Called Cook's Capitol office. They are hoping to have a bill number later today or Monday. The lady said the two bills they were hoping to attach this to were already on the Assembly floor. They have another bill they are going to attach this too, but wont know the number until then.
Was told that this has already been fast tracked and as soon as it is attached to the bill, it will be on the Assembly floor for a vote. So they still dont see it being an issue before the end of the month.
I have told them we are starting to feel this is all a stall tactic. I was assured this is no stall tactic. The lady said she hoped another e-mail would be going out later today or maybe over the weekend. She said even though our offices are closed on weekend's that they have still been working. This just happens this time of year.
I then called Cook's main office and was told for the most part the same thing. Except this guy did not know or say anything about a new e-mail going out today or over the weekend. He said he hopped they would have the bill number early next week and at that time a e-mail would go out with the new bill number.
Stay on these guys!!! Without that new bill number it is hard to call the other Rep's and tell them to support Paul Cook's amendments as we dont have a number to reference. Almost every other office I have called as asked for the new bill number. Then told me to call back when I have one.
Here is the latest e-mail from Cook's office. I have to give them credit. They said they should have a new e-mail released today or over the weekend.
Second Update on the AB 1595 Fix
I just wanted to give everyone an update and a timeline for the AB 1595 fix. We were able to secure a bill to use as a vehicle for fixing AB 1595 this week. The new bill will become eligible for amendments on Tuesday, so the amended language should be in print and available for you to read online on Wednesday (August 22).
I'll send out an update to everyone with a bill number and a link to where you can read the language of the fix on Wednesday. My office has worked with the Transportation committees in the Senate and Assembly and I believe they will waive holding a hearing on the bill. This means that it will be voted on directly on the Senate floor, possibly as early as next Friday. Following that vote, it will move over to the Assembly where it will be voted on sometime during the final week of session (The week of August 27-31). From there it will move on to the Governor for signature.
I want to thank all of you again for your input so far and I'll keep you all in the loop as the fix moves forward.
Assemblyman Paul Cook
65th Assembly District