New law requiring helmets in california

As it stands now are practice is they hold on to their harnesses. Keeps their hands close to them and for small kids its easier to hug than to grasp and hold onto something. Can anyone explain why this would be a bad thing? Why a hand hold is better if mounted to the cage? Since their feet don't touch the floor seems that if a bar is stretched out to their lap area with a hand hold now they could have their legs smacked into the bar. That is more probable than their hands getting smashed. I don't push it with my kids in the rhino with me. Just font see a point in putting them in a situation that could go bad fast if with a little precaution and slower travel can avoid it.
As it stands now are practice is they hold on to their harnesses. Keeps their hands close to them and for small kids its easier to hug than to grasp and hold onto something. Can anyone explain why this would be a bad thing? Why a hand hold is better if mounted to the cage? Since their feet don't touch the floor seems that if a bar is stretched out to their lap area with a hand hold now they could have their legs smacked into the bar. That is more probable than their hands getting smashed. I don't push it with my kids in the rhino with me. Just font see a point in putting them in a situation that could go bad fast if with a little precaution and slower travel can avoid it.

Hand hold is no better IMHO When I ride in the right seat of a race car, and things get sideways I cross my arms and hold my belts.
Here ya go

Thanks Dave for posting. This is what me an Rich were give at one of our aat meeting that is being given to all park ranger for notification of the helmet law . I stongly suggest that every one copy this an carry with them in case they get stop for helment s violation before January, Even the speaker for the forresty was telling his people incorrect information , until I informed him to read the bottom of his memo that he was passing out, that there are extentions to that law. Just passing on info.
^ I agree. U need to know the law/laws at least as good as leo's or better. Also be kind and treat all leo's with respect but don't take it lying down.
if you look at the seal on the memo, calif state parks. I have also seen that same memo. word for word with B.L.M. on it. so I'm assuming the memo was generated in sacraminto an given to local state dept an there using same memo but changing letterhead.
But you can drive around in a lifted golf cart with no roll cage through the drags of you want. :banghead:

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CA - Past Presidents of CORVA Endorse Paul Cook for 8th Congressional District


The same puke who authored, sponsored and shoved AB 1595 and the amended AB 1266 (the “helmet†laws) up the arses of our UTV/SXS Community???

No, this is NOT a Halloween "Trick or Treat" gag!!!


Past Presidents of The California Off-Road Vehicle Association, Inc. (CORVA)
3550 Foothill Blvd, Glendale, California 91214

October 30, 2012

Mr. Paul Cook
Cook for Congress
P.O Box 365
Yucca Valley, California 92286

Re: Endorsement for Congressional District 8

Mr. Cook:

The past presidents of CORVA (who combined have approximately 20 years of leadership as presidents of CORVA) have taken a long hard look at the two candidates for the above mentioned Congressional district. Upon extensive deliberation, the undersigned have decided unanimously to extend our endorsement of you for the upcoming election.

We find you to be an experienced elected official and have demonstrated your understanding and respect of the motorized off-highway vehicle issues and those who participate in the same.

We are comfortable with your keen insight on the upcoming decision regarding the proposed expansion of the 29 Palms Marine Corps base into our cherished Johnson Valley Open Area managed by the US Bureau of Land Management. We believe that you are best suited to carry our concerns to Congress and will do an admirable job protecting this entire existing Area for future generations of the public who enjoy this part of BLM public lands.

Respectfully Submitted:


Ed Waldheim


Steve Kuehl


David Swoger
This is most likly do to Ed Waldheim. He was president of CORVA and almost single handily closed over half the riding area in Jawbone Canyon / Dove Springs in the RedRock, CA area. Ed says he is helping promote offroad riding by closing off riding areas that BLM was not even worried about. In fact all the Rangers in the area can't wait till ED is out of the picture.

I would not put Ed Waldheim past being responsible for giving Cook the idea in the first place.

Bryan :cool:
This is most likly do to Ed Waldheim. He was president of CORVA and almost single handily closed over half the riding area in Jawbone Canyon / Dove Springs in the RedRock, CA area. Ed says he is helping promote offroad riding by closing off riding areas that BLM was not even worried about. In fact all the Rangers in the area can't wait till ED is out of the picture.

