New law requiring helmets in california

This legislation was 100% Republican backed, who you gonna vote for to stop this train? Until the Republican party falls and the Libertarians are the other party option we will have no options in California.

This, except I am happy with The Libertarian Party just getting a chance in the mix. You want real change? Join the party that best represents the majority of off roaders.

Yes I am a proud Libertarian party member and supporter. Stop voting for the less of evils and make a stand.
If they really wanted to make a difference and save many lives it very simple. Have it Law so that any-thing with wheels on it you have to wear a Helmet at all times. There are so many head injury's and deaths in cars the numbers are staggering. This half A$$ Crap with all the loop-holes is B.S.

It needs to be Fair.

That would be Fair.

Every-one no matter the Car, Truck what-ever wear a Helmet.

Better yet increase education, and leave the choice? Sadly we have an office in Washington DC with over 500 people on the payroll who get to make that choice for us. The biggest problem is the continued growth of Government and needless offices like the CPSC who are not elected yet create national policy on items they know nothing about.

We could balance the budget by swinging an axe in DC and giving Pink slips to a few agency's. CPSC first EPA second, and than let the dominoes start falling.
I shake my head every time I read all the negativity towards the helmet law. Offloading is a dangerous sport. You could be injured or killed! What were doing is the same thing as any off-road race car. All off-road race cars are required to wear helmets, so why shouldn't we be. This law will save lives, and that will help keep our sport growing, instead of getting sued out of existence! I bought a pumper helmet in 2007, I do not like to ride unless I can wear my helmet with my pumper! Just man up and embrace this to keep your family safe!

I think the Helmet thing is a good law. My family was going to be wearing helmets regardless this season. It's no different than seat belts, car seats or any other law.

2 more folks that wanna take it in the A$$:cool:
2 more folks that wanna take it in the A$$:cool:

Its not worth getting pumped over. There is bigger fish to fry in my opinion. I really dont see a way to change this law. Would I prefer to just wear my headsets of course, do I plan to always wear a helmet of course not. Tickets are meant to be written and it wouldn't be fun if we didn't test the law.......
Its not worth getting pumped over. There is bigger fish to fry in my opinion. I really dont see a way to change this law. Would I prefer to just wear my headsets of course, do I plan to always wear a helmet of course not. Tickets are meant to be written and it wouldn't be fun if we didn't test the law.......

I was actually considering making them catch me to write me a ticket...Uhhh sorry sir...I didnt know you were back there:D
I think the Helmet thing is a good law. My family was going to be wearing helmets regardless this season. It's no different than seat belts, car seats or any other law.

What a joke...just because the law doesn't affect you, it is a good law. well go ahead and put a 2# DOT helmet on your little kids, strapped in your car...can you say stiff neck, and hopefully not injured spinal cord.
he CPSC, a Washington, DC based US Government agency,
was responsible for the ATV 3-Wheeler demise back in 1988. We understand that the CPSC’s plan was to cease future manufacturing of UTV’s/SxS’s in response to their evaluation of accident and fatality statistics. Similar legislation has already been introduced in other states and will more than likely try to be pushed nation- wide. Rather than to lose the UTV/SxS market, ROHVA sponsored AB 1595 to protect and preserve the ROV industry.

This is from the ASA (American Sand Association) September monthly newsletter. IT SAYS WE COULD'VE LOST THE ENTIRE UTV PRODUCTION OF NEW VEHICLES! I'd rather wear a helmet and be able to buy a 101 up Maverick, than buy a used rzr or a jeep!!!
As far as AB1595 being republican backed is absurd. It was Cook and ROHVA backed. It was voted with no opposition due to Cook lying to his fellow politicians.

The bill passed through committees, with Republicans sitting on them, no opposition. It was passed unanimously by the house and senate, Republicans voting, no opposition. To some representatives credit they didn't vote on it for whatever reason but had mine been present she (republican) likely would have voted yes (as stated by her leg. director) because her Republican Leg. Consultant recommended she do so. The absurd thing here is that some people are content getting only part of an entirely absurd piece of legislation undone. That, is absurd. Had this bill been passed in the manner that it was amended we would be screaming foul about that too.

