**Updated** TI V2R LIVE!


From the Riot racing website: Riot Racing

On Thursday August 20, 2009 tragedy struck as Tony Sorensen passed away while driving the #68 Riot truck on the first day of the Vegas to Reno race.

Riot Racing came to be as a result of Tony’s passion and dedication to off-road racing. It was his vision that helped guide Riot Racing from its inception to what it is now. It is fair to say that everything I know about off-road racing, I learned from Tony.

We can console ourselves knowing that Tony passed doing something he loved and dreamed about his whole life – racing a trophy truck in the desert.

Our condolences go out to the Sorensen family and friends. The entire Riot Racing family and all who knew Tony are deeply saddened by his passing. He will be greatly missed by all who knew him.

Marc Ewing
thanks for all the updates....these guys have made it through some serious hours of fighting...
good job everyone!!
man so sorry to here about the passing of Tony Sorensen....God Speed....

Lasher has moved into 4th position physicly.......The 1948 who is infront of him is moving again. The 1947 is still down but is a ways ahead of both of them.
very sad news... just heard that a red helicopter just crashed... hopefully everyone is ok..

looks like 1924 is making up some valuable time right now... they have been moving real well... keep it up!!
1947 moving again!

jagged smooth sailing!
1924 Team COmmunication:

"Gas 1 tire and go at pit 6, no driver change. approx 131 miles to go, two more pits 45 miles to 7 & 35 miles to 8 then a 51 mile dash to the finish line for today.

130 miles at 30 mph = 4.3 hours. 4pm + 4 hours = 8PM"
another 1924 TEam Communication

"at mile 570 approx they got hit in the rear by a fast mover, 1924 stopped for a few min then went on, up to speed now"

glad they are ok
Damn Schueler is hauling the mail....just over 10 miles to the finish.

Come on Lasher...bring home a #2 finish for day two!!!
jaggad at 0 mph uh oh!
maybe they were letting the tt they just passed get back by them... hopefully
could be....lots of big cars and trucks trying to finish....GO LASHER!!!!!

anyone else having problems with RDC? I cant get on?
looks like Lasher has made the pass by the 1947 at Pit 7 and is now in second postion!!!!! HELL YEAH LASHER GO GO GO
I hope nothing happened with the Jagged X car...it's stopped along with TT #39 (Rubio).....could be a problem...
Just got off the phone with Jon Crowley.......He is going to confirm but it appears thatthe Jagged X 1919 RZR has stopped at a "free Zone" which is a place on the course that the Race cars can stop and the driver and co-driver can work ont he car as long as they want with no penalty. SO since the 1919 has such a lead it would be smart for them to stop there and work on whatthey can without the crew so that when they get into the finish "work area" they will already know what the crew needs to do. The way it works is in the "work Area" you have 1 hour to work ont he vehicle. Every minute past that and you are penalized. Last night Jagged X gave up 40 minutes to the 1948 and that is why the 1948 started in front this morning.

All in all Lasher is running strong! Things seem to be working good!!! GO LASHER!!!

Still no RDC?
This was just twittered by offroad.com

"OffRoadDotCom BJ in 9th, Dennis Boyle in 10th. Boyle rammed BJ at finishNot happy with pass from BJ it sounds.
3 minutes ago from txt "

I got to hear more about this!
so both the 1947 and the 1948 Arctic Cats are down........the 1912 Polaris is still plugging away....the 1903 and the 1909 are both on the trailer......The 1916 is down.....The 1902 is on the trailer as well......the Nevada desert is putting a hurtin on these UTV's!!!

The 1919 is rolling in for a strong finish and Lasher in the 1924 is doing well with roughly 70 miles left today!
Jon Crowly of UTVGuide.Net called again and said the 1919 was down with another busted a-arm bolt, same problem as yesterday. They got it replaced and all is well. Their pit is set up and ready to knock out the punch list within their hour time limit! Good for them, they are doing one hell of a job!

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