New law requiring helmets in california

I would only put a skate/snow helmet on my kids cause of weight otherwise a helmet is a helmet for an adult in my opinion.

FWIW, I think the helmet thing is smart. The reckless drivers are the ones who can't police themselves so maybe this can actually prevent some injuries. While I don't always LIKE to wear a helmet, I become used to it. For the rocks and slow stuff I bought an affordable Simpson open face. For high speed dusty rides I got a full face race helmet. For average rides I have a lightweight MX helmet. With goggles you lose a little peripheral visibility but with sunglasses it's really no different then not having one on.
No one asked you to CARE. But just Like they follow the helmet law on MX and atvs they will do the same here. Not everyone, matter of fact most don't have 4/5 points to hold them in. While you may never go more than 5mph many in the dunes or deserts go wide open through whoops and over jumps no less.
a couple of photos that show why I think helmets are a good thing....


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AZ Amziol, please read the post under yours. Familyman re-posted what TrailGal from(CORVA) said. Like I mentioned We will need to compromise. If we dont we risk losing 100% of what we are fighting for. She mentioned that without all the noise we have been making she would have been doubtful the Manufactures would even be willing to talk compromise. And like I said the State and Manufactures are set on us wearing helmets. Now it's time to see if we can negotiate if we can use other then DOT helmets and explain our side. If we can beat the Feet on the Floor and the Rear Seat issues then that is huge. If we can get some sore of compromise on the helmets then I dont know how much better we can do.

Remember we are huge voice when all talking at once. But we still dont carry the financial suport these manufactures and lobbyist do. So we should be very proud of what we have accomplished and in such a short amount of time!

My post wasnt about helmets, but add on seats

from my awesome HTC on Verizon
Utv's are no different than any other vehicle on the road except that they ALL have roll cages. This should and does make them safer than the majority of cars on the road and off the road. Even with the 3 point harness you are safer than a smart car or a convertible. These f......ks act like everybody is as shitty at driving as they are.
BTW when a law is passed in the Peoples name it is all of US and it reflects on everyone in this state and country!:eek: It is our tax money and Green Sticker fees that will enforce this!:mad: Mark my words this will kill the families and make this a guy activity! The Manufactures will be sorry they threw us under the bus!

My Family won't stop off-roading in UTV's because of a helmet law...
a couple of photos that show why I think helmets are a good thing....

Ya, but the few shouldn't make a law for all.. You will never see me in the sand jumping my rzr. I see guys ride off trail and tear shit up but you won't hear me say close it because of those few. I bought a machine with ROPS, a seatbelt and steering wheel so I wouldn't need the helmet. You should give adults the right to choose.

This guy has a HELMET and a 5 POINT Harness on... YEP thats his HEAD hanging out the window! lol Not funny but proves my point.. in a violent roll over your body does things you would never expect... Then again, if this guy only road trails at 10mph this could never happen I suppose...

My point is, we all push our machines at some point during a trail ride or at some point during the time we own a machine. Maybe we are all always super responsible, maybe its ONLY my friends who go super fast, drift all the turns and run their machines like minim buggies. All I know, is it crosses my mind all the time that what if a wheel comes off, what if I hit a rock that I didn't see, or what if I lose control while holding it wide open.

The rule is not for the guy who only goes 15mph on a slow trail while looking at the birds and smelling the flowers... unfortunately or fortunately depending how you look at it.. some people actually like to use all 9"-18" of wheel travel and all 27-88hp in the engines. Since most of the people I ride around with prefer to go fast and drive hard I can only base my opinions on that, therefore my opinion is a helmet can and will save lives.
I can see your opinion, but it is not fair to make some 65 yr old grandpa that puts wear a damn helmet. If you are over 18 yrs old and decide to go out with out PPE on and hurt yourself, that is on you. I don't want to be force fed ALL the other stuff big gov comes up with because a FEW screwed up.

If they keep pushing full DOT shit on me I am going to push that these tards in SMART cars doing 75 in the fast lane play by the same rules.
Ya, but the few shouldn't make a law for all.. You will never see me in the sand jumping my rzr. I see guys ride off trail and tear shit up but you won't hear me say close it because of those few. I bought a machine with ROPS, a seatbelt and steering wheel so I wouldn't need the helmet. You should give adults the right to choose.

I don't disagree with that. But the unfortunate part is the adults who choose to not wear them, crash, and smash their heads on roll bars or rocks will only contribute to the future demise of our sport. I feel like we are delaying the inevitable by fighting this part to of the law. I think that whether it happens now or in a few years, helmets will become part of our sport. I also see it happening for buggies and trucks that take to the dunes or OHV parks that allow for higher speeds. Its either that or I see OHV parks adding speed limits. I would rather wear a helmet then be told I am limited to 35mph. Papa Bear won't care, he only goes 5mph, but I will be pissed! lol ;)
Just not true, I don't buy any of it, that is a race! If you race you CHOSE to follow their rules and if that includes a helmet then fine! I have lead Hundreds, maybe thousands in SXSs and Jeeps and no one has ever been hurt in 44 years! I will not give up my choice for a maybe, maybe we should just stay home? Maybe I shouldn't swim with Great Whites? BUT IT IS MY CHOICE not some know it all wonk! Again I am not going 65 mph on the trails I ride! Maybe these people should have had SCUBA Gear or slept with their Life-jackets on?


