New law requiring helmets in california

Doing what? Having an opinion? You guys react like I am the one making the laws or like I support ROHVA. I simply have stated that helmets are not the end of the world, they will help prevent injury, and I would rather give that up then anything else. Apparently this makes me a crazy, secretly funded, ROHVA loving, off-road liberal wacko.... lol oh well. FWIW I just packed my helmet for a ride in Montana this week
Utv's are no different than any other vehicle on the road except that they ALL have roll cages. This should and does make them safer than the majority of cars on the road and off the road. Even with the 3 point harness you are safer than a smart car or a convertible. These f......ks act like everybody is as shitty at driving as they are.

Arizona allows us to street legal our UTV's. How ever we fall under some motor cycle laws as well as automobile laws so I don't think the law makers really have any idea what heck they are talking about. What next my children can't ride in my SUV because their feet don't touch the floor and I don't have helmets for them? Really lets worry about more important stuff like US jobs!!!
John Galt is a fictional character in Ayn Rand's novel Atlas Shrugged (1957). Although he is not identified by name until the last third of the novel, he is the object of its often-repeated question "Who is John Galt?" and of the quest to discover the answer.
As the plot unfolds, Galt is acknowledged to be a creator, philosopher, and inventor who symbolizes the power and glory of the human mind. He serves as a principled counterpoint to the collectivist social and economic structure depicted in the novel. The depiction portrays a society based on oppressive bureaucratic functionaries and a culture that embraces stifling mediocrity and egalitarianism, which the novel associates with socialistic idealism.

Its cheating to use Google.:cool:
Doing what? Having an opinion? You guys react like I am the one making the laws or like I support ROHVA. I simply have stated that helmets are not the end of the world, they will help prevent injury, and I would rather give that up then anything else. Apparently this makes me a crazy, secretly funded, ROHVA loving, off-road liberal wacko.... lol oh well. FWIW I just packed my helmet for a ride in Montana this week

I bet you voted for Obama.:eek:
Who is John Galt? I have seen that a couple of times....

Anyway, back to me being the bad guy. Since no one will read Jeff's post because they don't scream what everyone wants to read... Let me once again say that the new laws suck and I hate them. And Kyle I think I sacked up pretty hard by saying that I agree with helmets. Sometimes it's harder to say what you really think is right then to just remain quiet and follow the crowd. I agree that we should all make our own choices and it sucks that laws sometimes do this for us. But as I have said a few times in this thread that no one seems to read in context... You got to give up a little at times to keep or get what you want.

Now let me get back to counting ALL that money from the manufacturers and looking at all my free stuff.... Give me a break.

Wait, What? You're rich and have a bunch of free stuff?? :eek: I respect your opinion Joey and that YOU don't mind wearing a helmet. I just wish you would respect my opinion and right to have the option to wear it or not wear it. What I don't like is NOT having the option.. I think that you carry some pull in the utv world and might help in having some stuff changed, it's just that most people don't want this law.

Also, I read all of Jeffs posts.....
My wife has had major medical issues which has created a problem for her to wear a helmet for more than a few minutes.

While I agree that helmets offer protection, there are those that ride that aren't going to be able to wear one for various medical reasons.

We own 4 RZR's between me and my wife, an XP and S for each. We come to California and spend two to three weeks riding a year, and that just went bye bye.

We are both retired and in our early sixties. We have been going to Glamis since Honda came out with the 110 three wheeler. We drive sane, have aftermarket harnesses, cages, and seats and have no need for a helmet.

God forbid, something happens, we have insurance, and can afford our own care. I don't need the government to take care of me or protect me from myself.
Wait, What? You're rich and have a bunch of free stuff?? :eek: I respect your opinion Joey and that YOU don't mind wearing a helmet. I just wish you would respect my opinion and right to have the option to wear it or not wear it. What I don't like is NOT having the option.. I think that you carry some pull in the utv world and might help in having some stuff changed, it's just that most people don't want this law.

Also, I read all of Jeffs posts.....

I never once said that I don't support you having a choice to wear one. All I said is that the helmet law would not be the end of the world. Personally helmets for me is not a problem. But that's me...
I never once said that I don't support you having a choice to wear one. All I said is that the helmet law would not be the end of the world. Personally helmets for me is not a problem. But that's me...

I agree it is not the end of the world, I just want the choice....Plus I've seen you drive joey and it is good that you wear one....haha
I never once said that I don't support you having a choice to wear one. All I said is that the helmet law would not be the end of the world. Personally helmets for me is not a problem. But that's me...


I also prefer one, but that's me. After Chris' accident, I've become a little more conservative, but I do agree, we have enough government. I think the straw that's gonna break that Camels back is not too far off. These government folks better get the message, or they may not like what happens next, it definitely isn't going to be in their favor.

There's far too many people that are on the verge of losing it all, and then we will have Anarchy as Bear said.

If anything needs to be legislated, it should be that if you don't wear a helmet as recommended, then you have no recourse to a lawsuit against the manufacturers. That will allow those who want to ride bare naked, the ability to police themselves. For all others, we ride with helmets, no big deal.

