I tried to shed some light earlier in this thread as to why manufacturers can't offer harnesses. But maybe that will be negated.
From my understanding come Jan. 2013 Oregon will also have the helmet law in effect...So I have been told
Looks like already in effect if you are under the age of 18. Here is the link to the law
SECTION 26. ORS 821.202 is amended to read:
821.202. (1) A person commits the offense of failure of a Class I, Class II, [or] Class III or Class IV all-terrain vehicle operator or passenger to wear a motorcycle helmet if the person is under 18 years of age, operates or rides on a Class I, Class II, [or] Class III or Class IV all-terrain vehicle on premises open to the public and is not wearing a motorcycle helmet with a fastened chin strap.
(2) The requirement to wear a motorcycle helmet with a fastened chin strap does not apply if the all-terrain vehicle is:
(a) Used exclusively in farming, agricultural or forestry operations or used by persons licensed under ORS chapter 571 exclusively for nursery or Christmas tree growing operations.
(b) Being used on land owned or leased by the owner of the vehicle.
(c) A Class II all-terrain vehicle registered under ORS 803.420 and has a roof or roll bar.
Looks like you could make most machines fit into a class 2 with a little work. That would eliminate the helmet rule if you have a cage.
Todd, I wish I had started this years ago....... Here goes nothing,
My wife and I have started an association, OHV Riders Association. It is a large encompassing one. We are not just looking to gain members in the sxs world but anyone that uses an Off Highway Vehicle. We are not asking for money to join, we ask that you register so that we can really start compiling how many of us there are, and what we all like to do. We are hoping to unite all OHV users to create a voice loud enough to be recognized. Help us grow this association!
Thanks Todd for being the first one to register!
Kids in Utah also.
Looks like already in effect if you are under the age of 18. Here is the link to the law
SECTION 26. ORS 821.202 is amended to read:
821.202. (1) A person commits the offense of failure of a Class I, Class II, [or] Class III or Class IV all-terrain vehicle operator or passenger to wear a motorcycle helmet if the person is under 18 years of age, operates or rides on a Class I, Class II, [or] Class III or Class IV all-terrain vehicle on premises open to the public and is not wearing a motorcycle helmet with a fastened chin strap.
(2) The requirement to wear a motorcycle helmet with a fastened chin strap does not apply if the all-terrain vehicle is:
(a) Used exclusively in farming, agricultural or forestry operations or used by persons licensed under ORS chapter 571 exclusively for nursery or Christmas tree growing operations.
(b) Being used on land owned or leased by the owner of the vehicle.
(c) A Class II all-terrain vehicle registered under ORS 803.420 and has a roof or roll bar.
Looks like you could make most machines fit into a class 2 with a little work. That would eliminate the helmet rule if you have a cage.
I figured you were gonna end up down here, get work done, thats ugly country.I'm in hemet on the "buck" fire. I'll try and post later, 2am headed for the sleeping bag.... Keep raising hell haha!!!
Make some calls! This is far from over folks!
Paul Cook Assemblymen & author of the bill (Let them know if this is not fixed you will support Gregg Imus for Congress!)
909-790-4196 main office
916-319-2065 Capitol office
V Manuel Perez 80th district Assemblymen (Imperial Valley & Glamis)
760-336-8912 El Centro office (They need more calls!)
916-319-2080 Capitol office (They need more calls!)
Brian Jones 77th district Assemblymen (San Diego County including Anza Borrego & Cleveland National Forest) (Off-Roader himself)
619-441-2322 Santee office
916-319-2077 Capitol office
Juan Vargas District 40 Senator (Cleveland National forest, Anza Borrego & Glamis)
619-409-7690 Chula Vista Office
760-335-3442 El Centro office
916-651-4040 Capitol office
Tim Donnelly District 36 Assemblymen (Hemet, Lucerne valley) OHV Supporter
760-244-5277 Hesperia office
916-319-2059 Capitol Office
Joel Anderson District 36 Senator (El Cajon, Temecula, Cleveland National Forest) OHV Supporter
619-596-3136 El Cajon office
Congressmen Bob Filner 51st district (San Diego, El Centro, Superstition, Glamis, Salton Sea)
(619) 422-5963 San Diego office
(760) 355-8800 Imperial Valley office
(202) 225-8045 Capitol
Assemblymen Connie Conway (San Bernardino)
(559) 636-3440 Main office (Needs more calls)
(916) 319-2034 Capitol office
Senator Bill Emerson (District 37 Riverside County)
(760) 568-0408 Palm Desert office (Needs more calls)
(916) 651-4037 Capitol office (Needs more calls)
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
Open 10:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m Eastern Time
800-514-0301 (Long automated message, Dial 7 for assistance)
Or (202) 307-0663
I missed a phone call from the CPSC yesterday, wish me luck, gonna call them today and discuss this helmet crap....![]()