Well a little bit of good news. The amendments have passed the legislature floor and are going to be signed by the Governor. I know this was not what and how we wanted this bill to be, but at least we got a small part fixed.
Tonight I had the opportunity to talk to Tim Itnyre,who is Cook's Legislative Director and has been involved in getting this new bill written and pushed though. He explained how the Amended bill was originally suppose to strike the rear seat section out, just as the feet on the floor part was. The problem was it would not have been able to be fast tracked though.
Tim said even though this legislation is done until the new Rep's take office. He will still be working on writing two new bills that will be focusing on 1 making the rear seats legal as long as they meet specific safety requirements, and 2 loosening the helmet law. He did not see how it would be possible to kill the whole helmet law, but it is withen reason to open it up and allow other types of helmets like bike, ski or other non DOT helmets.
I wish I could have spoke to Tim week's ago. I learned a lot by talking to him and he seemed very open to hearing what the OHV community would like to see fixed. Then his job is to take what we want and put in legal wording that would be acceptable to the legislators.
WHAT WE WANT!!! Not what ROHVA or the CPSC wants!!!!! This whole law should go away......