I would not put Ed Waldheim past being responsible for giving Cook the idea in the first place.

Bryan :cool:

So Ed is looking for someone to send to DC to help close down Johnson Valley also. If Cook makes it to DC (I hope not) watch him vote and I bet he votes for anything the marines want regardless of who he steps on doing it. I don't care what people say I don't think Cook is trust worthy and I hope he looses to Imus and I don't even live in that district.
Bob , As always thanks for the info . Email being sent !

Thank you Rich!!!

I don't get any pleasure from exposing stuff like this but people need to know.

The CPSC is coming after us in CA DESPITE AB 1595/AB 1226 and they will include the ENTIRE United States when they do!

Any thought that Cook put this all to bed with his junk is just ludicrous!!

We can thank the litigious idiots who use any consumer product in an irresponsible manner and then sue the manufacturer for their own PERSONAL stupidity and we can also thank the "industry" for paying Cook to put forth the legislation here in CA first . . . it was merely a precedence setter for future liability avoidance measures!!!

Simple as that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:
Here's a link to a "letter of endorsement" for Cook, the puke who brought AB 1595/AB 1266 to our front door!

It's from some guys that were once Presidents of a CA OHV org!!!

Contact the current President of this org . . . or better yet the whole Board of Directors . . . if you have opinions about the "endorsement" you'd care to express.

As soon as my membership runs out with CORVA I will be a past member. They for some reason don't answer or return phone calls or email. I tried to reach two people there on multiple occasions. They specifically said in their newsletter that CORVA had no position on the helmet law and were only informing their members of the laws passage, AFTER IT PASSED. They appear to have little interest in the UTV sector of offroading.
So Ed is looking for someone to send to DC to help close down Johnson Valley also. If Cook makes it to DC (I hope not) watch him vote and I bet he votes for anything the marines want regardless of who he steps on doing it. I don't care what people say I don't think Cook is trust worthy and I hope he looses to Imus and I don't even live in that district.
I live in Cook's district and I voted for Imus! But because we had an open primary, they are both Republicans.
I live in Cook's district and I voted for Imus! But because we had an open primary, they are both Republicans.

I don't know if I would call Crook a republican. He may run as one and like to call himself one but he sure has not acted like one. Not after the stuff I have read about that guy. Imus is what true republicanism is about. He understands little government and isn't bought and paid for by lobbyist. For the state and countries sake I hope Imus wins that district.
The Past CORVA President OP of the link I included is ignoring how Crook screwed a large number of CORVA members and instead is basing their endorsement of Crook on Johnson Valley.

They have a notion that somehow this one minor Politician can save JV! :confused:

Many non-Politician Marines (either Vets or those currently serving) understand and agree with our position on the importance of recreational opportunities that WILL BE LOST if the Corps get their preferred alternative in JV.

This guy is a Marine Corps Veteran (thank you for your service Mr. Cook), if these guys manage to help get him elected on a "Politicians Promise" that he'll fix it all in JV . . . they are just as dumb as they seem.

This guy has proven he is for sale to the highest bidder and NO FRIEND OF OHV!!!

What makes these Past President clowns think that an Ex-Marine Politician is going to go against the Political grain, stick his neck WAY out, earn disfavor among his peers and shoot himself in the foot . . . all in one fell swoop the minute he's elected on a promise to a couple Past ORV Presidents??? :rolleyes:

DUMB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad:
As much as I dont think Paul Cook is the right guy for district 8 (when it comes to supporting the OHV community in regards to JV) I think we also need to look big picture and see either Paul Cook or Gregg Imus would be better then Nancy Pelosi.

We need to make sure at the end of the day we do not divide our votes and give the election to Democrat Nancy Pelosi She is the incumbent and she has done nothing to support the OHV community and in fact she is not a supporter of OHV.

Pelosi is a supporter of Green Energy and renewable energy like solar & wind. She also is big into the Clean Air Act & Global Warming. (CARB)

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