How will the Turbo Maverick affect UTV racing?

Where Class Should The Turbo Maverick Race In?

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At the risk of sounding redundant here, rules are rules, and they currently do not allow for turbochargers in our class. Period. Nor should they until all of the major players (currently the three long travel UTV mfgs.) offer turbos on the vehicles that they sell. If Polaris comes out with a turbo, I expect they would up the ante as they always do. Then I'm sure the others will follow suit and give us something tangible to debate.

Boasting Alert!
Allowing turbo's, only to add a weight penalty as mentioned elsewhere in this forum, does nothing for fairness or equality. I think that the Monster Mav has proven this year that adding weight does not even the playing field. We are +400 lbs. average over most of the cars we raced against so far this year, and have only raced on stock H.P. as provided by the factory Rotax engine, and that combination has produced only 1st or 2nd place finishes so far (except V2R, where we were in position to podium until taken out by a TT).

I know we all need juicy things to post about, but I think we are beating the drum a bit much on the topic of whether or not to allow turb's into any existing class of UTE's, until the other mfgs. step up and offer said technology on their cars as well.
Sorr Joey, meant to quote this one
oh so im doing it wrong .. I need to spend 5000.00 more on a built motor to win ? but you just said you win with a stock motor ... im confused ?:confused:

you guys keep saying your car is 400 pds heavier then others in your class but you need to stop with the empty weight on the car and figure it out with driver and co driver ... I take shits bigger then your co-driver :eek:
oh so im doing it wrong .. I need to spend 5000.00 more on a built motor to win ? but you just said you win with a stock motor ... im confused ?:confused:

you guys keep saying your car is 400 pds heavier then others in your class but you need to stop with the empty weight on the car and figure it out with driver and co driver ... I take shits bigger then your co-driver :eek:
With the exception of a custom exhaust system that makes more noise than power, our motors are, and always have been bone stock. Period. No porting or massaging the top end. No bottom end beefups. Just OEM Rotax. The car weighs in at 2,365 lbs. with a 1/2 tank of fuel. That excludes the occupants, and includes all of the spare parts and tools we keep onboard. Our co-driver is around a buck fifty soaking wet, and Marc tips the scales between 200 and 205. So, at the starting line, we weigh close to 2,750 pounds:eek:. If anyone out there is even close to that lofty number, please chime in and share your sorrow! I know its gotta suck getting beat by fatso's like us Johnny, but those are the numbers!:p


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After following for years I finally decided to step up to the forum. My Name is Fernando Flores and I am Marc Burnett Co driver and really happy to say Reed's No.1 apprentice.

This turbo tred is really interesting because it has brought to my pov positive feed back for the organisations to prevent this type of (problems/ discussions / wars) to were the new Utv's will fit .... BAJAXP pointed out a really good subject "The Rule Book" but that is a different ballgame.

Form my Pov ( not Marc's or Reed's ) I think that they souled allow it because it will only make the sport to grow, No body knows how this machine will behave in the racing environment (SCORE-BITD-LOORS-ETC) because it hasn't ben done, we are only speculating.

I can hear people talking all ready saying that we got that “X†place at that “X†race of the 2015 because we were racing the TurboMav ( if we race next year ).

Well let me tell you guys some thing, I don't know if Badassmav has let you guys know that we are racing a full blone stock motor (101-hp Rotax).
We havent put a singel wrench on it, and whit that solid rotax engine we have been climbing on the podium all year long.

BUT we have seen the disadvantages (motor wise) that we have whit the Badassmav VS the other guys.

We know that the top competitors are putin the wrench on there motors and getting the 120's 130's 140's Hp, and trust me we saw them work @ V2R 2 teams just walking away from us.

It didn't feel awesome having jagged X in front of us for 60 miles (more or less) . .... just roosting us before we made the safe pass.... or having cognito passing us on the wash and me trying to explain Marc that "I don't know were he came out form".... That its just racing... The guy that wins at the end of the day is not the guy that has the most awesome ride, or the one that gets more top speed, or HP..... for me .. is the TEAM that can get throughout the day whit the less problems... not the car, driver, mechanic, etc ... The TEAM ... so whit that being said in my opinion there is no reason why they should not let the Turbos run in the ProClass ... Or maybe the Pro Class means:

"The team that has the more money to spend"

Why dropp that much on your engine to get more Hp and race the ProClass wen you can race the Unlimited? ...

That is not fair for the expirience racers that are starting to race the Pro Class whit a limited budget .. trying to compet against experienced guys that have the same UTV as them but whit 5k or more on the engine... its that fair ??..
Or maybe a new rule should be that the team that modifies the engine should race the unlimited class ?

What we only want to do is go out there and race, and prove to the series that the Utv’s are the biggest class out there.

United us ... don't split us.

Just my 2 pinches tacos. ..

.-Viva los carritos de golf-.

I am pretty sure jagged is running a stock motor also, and been winning with stock motor for the last year.

