New law requiring helmets in california

Hey guys, I got this email today.. Sorry if it's a repost

Update on the AB 1595 Fix

I want to provide everyone with an update on the status of the AB 1595 fix. We have a limited window to get any bill passed, so I have been working closely with the Senate and Assembly Transportation Committees on language that can be passed before the legislature adjourns on August 31. I believe I have been able to reach an agreement on two provisions that will guarantee that come January you will still be able to ride with your kids while using aftermarket seats. It will also provide time for a more complete legislative fix next year.

The fix will remove the provision dealing with passengers' feet being required to touch the floorboards and will delay the implementation of the restrictions on aftermarket seats until July 1, 2013. This will give everyone another 11 months to get a more thorough and permanent fix drafted and passed during the next legislative session.

I expect that we will have a bill for this fix by early next week, at which point I will send out an email to all of you with the bill number. I expect this to move through the legislature extremely quickly and should be headed to the governor's desk for signature before the end of session.

I want to thank the American Sand Association, the Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation Division of California's Department of State Parks, the California Off-Road Vehicle Association, and all of the other groups and individuals who have provided assistance to my office in preparing this fix.


Assemblyman Paul Cook

65th Assembly District
T-shirt? gonna have to start fundraising for the stickers and shirts folks would like lol....

I am working on some stickers.... ;)
Papa bear you should switch the color of your text to something other than yellow if possible. Its damn near impossible to read from the phones for some reason.

Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk 2
Mark, you can darken the background of your phone by going to settings and darken background. That way you get the full flavor of my colorful posts! ;):cool:

I really need to learn how to use these "smart phones". But red looks purdy. Makes your post look firey, spicey and aggressive lol

Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk 2
Cook is playing the system. Really you want to postpone untill JULY to re evaluate. b.S. he will be long gone by then. He needs to make this right. We need to keep calling and if we dont get want we want we have to make sure he has a hard time getting elected into a fry cook position. Crooked bastards. I just took my family to Pismo this weekend and had a blast in the Teryx I cant believe these losers who are so uneducated on this topic have the right to make a decision for us.
Tell them to support Paul Cook's Amendments to AB1595

Find Your State Representatives

Paul Cook Assemblymen & author of the bill (Let them know if this is not fixed you will support Gregg Imus for Congress!)
909-790-4196 main office
916-319-2065 Capitol office

V Manuel Perez 80th district Assemblymen (Imperial Valley & Glamis)
760-336-8912 El Centro office (They need more calls!)
916-319-2080 Capitol office (They need more calls!)

Brian Jones 77th district Assemblymen (San Diego County including Anza Borrego & Cleveland National Forest) (Off-Roader himself)
619-441-2322 Santee office
916-319-2077 Capitol office

Juan Vargas District 40 Senator (Cleveland National forest, Anza Borrego & Glamis)
619-409-7690 Chula Vista Office
760-335-3442 El Centro office
916-651-4040 Capitol office

Tim Donnelly District 36 Assemblymen (Hemet, Lucerne valley) OHV Supporter
760-244-5277 Hesperia office
916-319-2059 Capitol Office

Joel Anderson District 36 Senator (El Cajon, Temecula, Cleveland National Forest) OHV Supporter
619-596-3136 El Cajon office

Congressmen Bob Filner 51st district (San Diego, El Centro, Superstition, Glamis, Salton Sea)
(619) 422-5963 San Diego office
(760) 355-8800 Imperial Valley office
(202) 225-8045 Capitol

Assemblymen Connie Conway (San Bernardino)
(559) 636-3440 Main office (Needs more calls)
(916) 319-2034 Capitol office

Senator Bill Emerson (District 37 Riverside County)
(760) 568-0408 Palm Desert office (Needs more calls)
(916) 651-4037 Capitol office (Needs more calls)

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
Open 10:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m Eastern Time
800-514-0301 (Long automated message, Dial 7 for assistance)
Or (202) 307-0663
I think we all know we are fighting an up hill battle, a battle we can win but it will be a fight. This also goes for land closures too!

