**Updated** TI V2R LIVE!

It was a long week for sure. Hard to run all over the desert in the 100 degree heat on 4 hours of sleep each night and post up pictures with no internet. :D

I tried to send iPhone pics to Joey here and there and tweets as much as possible. Definitely learned a lot about trying to cover something live. Would like to do something big for Baja 1000, but we'll see how things go.

Congrats to Jagged on the win. And also to Lasher and crew for sticking to it and finishing the race. Hard luck in a few spots, but just finishing this race was a huge accomplishment that the four teams that finished should be very proud of.

Here are a bunch of pictures from V2R:
2009 BITD Vegas to Reno - UTV Guide
Thanks for all the updates Jon! It was awesome following you guys, made me feel like I was int he race with all of you!!! Great job and glad you all made it home safe!! Baja here we come!!!
Hey everyone Wallyworld here .Im posting because i want to thank all people that helped us do this 1000 mile race .Truly the most grueling race ever .Thanks Lasher Motorsports for the opportunity to drive and all our pit crew you guys rock. To be able to overcome everything that the desert threw at us shows that we got what it takes again u guys rock
. Just alittle about the race. We changed amotor on the first day and got to bed at 12am .On the 2nd day up got at 4:30 am start line by 5:15 ,then finished the race .We had one hour to prep the car then go to impound.Got to bed again at 12:am .Up by 4:30 for the 3rd and final leg. Finishing 1000 miles is huge . Kudos to Kawasaki for making such a fantastic vehicle. FYI we ran stock carburated Teryx motor the last 2 days.
Without our sponsors like : ProArmor ,Kawasaki ,Muzzys ,Itp ,Omf ,Beard Seats ,Lockman Machine ,Wally World Designs, Simpson ,Fox shocks and of course Sidexside Outfitterz who built the car all of this would not have been possible.

ps: Thanks for the new Simpson driving suit UTV guide
pss:good coverage Joey
You guys are all so awesome.. it was like I was there...the coverage was great.. i was addicted to my computer to see what was happening..
Wally you are a heck of a driver... you rock.. great job.. you were jammin in that kawi!!!
you look awesome in that red driving suit!!
looking forward to seeing you again soon...
It was definitely a challenge to get pictures fed into Twitter and/or Joey out in the middle of nowhere. With a little bit better cell coverage (wireless internet wouldn't hurt either), we could rock on the live coverage of these desert races.
It was definitely a challenge to get pictures fed into Twitter and/or Joey out in the middle of nowhere. With a little bit better cell coverage (wireless internet wouldn't hurt either), we could rock on the live coverage of these desert races.

I know with my Verizon Air Card I only get service where I get phone service....So that can hose you too. Verizon will also allow you to turn your Blackberry into a wireless data card as well. I know you work on an IPhone so I dont know if you can do that or not?.......Its like $30 more per month for a 5gb d-load limit. Thats enough to cover a race via email, internet, and photo, you may need to step it up to something else if we want to feed video?

Baja 1000 Crowdog???????
JoeyD23 said:
Baja 1000 Crowdog???????

YES! One way or another.

I have an AT&T wireless card, but that did not work for the most part. And when you figure off-roaders about doubled the population of places like Hawthorne, you can see why it was hard to even make a phone call.

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