As it stands now are practice is they hold on to their harnesses. Keeps their hands close to them and for small kids its easier to hug than to grasp and hold onto something. Can anyone explain why this would be a bad thing? Why a hand hold is better if mounted to the cage? Since their feet don't touch the floor seems that if a bar is stretched out to their lap area with a hand hold now they could have their legs smacked into the bar. That is more probable than their hands getting smashed. I don't push it with my kids in the rhino with me. Just font see a point in putting them in a situation that could go bad fast if with a little precaution and slower travel can avoid it.
This is most likly do to Ed Waldheim. He was president of CORVA and almost single handily closed over half the riding area in Jawbone Canyon / Dove Springs in the RedRock, CA area. Ed says he is helping promote offroad riding by closing off riding areas that BLM was not even worried about. In fact all the Rangers in the area can't wait till ED is out of the picture.
I would not put Ed Waldheim past being responsible for giving Cook the idea in the first place.
Here's a link to a "letter of endorsement" for Cook, the puke who brought AB 1595/AB 1266 to our front door!
It's from some guys that were once Presidents of a CA OHV org!!!
Contact the current President of this org . . . or better yet the whole Board of Directors . . . if you have opinions about the "endorsement" you'd care to express.
Bob , As always thanks for the info . Email being sent !
Here's a link to a "letter of endorsement" for Cook, the puke who brought AB 1595/AB 1266 to our front door!
It's from some guys that were once Presidents of a CA OHV org!!!
Contact the current President of this org . . . or better yet the whole Board of Directors . . . if you have opinions about the "endorsement" you'd care to express.
I live in Cook's district and I voted for Imus! But because we had an open primary, they are both Republicans.So Ed is looking for someone to send to DC to help close down Johnson Valley also. If Cook makes it to DC (I hope not) watch him vote and I bet he votes for anything the marines want regardless of who he steps on doing it. I don't care what people say I don't think Cook is trust worthy and I hope he looses to Imus and I don't even live in that district.
I live in Cook's district and I voted for Imus! But because we had an open primary, they are both Republicans.