I know most will not agree with me on this. And I dont like his either, but we are fighting manufactures, with big money, Congressmen who like lobbyists money.

Regarding the helmet part of the law. I am 99% sure it is going to stay. What I think we need to do is fight to have the it changed to allow non DOT helmets. This would allow bike, skate & ski helmets, which are lighter, better breath-ability in hot weather, and have better visibility. I'm thinking you might be able to wear a head set underneath some of them too.

I spoke to several offices about possibility of the helmet law being for only people under 16 years old, and allowing lighter bike style helmets. The comment I got back was "They want everyone to wear a helmet."

Regarding the modified rear seats.

I was thinking we might have a better chance of winning this rule by July 1's 2013 if we compromised alittle bit. What if the law was written that all 2013 and newer UTV's can't add rear seat locations that were not made by the manufacture? By doing this it will grandfather all UTV's that had added rear seats prior to the law coming into effect.

Most altered rear seat UTV's were done prior to the Manufactures offering 4 seat versions. This would also protect owners investments if they were to sell the UTV, and offers someone who can't afford a new machine the opportunity to buy a used 4 seat UTV.

Also part of this law could state that any aftermarket rear seats much have roll cage protection over head, and the seats must be bolted to the body or chassis. No temporary straps or fasteners. This would keep the Bungee cord / tie down issues the BLM has refereed to as illegal. Also anyone who uses the modified rear seat would have to have proper belts / restraints on.

What do you think? In a perfect world we would not even be talking about such stupid laws. But the fact is we live in a society that feels we need to protect everyone from themselves.
Even small victory's are important. Multiple small victories can add up to big ones. Also this lets the lawmakers know we will fight every law they try to pass. No longer are they going to write laws and they will just go through. If they want to write a law, they better be prepared to fight the fight, because we will. Some lawmakers might not be willing to fight and dont want the publicity, so they will pass on some lobbyist offer.

This is what the environmentalist have been doing for years. Their organizational efforts, their donations to Org's and those Org's letting Lawmakers know that if they dont get their way, they will be heard have put them where they are today.
Todd, I wish I had started this years ago....... Here goes nothing, :)

My wife and I have started an association, OHV Riders Association. It is a large encompassing one. We are not just looking to gain members in the sxs world but anyone that uses an Off Highway Vehicle. We are not asking for money to join, we ask that you register so that we can really start compiling how many of us there are, and what we all like to do. We are hoping to unite all OHV users to create a voice loud enough to be recognized. Help us grow this association!

Thanks Todd for being the first one to register!

Remember 9 fatalities in 7 years all in Rhinos and we have to wear a helmet? Were any of these while trail riding? Or balls out in the Sand or Some high speed maneuvers? Can't believe this is being shoved down our throats because of 9 numb nuts! Where is the evidence of injury at 5mph on a trail? :mad::mad::mad:

The evidence is no where to be found! All the empirical data is likely based on the lawsuits filed. Basically a generalization of B.S.!
Regarding the modified rear seats.
I was thinking we might have a better chance of winning this rule by July 1's 2013 if we compromised alittle bit. What if the law was written that all 2013 and newer UTV's can't add rear seat locations that were not made by the manufacture? By doing this it will grandfather all UTV's that had added rear seats prior to the law coming into effect.

No way should compromise by in the vocabulary...this portion is BS and they know it. Why not follow laws that are already on the books??? Arizona law regarding double-riders:

A person operating a motorcycle or all-terrain vehicle shall ride only on the permanent and regular seat attached to the motorcycle or all-terrain vehicle. The operator of a motorcycle or all-terrain vehicle shall not carry any other person and any other person shall not ride on a motorcycle or all-terrain vehicle unless the motorcycle or all-terrain vehicle is designed to carry more than one person. On a motorcycle or all-terrain vehicle designed to carry more than one person, a passenger may ride on the permanent and regular seat if it is designed for two persons or on another seat firmly attached to the motorcycle or all-terrain vehicle at the rear or side of the operator.

