Most everyone finds it easier to distance themselves from me. That's mostly because my last name aint JONES, and I don't fit into the tidy box that society lives in.
I've been restrained from sharing info on our new commitment
. However, your name did not come up in those restrictions
. Therefore,
I can start a new chronicle to hound knuckleheads like yourself. It will be a my version of the Octagon
. I can acquire a new screen name like BUB (acronym for "beat up on Buddy") or the like, then I can name the new chronicles the, "Nay-say-you Chronicles; The ongoing saga of truth in typing", and I'll even allow you a starring role. But first, you better let the swelling from the last beating go down before jumping back in.
What's your favorite flavor anyway? The red or the orange? I like the Fiery mango flavor myself.