or more.
I will add one more thing. If a turbo showed up at LOORRS no way they would have said, oh its factory, just go race in pro utv.. NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS!!
THANK YOU JOEY!! I was all ready to type my fingers off in response to that post, and you just saved me some valuable race prep time tonight by answering it perfectly for me!!The big show was expensive - for racers AND the series itself.....and that is why the UTVs were cut.
I think the Regionals have become an AWESOME venue for the class, and it seems to be healthy for ALL classes, as every UTV class has been growing steadily over the past two years.
This turbo does present a dilemma. If I were running a series and the turbos came out, I'd probably do what is usually done, and create a class just FOR turbos/superchargers once there were enough entries for a class. Factory AND aftermarket allowed. I don't feel it's fair to pit a turbo'd UTV against a non-turbo'd UTV - no matter what the HP or torque numbers might be. I also understand that car counts might be low until the rest of the OEM's follow suit, but that's how it goes with a new level of performance. Race Open or the equivilent until there are enough for a class - compare your times, etc with the Pros in the meantime, and get your friends to buy some turbo'd UTVs and come play.
It keeps the classes fair and doesn't open up Pandora's box or blur class lines because someone has a machine that no longer conforms to current class structures.
Just my .02 from being around this stuff for a long time.
In LOORRS, they'd run in Unlimited UTV. Do they have an equivilent in desert racing?
THANK YOU JOEY!! I was all ready to type my fingers off in response to that post, and you just saved me some valuable race prep time tonight by answering it perfectly for me!!The big show was expensive - for racers AND the series itself.....and that is why the UTVs were cut.
I think the Regionals have become an AWESOME venue for the class, and it seems to be healthy for ALL classes, as every UTV class has been growing steadily over the past two years.
This turbo does present a dilemma. If I were running a series and the turbos came out, I'd probably do what is usually done, and create a class just FOR turbos/superchargers once there were enough entries for a class. Factory AND aftermarket allowed. I don't feel it's fair to pit a turbo'd UTV against a non-turbo'd UTV - no matter what the HP or torque numbers might be. I also understand that car counts might be low until the rest of the OEM's follow suit, but that's how it goes with a new level of performance. Race Open or the equivilent until there are enough for a class - compare your times, etc with the Pros in the meantime, and get your friends to buy some turbo'd UTVs and come play.
It keeps the classes fair and doesn't open up Pandora's box or blur class lines because someone has a machine that no longer conforms to current class structures.
Just my .02 from being around this stuff for a long time.
In LOORRS, they'd run in Unlimited UTV. Do they have an equivilent in desert racing?
Maybe thy should make a class for each individual racer so everyone gets a trophy. I will bring snacks and juice boxes for everyone after the race.
Cory is 100% spot on! If you single out a manufacture or model because it might have an advantage in one area vs the other manufactures, then you are essentially going to be splitting the classes up to make a place for everyone. If the decision is to split and make new classes. I can assure you this will be the beginning of the end in regards to the growth & popularity of the UTV class. Many classes have been ruined over the year because of things like this.
If anything the Turbo Maverick should be allowed to race in the Pro Production class as it is a production model and meets the current rules. Lets see in a year or two if there is really any advantage to the Turbo. If the 3 or 4 Can Am teams are really putting a beating on the Polaris, Arctic Cat or whoever joins the UTV performance market, then a possible rule or class change might be warranted. But by this time the other manufactures might have there own "gimmick" and this Turbo might be a mute point.
(Something to think about)
Competition is not only good for the sport, but it's what feeds and keep the class alive. This turbo might be what Polaris needs to stay alive in our sport!
Your asking how does Can Am's Turbo help Polaris?
Its a Fact a manufacture is only apart of a sport if they can show it is making the business money. If the Board of Directors at Polaris no longer see a Return On Investment, or feel they no longer have anything to prove in desert racing, they will pull from the sport and invest their money somewhere else.
You dont think it can happen?
Ask Factory Honda, why they are no longer racing in the desert? Johnny Campbell (JCR) took the factory Honda Desert team and made the switch to the GNCC series. Why? Because Honda no longer felt is was relevant for them as a company to be involved in Baja or U.S desert racing. They no longer had anything to prove. No other manufacture had a full "Works" team, and without the competition Honda did not see a ROI.
Back in the 80's & 90's you had BFG, Goodyear, Bridgstone, Firestone, General Tire, Yokohama, Sand Blaster and several more tires in the sport and there was a reason to be here. By the year 2000 most tire manufactures had quit supporting desert racing, but BFG stuck around.
BFG tires had always helped Score foot the bill to marking the courses, helped with timing, and supported Weatherman & Score Ops with communication. Gave dozens of teams full sponsorship. Anyone else who wanted to run BFG tires, were offered a racer program which reduced the cost of tires, immensely. Anyone who ran BFG tires got free pit support the full length of the course.
Then around 2003-05 BFG was shrinking the off-road dept & budget. And there was talk about BFG's parent company Michelin pulling the plug on the whole operation. The reason was none of the other big tire manufactures were supporting then series and their was nothing to prove. When Yokohama came back, when Toyo entered, when General Tire returned it was an infusion in the sport and gave the BFG off-road division a reason to be here. They had to start losing to the other manufactures, for corporate to see they needed to be here.
Bottom line is if Polaris does not have competition, and if they dont lose once in awhile they will not see the ROI and they will pull the plug on their support. This is why I feel its important that teams like Mark Barnett & the Monster Mav need to win the Score Championship. We need to see Can Am & Arctic Cat step up and beet Polaris in BITD too. Any time you have dominance the only one who wins is the winning team. And even that will hurt that team in the long run.
I say let the turbos run the pro class and have a lower class with no turbo. The Pros have the big bucks to compete with a new car. If the Can Am starts dominating other manufacturers aren't going to sit around and just take it. There going to step up there game. Win win for consumers. The unlimited class with engine swaps and such just doesn't seem like a big class. There is no manufacturers support and it mostly a bunch of guys that have frankensteined a fast car together and want to race it. I know there are allot of SR1 cars professionally built too but they is nothing really left of the rhino.
Well it wont be until next season when these Turbo Can Am cars will be out and about any how, so teams might me planning on running some I don't really know. If a Self Sponsored Guy has a new car now he will be needing a new build racer in a year any how to be truly competitive. and the Teams all sponsored by Polaris will be given Free cars again and a Allowance for there Build. Like usual so to those Teams it wont be a huge Financial burden next season. But it will matter to the Underfunded Independent guys. Nobody really watches whats going or spends much time staying up with the Bastardized SR1 class because they wont ever own one. People like to root for there Favorite cars and companies period, Win on Sunday sell on Monday. So yeah they really all need to Race together in the Spirit of competition. The Can Am car is a full production based unit so I say let them Race if they want and it will also bring in more sponsorship Money and really make the Races even more Exciting. Don't throw them to the Curb and kill the Enthusiasm.![]()
Well I guess if your going to assume Can Am would be that dominant right off the bat. I would say by the time they have teams with there cars dialed those old cars would be outdated anyway.So make it about the manufacturers and tell all the current pro racers that their current cars are only good for a sportsman class?? Seems legit.... lol