We stand UNITED or we don't stand at all!

MAYBE trying to have a conversation or debate with you is pointless... lol

I will just say this..... I hate that new laws are being forced on us, I hate that we have to be affected by a few, I hate that greedy american lawyers have brought our sport to this point, I hate that the CPSC wants to force the manufacturers into making UTV's that will suck balls...
I don't disagree with that. But the unfortunate part is the adults who choose to not wear them, crash, and smash their heads on roll bars or rocks will only contribute to the future demise of our sport. I feel like we are delaying the inevitable by fighting this part to of the law. I think that whether it happens now or in a few years, helmets will become part of our sport. I also see it happening for buggies and trucks that take to the dunes or OHV parks that allow for higher speeds. Its either that or I see OHV parks adding speed limits. I would rather wear a helmet then be told I am limited to 35mph. Papa Bear won't care, he only goes 5mph, but I will be pissed! lol ;)

Joey, luv ya to death dude but sack up. :mad: Do you think that the CPSC isn't touchable? If everyone says ENOUGH and stands their ground we can force some change.....

And a side note, look how dangerous these damn things look..
Wear your helmet Joey, that is fine with me, or don't wear your helmet Joey, that is also fine with me, but don't tell me I have to just because you think it is safer, or some government pundit thinks it is. We should not compromise anymore so we can keep just some of our freedoms, after all I have a 2 seat Teryx and It will not affect me but I think the whole law is bullshit.
I heard today that you out of state guys better grab the lube cause the helmet shit is headed your way ASAP. no one is safe...
IMPORTANT! READ THIS!!!!! Notes of the meeting between ROHVA and CPSC

Just thought I would bump this info as it really makes it painfully clear to me why this law has been proposed, and I fully expect it in multiple states. As far back as 2009 the CPSC was twisting the screws on the UTV manufactures. If you read all the fine print you can see they resisted at first but have been pushed into a place that requires changes that we don't like.

I don't foresee the helmet law going away, that's no fault of the manufacture. You can cry liability all you want, but common sense tells me the owners manual covers that without a law. Hence the reason we have the wonderful MC helmet law here in Kalifornia.

Like I have tried to say from the start we only see half the story. Fixing the floor board is a win in my eyes. Getting a snell rating on the helmets should not be a big issue, and you might get helmets reduced to children in some states, but I don't see it in Ca.

At some point late model modified two seat to 4 seat UTV's are going to become obsolete in the grand scheme, so if you could get around the registration, or head it off in other states that would be a win as well.

Now on to my soap box:
There are disturbing subliminal messages in the 2009 document regarding average costs for medical expenses, and long term care costs. State run medical insurance programs could some day limit activities that are a risk to our investment in a citizen. In addition commissions like the CPSC, and EPA that are created to look out for our best interest are a recipe for loss of freedom.

Conspiracy theory? Maybe? But you have to ask yourself if our personal freedom to do stupid stuff needs to be regulated by the government, and if we have now come way to far to stop the nanny state?

Will you be willing to break the law that continue to be thrust upon us? Will you be willing to accept a helmet law to see an industry continue servicing a community?

I guess the biggest question is how far are you willing to go to protect your freedoms?

ROHVA and the manufactures are not the issue here, its the Federal Governments Big Brother Mentality, and its Commissions in which indaviduals that are not elected to a position by the people for the people, but are given the authority to create a law, or rule in which we are required to follow.

We have been given the power to stop this, but sadly we the people have stopped believing in the grand experiment of self rule, and have let apathy cloud our judgement.

No matter what your opinion. Get to know your local representatives, vote, and inspire your neighbor to do the same. Don't let the few speak for you, or carry the burden of doing the work. Help them carry the load, and make your voices heard.

This message is for all the lurkers, not the people that live in cyber world.

Who is John Galt?:D
Who is John Galt? I have seen that a couple of times....

Anyway, back to me being the bad guy. Since no one will read Jeff's post because they don't scream what everyone wants to read... Let me once again say that the new laws suck and I hate them. And Kyle I think I sacked up pretty hard by saying that I agree with helmets. Sometimes it's harder to say what you really think is right then to just remain quiet and follow the crowd. I agree that we should all make our own choices and it sucks that laws sometimes do this for us. But as I have said a few times in this thread that no one seems to read in context... You got to give up a little at times to keep or get what you want.

Now let me get back to counting ALL that money from the manufacturers and looking at all my free stuff.... Give me a break.

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