Great Job Joey!!!!

To help fund the ORBA membership Side X Side Action will give a free years subscription to the first 10 guys that donate at least $20.00 to the cause.

Keep up the good work everyone!!!


DANG MIKE!!! That is so awesome!!

Step right up fellas.....We got the BRC dialed in now lets take care of ORBA and help show that the UTV community wants to do our part to help fight for the land we love to off road in!!!

So far I see it costs around $250 per quarter so we need all the help we can get!!!

paypal - joeyd@utvunderground.com

Thanks again Mike L. and Side X Side Action Magazine! The best SXS Mag there is hands down!!!
Great Job Joey!!!!

To help fund the ORBA membership Side X Side Action will give a free years subscription to the first 10 guys that donate at least $20.00 to the cause.

Keep up the good work everyone!!!


WOW... Sweet Deal. I will Paypal a donation right now. You can just extend my subscription a year since I already get the magazine.
Dude Mike! YOu already Gave $50, it is not neccesary for yout o give more. You are an awesome guy!!!! Thanks so much MikeF for all you do for our community!! You are always right there to help out!!!

I just sent a $20.00 donation.... This one is for the ORBA membership.

The first $50.00 donation was for the BRC....

Both great organizations....

Thank to the UTVunderground for supporting these improtant organazations... Thanks to Joey and Dorian for starting this.....
Dude Mike! YOu already Gave $50, it is not neccesary for yout o give more. You are an awesome guy!!!! Thanks so much MikeF for all you do for our community!! You are always right there to help out!!!

No worries... It is for a good cause. Glad I can help out. Thank you for the kind words.
To Everyone Who Donated:

I am just waiting to recieve DTH's shirts and once I do I will start shipping shirts to those who Donated money. I apologize for the delay, just been busy. If you have any questions just holla atcha boy!!!

Thanks again to ALL OF YOU!!!

Much Love
My intention was to help, the shirt was just a bonus. It will get here when it gets here.

Totally embarrassed..I read this and thought what? the shirts are stillsitting on my mantle in my office ready to ship! I am soooo sorry guys. I will get them to Joey this week. I am off to Portland for 4 days but will make sure the wifey follows up on this.

Again, sorry guys and thanks for your patience!!
ok weres my shirt .........lol im running out of new ones to show off .............:D
Sorry Guys, I have been a major procrastinator. I got Dorians DTH shirts and a few Muzzys Shirts curtesy of MUZZYS to send out to you guys.........

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