New law requiring helmets in california

he CPSC, a Washington, DC based US Government agency,
was responsible for the ATV 3-Wheeler demise back in 1988. We understand that the CPSC’s plan was to cease future manufacturing of UTV’s/SxS’s in response to their evaluation of accident and fatality statistics. Similar legislation has already been introduced in other states and will more than likely try to be pushed nation- wide. Rather than to lose the UTV/SxS market, ROHVA sponsored AB 1595 to protect and preserve the ROV industry.

This is from the ASA (American Sand Association) September monthly newsletter. IT SAYS WE COULD'VE LOST THE ENTIRE UTV PRODUCTION OF NEW VEHICLES! I'd rather wear a helmet and be able to buy a 101 up Maverick, than buy a used rzr or a jeep!!!

And biggjim, you need to settle down a little bit!

As far as Im concerned this is a ban, so ban them, I will find another hobby before I wear a helmet to cruise the dunes...
Blah blah blah. Could of lost, will loose. I keep reading this as a means to why it is ok to have liberties stomped out. I still rather fight for my freedoms than lay down because of a threat by somebody. Glad to see do many people ok with the socialist movement. At least they have you all trained. Also I keep reading how you still have liberty over this law if you want to be an outlaw. That is not ok in my book. Will I be wearing a helmet? Yes, but not because I want to but, because I believe I am over taxed as it is and refuse to let California have anymore of my money than absolutely necessary.
Is that PAPA guy back?
If they all really backed it then why did it get amended so quickly? I think because once the phone calls and emails poured in they all finally read what they thought was a good bill based on the what the idiot Cook had told them. Then realized they screwed up by not doing their job and reading bills for them selfs. I by no means give any who did not read the bill and voted on it a pass they are as much to blame. But I will never give Cook a pass, he brought the bill to committee.

Forget everything you learned in your high school government class. It does not work the way it did in 1776. Our precious Free country is not ruled by the people for the people.

I see a bigger picture.
I just can't believe they can get away with circumventing proper proceedure for creating a bill. They totally and purposefully avoided allowing the public to find out about the bill until it was pretty much too late. And now we are "happy" because some of it was changed. I call B.S. and those that were part of this move to strip us of our right to choose under the guise of public safety (and saving the UTV...B.S. by the way) should be run out of town.

The law should not stand AT ALL because of the way it was pushed through by hiding it inside a different gutted bill.

My 2 cents...
Forget everything you learned in your high school government class. It does not work the way it did in 1776. Our precious Free country is not ruled by the people for the people.

I see a bigger picture.

Jeff in our lifetime it has not been like it was in the founding era. The size of this union is out of scope. That is the main reason our republic is ran like it is. But as long as people are content with being told what to do in the name of safety then it will continue to get worst. I don't see how loosing something to be able to possibly keep something is big picture. A freedom was still surrendered and any libertarian would take that to task with another politician.
I just can't believe they can get away with circumventing proper proceedure for creating a bill. They totally and purposefully avoided allowing the public to find out about the bill until it was pretty much too late. And now we are "happy" because some of it was changed. I call B.S. and those that were part of this move to strip us of our right to choose under the guise of public safety (and saving the UTV...B.S. by the way) should be run out of town.

The law should not stand AT ALL because of the way it was pushed through by hiding it inside a different gutted bill.

My 2 cents...

could not agree more!
I just can't believe they can get away with circumventing proper proceedure for creating a bill. They totally and purposefully avoided allowing the public to find out about the bill until it was pretty much too late. And now we are "happy" because some of it was changed. I call B.S. and those that were part of this move to strip us of our right to choose under the guise of public safety (and saving the UTV...B.S. by the way) should be run out of town.

The law should not stand AT ALL because of the way it was pushed through by hiding it inside a different gutted bill.

My 2 cents...

They did not.

There are 100's of bills passed in a session, do you know any of them? It is standard practice to change the content of a bill. They use them as place holders. While I don't agree with the practice it is not against any law. I am not looking for an argument here, it is just very frustrating to me to see people continue to go down a road that will yield no results.

Bottom line here is that US citizens don't pay attention. If this law has made people take notice than I am glad it happened. Sadly I am sure no one is paying attention, they are just crying over spilled milk.
There are far worse things happening in this country than a helmet law.
Jeff in our lifetime it has not been like it was in the founding era. The size of this union is out of scope. That is the main reason our republic is ran like it is. But as long as people are content with being told what to do in the name of safety then it will continue to get worst. I don't see how loosing something to be able to possibly keep something is big picture. A freedom was still surrendered and any libertarian would take that to task with another politician.

I agree.
Then realized they screwed up by not doing their job and reading bills for them selfs.

I couldn't say it better myself. If there are too many bills being introduced to read them all, then they just don't get to all of them. I'm sure we could survive a few less laws be passed.
I couldn't say it better myself. If there are too many bills being introduced to read them all, then they just don't get to all of them. I'm sure we could survive a few less laws be passed.

To add we in California have a budget crisis and they all felt this law and other like it are all more important than finding places to slash cost and balance a budget. They should not be able to work on any more legislation until they can balance a budget without a tax increase.
An amendment to the Constitution that would require any bill to be read aloud three times in front of legislators (during session) before a vote would put an end to a lot of problems like this. If the author had to read it aloud he would make them short and sweet.

Solutions. That's what we need.

Edit: Just doing some research and this would not seem like a long shot as the bill is read aloud in sub committee up to three times during debate. My from the cuff idea might have some merit. LOL. :)

Edit again. Just fell down a worm hole as there is no way that Obama care was ever read aloud. Is it crazy to have a conversation with myself? LOL

Last edit: Just realized Obama care originated in the Senate outside the rules of of constitution, and that's why the massive 2400 page document may never have been read aloud.
But reading it is still not fool proof. Most of these guys are either not listening them selfs or are not present when it being read. Kind of like that bored kid in school. But it may tie up enough time that they could not accomplish any thing, and that can be a good thing. Our biggest problem maybe that these politicians are listening to special interest money not the people they represent.
Bottom line here is that US citizens don't pay attention. If this law has made people take notice than I am glad it happened. Sadly I am sure no one is paying attention, they are just crying over spilled milk.
There are far worse things happening in this country than a helmet law.

Isn't that why we have watch dog groups that get donations for just such things ?? It seems they didn't even know or at least share w/ us.

Helmet law today... ????? tomorrow
So why not just boycott offroading in California for a while hit California in their wallets they were the first to Boycott AZ Everybody stop spending money in California thats has to do with Offroading parts permits anything then see what happens in California?
So why not just boycott offroading in California for a while hit California in their wallets they were the first to Boycott AZ Everybody stop spending money in California thats has to do with Offroading parts permits anything then see what happens in California?

Cuz then they win...

I just want to ride and enjoy the great outdoors w/o a bunch of pencil pushers telling me how to do it.
How will they win? With no tax money coming in?

For one, trying to get everyone to boycott would be like trying to teach the oil companies a lesson by boycotting fuel for a few days... it would work if everyone would do it, but they won't.

No "dangerous" UTVs on the trails = happy tree huggers & regulators... and much easier to close down the trails.

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