The Republican vote is a wasted vote in this state. They will go the way of the Whig party someday, they in many ways already have. The Libertarian Party and the Constitution Party are the future of conservative voters.
This, except I am happy with The Libertarian Party just getting a chance in the mix. You want real change? Join the party that best represents the majority of off roaders.

Yes I am a proud Libertarian party member and supporter. Stop voting for the less of evils and make a stand.

Agreed, card carrying Libertarian myself.:)
The helmet issue has always been a bad subject to talk about, But It isnt fair that people who are in favor of helmets get attacked for their opinion. I wear a helmet, but if you dont want to wear a helmet DONT WEAR ONE, You will have to deal with your choice not too. Because you are in a utv dosent mean the something cant come thru the cage and hit you in your hard head and not kill or hurt you. So I guess if you want to attack me, Its your right I guess. But I still say its not fair.
Also, to answer an earlier question, I know of a young teenage girl, who was in rhino, she was passenger, and it rolled over. She was partially ejected and her skull was crushed between the rollcage and the ground! She died! So in that case a helmet would've saved her life. I also had a boss, he was the owner of a big company. He farmed 14,000 acres and was a multimillionaire. He chose to ignore the seatbelt law, and when his pickup rolled, he was partially ejected and crushed from the neck down. He died on the seen! Seatbelts have been around since the 70s. But it took 25 years till they passed a law that says we have to wear them. Are we better off because of the seatbelt law or worse off? I say we're better off! And some of you think I'm a communist because of that? WTF!!!!! Also I don't get into politics at all. So just ignore me if I'm a little politically incorrect.
What a joke...just because the law doesn't affect you, it is a good law. well go ahead and put a 2# DOT helmet on your little kids, strapped in your car...can you say stiff neck, and hopefully not injured spinal cord.

What I meant by a "good law" was its not a unreasonable law. Just like the cell phone law. We all pissed and moaned but its a law and we will learn to live with it. More people cause crashes while changing CD's, eating, talking to friends or trying to take of children while driving. It's not realistic for it to be illegal to talk, change a CD or take care of children. So cell phones took the blame.

UTV's appeal to the unskilled off roader. For someone who can't ride a dirt bike and are afraid of a quad the UTV gives the unskilled a outlet. The problem is you can't make it illegal to make a bad decision or drive poorly. But they can enforce a helmet law to prevent the unskilled from popping their heads open. This is just my opinion.

For the record I will not be driving in a manor that puts my son's life in question. My boys are fine. Just like your issue with government getting in your business I would prefer you don't tell me how I am going to give my son a spinal injury.
Also, to answer an earlier question, I know of a young teenage girl, who was in rhino, she was passenger, and it rolled over. She was partially ejected and her skull was crushed between the rollcage and the ground! She died! So in that case a helmet would've saved her life. I also had a boss, he was the owner of a big company. He farmed 14,000 acres and was a multimillionaire. He chose to ignore the seatbelt law, and when his pickup rolled, he was partially ejected and crushed from the neck down. He died on the seen! Seatbelts have been around since the 70s. But it took 25 years till they passed a law that says we have to wear them. Are we better off because of the seatbelt law or worse off? I say we're better off! And some of you think I'm a communist because of that? WTF!!!!! Also I don't get into politics at all. So just ignore me if I'm a little politically incorrect.

I know a young lady who rolled a Prowler and separated her foot from her leg, as in her foot was hanging from her leg by the skin. Should the law mandate that we wear some sort of leg helmet or cast? Where does it end? Does it end? In that case a little more of a firm hand in training by her parents might have prevented it, who knows. But you can't legislate parenting now can you.

Not attacking anyone myself. I like to see what other people think. If all we had were people that thought the same way we'd never have a reason to change our minds.
he CPSC, a Washington, DC based US Government agency,
was responsible for the ATV 3-Wheeler demise back in 1988. We understand that the CPSC’s plan was to cease future manufacturing of UTV’s/SxS’s in response to their evaluation of accident and fatality statistics. Similar legislation has already been introduced in other states and will more than likely try to be pushed nation- wide. Rather than to lose the UTV/SxS market, ROHVA sponsored AB 1595 to protect and preserve the ROV industry.

