Yep it just passed. I heard that in goes into effect in January. Helmets will be required in off highway vehicles. Also rear addon on seats that are very common are now officially illegal unless designed by the manufacturer of the ohv.
The Law can be found here.
Thanks you commie legislators in California. First you steal the off road money, now you want to Impose more crap laws.
Read how the law was changed to see the government at work.The law was introduced by a Republican as a tax reduction measure.
I shake my head every time I read all the negativity towards the helmet law. Offloading is a dangerous sport. You could be injured or killed! What were doing is the same thing as any off-road race car. All off-road race cars are required to wear helmets, so why shouldn't we be. This law will save lives, and that will help keep our sport growing, instead of getting sued out of existence! I bought a pumper helmet in 2007, I do not like to ride unless I can wear my helmet with my pumper! Just man up and embrace this to keep your family safe!
I shake my head every time I read all the negativity towards the helmet law. Offloading is a dangerous sport. You could be injured or killed! What were doing is the same thing as any off-road race car. All off-road race cars are required to wear helmets, so why shouldn't we be. This law will save lives, and that will help keep our sport growing, instead of getting sued out of existence! I bought a pumper helmet in 2007, I do not like to ride unless I can wear my helmet with my pumper! Just man up and embrace this to keep your family safe!
Driving is a car is statistically one of the most dangerous activities a person can take part in. Do you know how many lives could be saved if helmets were required for automobiles? Lets not forget go carts, and playing golf, and riding horses and ........ Onceyou let government in the door there is no stopping it, as seen in this case. The helmet crusade started with motorcycles and now look at it.
Since driving cars on the road is very dangerous and headinjuries are a major issue in car crashes we should be requiring all drivers and passengers of passenger vehicles to wear a Helmets. Bet that would be well recieved.![]()
I shake my head every time I read all the negativity towards the helmet law. Offloading is a dangerous sport. You could be injured or killed! What were doing is the same thing as any off-road race car. All off-road race cars are required to wear helmets, so why shouldn't we be. This law will save lives, and that will help keep our sport growing, instead of getting sued out of existence! I bought a pumper helmet in 2007, I do not like to ride unless I can wear my helmet with my pumper! Just man up and embrace this to keep your family safe!
Driving is a car is statistically one of the most dangerous activities a person can take part in. Do you know how many lives could be saved if helmets were required for automobiles? Lets not forget go carts, and playing golf, and riding horses and ........ Onceyou let government in the door there is no stopping it, as seen in this case. The helmet crusade started with motorcycles and now look at it.
Since driving cars on the road is very dangerous and headinjuries are a major issue in car crashes we should be requiring all drivers and passengers of passenger vehicles to wear a Helmets. Bet that would be well recieved.![]()
If anyone is for some reason under the illusion that this day isn't coming, please let me be the one to fill you in. It's well within the order of whats happening for helmets to be required in automobiles. It'll start with those who carry provisional licenses and move its way up to everyone. I honestly think it could happen within my lifetime. The auto insurance companies will be the first to champion this cause. Then groups like AAA, and who could be against 'safety'? "Just think of the children's lives it'll save!!" they'll cry. There will be those who say it's statistically safer to drive a NASCAR and they have to wear helmets so why shouldn't everyone? And you won't be able to do a damn thing about it because it's already too late.
For whatever reason people that get into car crashes don't sue major car manufacturers, citys, or states, because they didn't require helmets, but the same people getting hurt off-roading would sue everyone if they were not told how to dress for off-roading. So until that changes we will not see a helmet law in your everyday car.
IMO this law is so government can say "We did everything possible" in a lawsuit and that is just the world we live in.
And a fine soapbox you stand on, your points are valid and indisputable. I guess my answers, certainly not arguments are these.
Because I have a job, a family and a home to see to among other things. My voice is among the vocal minority, likely not the minority in thought, like minded people also simply don't have the free time, nor do we wish to spent the free time we do have fighting the government. I vote in a way that reflects my mentality but clearly, I'm in the minority.
The world is full of people who would support this legislation, other like it and the politicians who that sign it into law. They may be ignorant (not derogatory), think that mandatory whatever is good or it simply doesn't affect them so they don't sweat it. These people are the majority, clearly.
I will not spend too much of my free time fighting government in this state because I will not win, the motorcycle crowd fought the helmet law with fervor I haven't seen since then and where did it get them? Nowhere.
I do believe that the pendulum will swing back at some point, but it will be many years. We are the minority here and until they do something like a helmet law in cars it will not change. I know, it's a defeatist attitude, but thats the reality from where I stand. This legislation was 100% Republican backed, who you gonna vote for to stop this train? Until the Republican party falls and the Libertarians are the other party option we will have no options in California.
Wow that was long!