I guess if I decide to drown myself in the bathtub, ain't gonna be anyone taking baths anymore, ya think?

The insanity has to stop, but in some ways the sue happy public has nobody to blame but themselves.


Spent the week in Pismo with my Family in the Teryx with the 4 seat conversion, and my kids had a blast. We go every August. I hope we can go again next Aug if the law allows.

Anyway I noticed about 90% of all Teryxs and Rhinos had 4 seat conversions and I'm betting 90% of those people are not aware of this law. If this dont change theres gonna be alot of pissed off people
Given the choice JoeyD has his own style!


It sucks when another Country is freer than US!:rolleyes:


I remember the "Good Ol Dlays"! ;)

I like the choice but have gotten used to wearing helmets and like it.
The choice to wear a helmet should be defended by ALL. Next time they go after our rights it may be something you are totally against and those of us that defend freedom will be there even if we aren't totally against it. If you let the government take someone else's rights then who will help you protect yours. Just saying divide we FALL. UNITED WE STAND.
The choice to wear a helmet should be defended by ALL. Next time they go after our rights it may be something you are totally against and those of us that defend freedom will be there even if we aren't totally against it. If you let the government take someone else's rights then who will help you protect yours. Just saying divide we FALL. UNITED WE STAND.

^^ x2
The choice to wear a helmet should be defended by ALL. Next time they go after our rights it may be something you are totally against and those of us that defend freedom will be there even if we aren't totally against it. If you let the government take someone else's rights then who will help you protect yours. Just saying divide we FALL. UNITED WE STAND.

I am just curious where you guys stand on Helmet laws for street bikes? I fully understand the argument of a cage and seatbelt vs riding an MC on the street, but the choice argument also me think you guys are opposed to helmet laws period.

Did you, or would you oppose a law like this if it had nothing to do with you in the name of the protection of freedom?

I guess you can likely see where I am headed with this? Its not meant to be a dig, I just like raising questions that make people think.

Faith is a lot easier than doing research and taking action. We have faith that our elected leadership is looking out for our best interest, or faith that the people running for office are the best qualified, when in reality that does not seem the case when you start digging into things. This discussion is a great example of this.

Some have faith that I am going to do whats right for them, and that I am doing the research, when in fact they should be doing it for themselves, and making their own decisions. As we strip it down to the basics you can see how this apathy affects every aspect of our lives, from large to small.

Just some things to think about.;)

It finally hit 50 pages BTW. :)
Every choice in life has a risk. Its up to you on how you protect yourself. Look at something as basic as a lawnmower. Just looking at the basic stats it looks like's these things are very dangerous. However all over this great country everyday people are out mowing without any required training class, there is not a "LAW" requiring protective gear to be worn while operating.

The AAP suggests that “the minimum age for operation of lawn mowers by children is at least 16 years for ride-on mowers and at least 12 years for walk-behind power mowers and hand mowers.” Children who are old enough should be properly taught how to operate the mower and how to take safety precautions.

Lawn mower-related injuries are among the most horrific injuries seen at the Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt. They are devastating to families, and doctors say they see them each spring.
These injuries send about 9,000 children and adolescents to hospital emergency departments across the nation each year. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), one-fourth of those injuries occur in children younger than 5.

Each year 80,000 Americans require hospital treatment for lawn mower accidents. The majority of those accidents are associated with children under the age of 15 and adults over the age of 60. The most common injuries are strikes by debris that is picked up and thrown by the mower’s spinning blades.
According to the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System’s statistics, 663,000 Americans were seen in emergency rooms for injuries sustained while using lawn mowers from 1996 to 2004. This means that approximately two of every 1,000 emergency room visits results from injuries sustained during lawn mower accidents, which amounts to approximately half the number of annual firearm-related injuries. The most common injury aside from projectile damage is that of a fractured foot.
I am just curious where you guys stand on Helmet laws for street bikes? I fully understand the argument of a cage and seatbelt vs riding an MC on the street, but the choice argument also me think you guys are opposed to helmet laws period.

Did you, or would you oppose a law like this if it had nothing to do with you in the name of the protection of freedom?

I guess you can likely see where I am headed with this? Its not meant to be a dig, I just like raising questions that make people think.

Faith is a lot easier than doing research and taking action. We have faith that our elected leadership is looking out for our best interest, or faith that the people running for office are the best qualified, when in reality that does not seem the case when you start digging into things. This discussion is a great example of this.

Some have faith that I am going to do whats right for them, and that I am doing the research, when in fact they should be doing it for themselves, and making their own decisions. As we strip it down to the basics you can see how this apathy affects every aspect of our lives, from large to small.

Just some things to think about.;)

It finally hit 50 pages BTW. :)

INMO, I dont feel that the goverment has any business on protecting ME from ME, I dont agree with Helmet laws, seatbelt laws, or any other law that pertains to keeping me safe from me.

However, I DO wear a helmet on a motorcycle, and a 5 point harness in my rhino, I dont wear a seatbelt in my car, and I WILL NOT wear a helmet in my rhino.

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