New law requiring helmets in california

No tax income to California will stop nothing. There already is a income gap in California in the billions (probably soon to be trillions) and they honestly don't seem to concerned about it. This state hopefully can go bankrupt soon so it can be divided up into proper sizes and represented correctly.
Economic Impact reporting is a great first step. Showing them how much we spend opens eyes.

Who was the watchdog group that was tasked with watching this for the UTV industry? I don't think there is one.
Jeff what does ISA have in place to start a watch dog group for UTVs? Or how much more work is it to be able to do it? Or are you talking about starting a a new org? Just curious because the debate is great but action needs to take place now. Something needs to change.
Jeff what does ISA have in place to start a watch dog group for UTVs? Or how much more work is it to be able to do it? Or are you talking about starting a a new org? Just curious because the debate is great but action needs to take place now. Something needs to change.

The ISA is in its infant stages, but we have a unique opportunity. I think I can cash in some favors to move UTV owners into the game but we need an organized and unified effort.

I could just represent my own opinions on items, but based on some of our debates that may not be what the majority is looking for. What I would like to see is the ISA generate some numbers and gain some respect as the voice of UTV owners. What I want is more then a handful of people driving the bus. Collaboration, activation, and participation under a unified banner.

I don't care who leads, I just want UTV owners to have a voice. They have become my OHV of choice as of late, and I hope we can build on the popularity.

What the ISA has in place is:
pending California Non Profit status as a 501C7
A bank account with a small portion of cash
A web site that needs help
An opportunity to work directly with ROHVA
A complete rule book for racing
A dedicated yet experienced Board of Directors that is looking for two additional members.
An open mind to the direction we need to go.

Starting a watch dog group takes money. Its not hard we just need to pay people who are professionals, and have influence. It also takes a dedicated association who will make sure and get the information to the right people.

It requires a lot of work. but if you spread it out, its not an issue.
Jeff I think it is probably easier and better to use what ISA has in place. I don't think it would be hard to get traction on this and get it growing fast. Especially with the current law that just got passed. I to enjoy the SxS sport and I do enjoy riding my dirt bike to, but riding a SxS is something the family can do together and I don't want to loose it. I would be interested in putting together a time and meet you and discuss how I could be of help in getting this going. I am a busy man and have a family but I am willing to see how I could fit in to this. I just don't think we have time to keep waiting something has to happen.
I found this on the BLM website today... Kinda weird... Read the part about helmets.
I found this on the BLM website today... Kinda weird... Read the part about helmets.

Remember this is the current law. The new law won't go into effect till January 1st 2013 except for the seating portion which will be 6 months after that.
So can my 3 & 5 year old's ride in my rzr4 if they have a helmet on? There feet won't be touching the floor.

Yes they can ride if they have helmets and can reach the passenger handhold while sitting back in the seat. The feet on the floor thing is now nonexistant as ab1266 removed it from the original ab1595. Both have been signed into law.
According to me this would be very good law. It helps to protect yourself and also it would be making your intention to make others also to protect them self.
According to me this would be very good law. It helps to protect yourself and also it would be making your intention to make others also to protect them self.

I hope your being sarcastic. Its hard to believe that you agree with government taking away your freedom of choice. When will it stop. Will you think its okay when they hae you wear helmets on a boat or jet ski? How about skiing? Sickening how people are okay not being able to think for themselves :confused:

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we always keep spare helmets in the rv. since we always tend to drive or ride something long travel and fast. but this is just the man taking away more of our freedom. as devo once said "freedom of choice" this law is pure bs. i wear a helmet most of the time anyways. but i still want to have the choice. :mad:
Yes they can ride if they have helmets and can reach the passenger handhold while sitting back in the seat. The feet on the floor thing is now nonexistant as ab1266 removed it from the original ab1595. Both have been signed into law.

Question, I have read the law multiple times. But nowhere does it state that a hand hold is mandated by law. So if you don't have a hand hold how could a passenger reach one? So for kids you took them out and maybe replaced with the hand holds that fasten to the harnesses. Now no matter your size you can always reach it? What do you guys think of this as a solution?
Question, I have read the law multiple times. But nowhere does it state that a hand hold is mandated by law. So if you don't have a hand hold how could a passenger reach one? So for kids you took them out and maybe replaced with the hand holds that fasten to the harnesses. Now no matter your size you can always reach it? What do you guys think of this as a solution?

my kids are 14 and 19 so a teryx 4 is in order for us. but if i had small kids i would weld a box step to the floor so their feet could touch. i wonder if that would be legal.
Question, I have read the law multiple times. But nowhere does it state that a hand hold is mandated by law. So if you don't have a hand hold how could a passenger reach one? So for kids you took them out and maybe replaced with the hand holds that fasten to the harnesses. Now no matter your size you can always reach it? What do you guys think of this as a solution?

What about people without hands? I guess they're just SOL. Great how all of the angles are thought through when they perpetrate this BS on us. We wear helmets, if not just because we are rough riders, because we already had a few serious encounters with the loss of life and protect ourselves best we can, our choice.

As for the choice the law should saw you wear it, or if you don't, you or your estate/heirs cannot sue anybody for wrongful death, period.

If you want to be an a$$, be an ass with a helmet and all things are great. For the rest of us who want a choice and ride responsibly, let us choose. If we get gnarly, put on the plastic bubble. Cruising at slow speed enjoying the setting sun, let me choose.

I am personally for helmets because of my experiences and having seen some of others mishaps. I've also watched a few people ride and just in case they hit me, I want a fighting chance.

We are losing our freedom of choice, but remember one thing, we voted them into office, and we want to armchair quarterback these issues. Get some skin in the game, then we'll see change.

Dan ...
my kids are 14 and 19 so a teryx 4 is in order for us. but if i had small kids i would weld a box step to the floor so their feet could touch. i wonder if that would be legal.

The feet don't have to touch the floor anymore but all riders while sitting with backs flat against the seat back must be able to reach the hand hold. My question is about the hand holds. I currently don't have any in the rear. We never needed them but was considering the hand holds that attach to the harnesses do my kids can reach them no matter. I still don't see how a small kid could reach the hand holds in any of these machines stock unless you added a extension to put it in their lap. At least with all the stipulations in the law on how you must be seated.
Question, I have read the law multiple times. But nowhere does it state that a hand hold is mandated by law. So if you don't have a hand hold how could a passenger reach one? So for kids you took them out and maybe replaced with the hand holds that fasten to the harnesses. Now no matter your size you can always reach it? What do you guys think of this as a solution?

Lots of grey area since no handhold was there from the factory. My guess is that if your kids are belted in with helmets on that no ranger is going to stop you to see if your kids can reach any handholds. Now if your out there doing something stupid and getting stopped for other reasons it might be a good way to throw the book at you. Jmo
Lots of grey area since no handhold was there from the factory. My guess is that if your kids are belted in with helmets on that no ranger is going to stop you to see if your kids can reach any handholds. Now if your out there doing something stupid and getting stopped for other reasons it might be a good way to throw the book at you. Jmo

I agree. I just was kicking this around as an idea. But also thought about the I don't have them and the law doesn't state you have to have them. If you don't have them you don't have to reach them. I don't know, guess have to wait and see.
I would hope common sense would prevail. When I built my last buggy, I made removable handle bars for my kids, they loved them and it kept their hands in a safe place. Not that I think we need a law to tell us that.:D

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