This is from the ASA (American Sand Association) September monthly newsletter. IT SAYS WE COULD'VE LOST THE ENTIRE UTV PRODUCTION OF NEW VEHICLES! I'd rather wear a helmet and be able to buy a 101 up Maverick, than buy a used rzr or a jeep!!!

Blah blah blah. Could of lost, will loose. I keep reading this as a means to why it is ok to have liberties stomped out. I still rather fight for my freedoms than lay down because of a threat by somebody. Glad to see do many people ok with the socialist movement. At least they have you all trained. Also I keep reading how you still have liberty over this law if you want to be an outlaw. That is not ok in my book. Will I be wearing a helmet? Yes, but not because I want to but, because I believe I am over taxed as it is and refuse to let California have anymore of my money than absolutely necessary.
Also, to answer an earlier question, I know of a young teenage girl, who was in rhino, she was passenger, and it rolled over. She was partially ejected and her skull was crushed between the rollcage and the ground! She died! So in that case a helmet would've saved her life. I also had a boss, he was the owner of a big company. He farmed 14,000 acres and was a multimillionaire. He chose to ignore the seatbelt law, and when his pickup rolled, he was partially ejected and crushed from the neck down. He died on the seen! Seatbelts have been around since the 70s. But it took 25 years till they passed a law that says we have to wear them. Are we better off because of the seatbelt law or worse off? I say we're better off! And some of you think I'm a communist because of that? WTF!!!!! Also I don't get into politics at all. So just ignore me if I'm a little politically incorrect.

Couple of question in regards to the girl. How was the driver driving? Was it safe to conditions? Was she using a seatbelt? Was she drunk? Not pointing fingers at her just making a point that maybe the helmet would have not saved her, perhaps it would have been done other simple choices she could have made. But these laws don't make it "better off", if it did fatalities in cars would cease to exist. The truth of the matter is it may take out some variables in certain circumstances but not make "life better" at all cost. I am not telling anyone that they can't or shouldn't wear a helmet or a seat belt but you choose your path and I ll choose mine. That's what liberty is, the freedom for you to choose for you and not me and vice versa.
The helmet issue has always been a bad subject to talk about, But It isnt fair that people who are in favor of helmets get attacked for their opinion. I wear a helmet, but if you dont want to wear a helmet DONT WEAR ONE, You will have to deal with your choice not too. Because you are in a utv dosent mean the something cant come thru the cage and hit you in your hard head and not kill or hurt you. So I guess if you want to attack me, Its your right I guess. But I still say its not fair.

I don't feel people that are pro "helmet" get attack. It's being "pro helmet law" that brings fire. I am pro safety but how do you tell the next guy his safety procedures are not valid and should be changed via law because they are not in line with yours. I believe this sport has it dangers as does walking down the sidewalk but you still have to allow people to be responsible for their decisions not government.
The bill passed through committees, with Republicans sitting on them, no opposition. It was passed unanimously by the house and senate, Republicans voting, no opposition. To some representatives credit they didn't vote on it for whatever reason but had mine been present she (republican) likely would have voted yes (as stated by her leg. director) because her Republican Leg. Consultant recommended she do so. The absurd thing here is that some people are content getting only part of an entirely absurd piece of legislation undone. That, is absurd. Had this bill been passed in the manner that it was amended we would be screaming foul about that too.

The Republican vote is a wasted vote in this state. They will go the way of the Whig party someday, they in many ways already have. The Libertarian Party and the Constitution Party are the future of conservative voters.

If they all really backed it then why did it get amended so quickly? I think because once the phone calls and emails poured in they all finally read what they thought was a good bill based on the what the idiot Cook had told them. Then realized they screwed up by not doing their job and reading bills for them selfs. I by no means give any who did not read the bill and voted on it a pass they are as much to blame. But I will never give Cook a pass, he brought the bill to committee.

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