Our motor is very mild, just dialed in by Sparks.
my motor is 100 % stock even the exhaust pipe and ill put money on it three races on it about 1300 miles ..
my motor is 100 % stock even the exhaust pipe and ill put money on it three races on it about 1300 miles .. its about time for a oil change
Jagged X runs stock engines. We did run Kroyer built 900's in our old 900-4 up until to mid year 2013, but then went back to the 94 hp stock 900 H.O. engine and did really well with it. We did this to improve drive train reliability and the includes everything from the clutches to the CV joints. I would bet that our old XP900-4, full of fuel, tools driver/co-dog weighted around 2550. The new two seater is lighter because it is a...two seater and was built more with weight in mind.

I would say, let the turbos race if there was not another option. But there is and ALL of the Can-Am teams are currently using this N.A. option. So I really don't think I understand the 'let them race' mentality. Who is them? Nobody is racing one and it would likely entail a team building an entirely new car to race one. Cory and I discussed a while back about whether it should be 'legal' for RZR guys to put a 1000cc engine in an already build 900 chassis. We both agreed that it wasn't the right thing to do because of the engine swap rule and obviously a 1000cc engine didn't come stock in a XP900. So using the same logic, it would now require a team to build a completely new Mav to race a turbo, since engine swaps are not allowed just like they were not for RZRs. So there is no 'let them race.' It gets back to the more important issue of what the rules should be proactively. Let's make them open enough so the OEM's can grow into the rules instead of BITD/Cory having to react to every OEM nuance. Flame away! :)
Jagged X runs stock engines. We did run Kroyer built 900's in our old 900-4 up until to mid year 2013, but then went back to the 94 hp stock 900 H.O. engine and did really well with it. We did this to improve drive train reliability and the includes everything from the clutches to the CV joints. I would bet that our old XP900-4, full of fuel, tools driver/co-dog weighted around 2550. The new two seater is lighter because it is a...two seater and was built more with weight in mind.

I would say, let the turbos race if there was not another option. But there is and ALL of the Can-Am teams are currently using this N.A. option. So I really don't think I understand the 'let them race' mentality. Who is them? Nobody is racing one and it would likely entail a team building an entirely new car to race one. Cory and I discussed a while back about whether it should be 'legal' for RZR guys to put a 1000cc engine in an already build 900 chassis. We both agreed that it wasn't the right thing to do because of the engine swap rule and obviously a 1000cc engine didn't come stock in a XP900. So using the same logic, it would now require a team to build a completely new Mav to race a turbo, since engine swaps are not allowed just like they were not for RZRs. So there is no 'let them race.' It gets back to the more important issue of what the rules should be proactively. Let's make them open enough so the OEM's can grow into the rules instead of BITD/Cory having to react to every OEM nuance. Flame away! :)

So if a OEM comes out with a UTV that has a V8 would you still feel the same way since its "stock"? lol

Totally off base and Retawded but heck yeah because that means I could go and buy it at the dealer so bring it. That's the whole point.
I have heard from more than one person who is supposedly in the know that Polaris will be releasing a very competitive car at the next camp Polaris.. At this point I agree that it should be allowed to run so that the industry can move forward. Once camp Polaris is over, I don't think that this conversation will have any use because there might be more than one turbo car available. When it comes to the pro class, I think the rule should be run with the factory brung.
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Polaris already released their new lineup just two months ago. I am sure they can't keep releasing new stuff every three or four months.
Polaris already released their new lineup just two months ago. I am sure they can't keep releasing new stuff every three or four months.

that's very true. Perhaps for once the Polaris guys won't have the most horsepower.I know it can be rough, but I think it's good for the industry. If I had a Polaris race car, I might be upset but if the tables were turned and Polaris released the turbo, I think all the Polaris guys would be throwing a hissy fit if it was not allowed to race. In the past it seems like the rules change when Polaris releases a new bigger car. When everybody else releases something bigger and better, the rules have to change to disable that car until pilaris comes out with one. I think it is good for every manufacturer to take turns being on top.
Bobby...remember that Can-Am and Arctic released and raced 1000cc machines far before Polaris. And Polaris's '900' was only an 875cc. I honestly don't remember anyone of significance from the Polaris camp bitching or complaining. Read the posts amigo.
that's very true. Perhaps for once the Polaris guys won't have the most horsepower.I know it can be rough, but I think it's good for the industry. If I had a Polaris race car, I might be upset but if the tables were turned and Polaris released the turbo, I think all the Polaris guys would be throwing a hissy fit if it was not allowed to race. In the past it seems like the rules change when Polaris releases a new bigger car. When everybody else releases something bigger and better, the rules have to change to disable that car until pilaris comes out with one. I think it is good for every manufacturer to take turns being on top.

Seems to me the majority of actual Polaris racers, say let them run it.
I have heard from more than one person who is supposedly in the know that Polaris will be releasing a very competitive car at the next camp Polaris.. At this point I agree that it should be allowed to run so that the industry can move forward. Once camp Polaris is over, I don't think that this conversation will have any use because there might be more than one turbo car available. When it comes to the pro class, I think the rule should be run with the factory brung.

Oh no. RZR Forums rumors starting here now? lol I love when the "sources" start spewing stuff. Geeeeez

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