Your compromise would ONLY encompase UTV's and wouldn't be applied to ANY other vehicle (bought or fabricated). Why allow them to pigeon hole one specific type of OHV??
Amy the managing director for corva is fighting this law. She posted the following just now on rzr

Interesting morning, and fruitful, I believe

The origin of the bill came about because of a need to define UTV's in the California Vehicle Code so rules pertaining to their use could be enforceable. There were already ongoing discussions with the CPSC where it was made clear if the industry didn't start regulating the usage of UTV's, more stringent rules would be instituted than the industry may like. AB 1595 was written to solve both these issues. If you read the minutes for the CPSC meeting held 12/15/2010, you will see how the elements in the bill were taken directly from the plans ROHVA presented to the CPSC in response to CPSC concerns:

1. I've confirmed the amendments with Assemblyman Paul Cook's office are definitely going through, with the involvement ( and agreement) of the manufacturers. These concern the backseat issues and the feet on the floor conundrum.

2. I have put forth Kyle's name to become a citizen representative for issues relating to UTV's, and attend CSPC meetings and hearings in the future. We should know more about that soon. The way the CPSC hearings are publicized and people notified is eye-opening.

3. The manufacturers won't budge, at the moment, on the helmet law. So we are going to have meetings to present different scenarios, as well as hear their points of view. We have to listen to their reasoning, while countering with well-crafted arguments of our own, and see where a balance can be struck. I already suggested that the requirement for helmets be limited to children, but I also think loosening the requirement on the DOT helmet should be a proposal we make. We need empirical evidence why a certain type of helmet would work, or wouldn't work. Is size an issue? Is visibility an issue?

4. Part of the problem is the way this was pushed through the legislature, in an under-the-table fashion, and the other part is that we just don't know all the facts behind the need for the change. We need to hear from them about this, and I've asked the manufacturers to get us that information. We will have it in a few days.

5. The meetings will take place shortly, with a major goal of repairing relationships. I want them to understand your complaints, issues, problems; and on the flip side the user community has to hear about the pressures they've faced. Getting them to meet with us to present our arguments is a big deal, and I'm glad they agreed.

6. The manufacturers were astounded with the response they received from all of you, without all that pressure I don't think they would have agreed with the amendments.

7. How about putting together an online petition that expresses the feelings of betrayal held by many enthusiasts, and calls on the manufacturers to insure the wants and needs of the community are taken into account, and members of the community are consulted with any further changes to usage?


Please feel free to spread this information around....
No way should compromise by in the vocabulary...this portion is BS and they know it. Why not follow laws that are already on the books??? Arizona law regarding double-riders:

A person operating a motorcycle or all-terrain vehicle shall ride only on the permanent and regular seat attached to the motorcycle or all-terrain vehicle. The operator of a motorcycle or all-terrain vehicle shall not carry any other person and any other person shall not ride on a motorcycle or all-terrain vehicle unless the motorcycle or all-terrain vehicle is designed to carry more than one person. On a motorcycle or all-terrain vehicle designed to carry more than one person, a passenger may ride on the permanent and regular seat if it is designed for two persons or on another seat firmly attached to the motorcycle or all-terrain vehicle at the rear or side of the operator.

Your compromise would ONLY encompase UTV's and wouldn't be applied to ANY other vehicle (bought or fabricated). Why allow them to pigeon hole one specific type of OHV??

AZ Amziol, please read the post under yours. Familyman re-posted what TrailGal from(CORVA) said. Like I mentioned We will need to compromise. If we dont we risk losing 100% of what we are fighting for. She mentioned that without all the noise we have been making she would have been doubtful the Manufactures would even be willing to talk compromise. And like I said the State and Manufactures are set on us wearing helmets. Now it's time to see if we can negotiate if we can use other then DOT helmets and explain our side. If we can beat the Feet on the Floor and the Rear Seat issues then that is huge. If we can get some sore of compromise on the helmets then I dont know how much better we can do.

Remember we are huge voice when all talking at once. But we still dont carry the financial suport these manufactures and lobbyist do. So we should be very proud of what we have accomplished and in such a short amount of time!
My question to you guys is this, if we shoot for getting the helmets taken out of the bill and they don't budge, what would you be willing to live with?

Would bike/skateboard helmets work?

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