IMPORTANT! READ THIS!!!!! Notes of the meeting between ROHVA and CPSC
Just thought I would bump this info as it really makes it painfully clear to me why this law has been proposed, and I fully expect it in multiple states. As far back as 2009 the CPSC was twisting the screws on the UTV manufactures. If you read all the fine print you can see they resisted at first but have been pushed into a place that requires changes that we don't like.
I don't foresee the helmet law going away, that's no fault of the manufacture. You can cry liability all you want, but common sense tells me the owners manual covers that without a law. Hence the reason we have the wonderful MC helmet law here in Kalifornia.
Like I have tried to say from the start we only see half the story. Fixing the floor board is a win in my eyes. Getting a snell rating on the helmets should not be a big issue, and you might get helmets reduced to children in some states, but I don't see it in Ca.
At some point late model modified two seat to 4 seat UTV's are going to become obsolete in the grand scheme, so if you could get around the registration, or head it off in other states that would be a win as well.
Now on to my soap box:
There are disturbing subliminal messages in the 2009 document regarding average costs for medical expenses, and long term care costs. State run medical insurance programs could some day limit activities that are a risk to our investment in a citizen. In addition commissions like the CPSC, and EPA that are created to look out for our best interest are a recipe for loss of freedom.
Conspiracy theory? Maybe? But you have to ask yourself if our personal freedom to do stupid stuff needs to be regulated by the government, and if we have now come way to far to stop the nanny state?
Will you be willing to break the law that continue to be thrust upon us? Will you be willing to accept a helmet law to see an industry continue servicing a community?
I guess the biggest question is how far are you willing to go to protect your freedoms?
ROHVA and the manufactures are not the issue here, its the Federal Governments Big Brother Mentality, and its Commissions in which indaviduals that are not elected to a position by the people for the people, but are given the authority to create a law, or rule in which we are required to follow.
We have been given the power to stop this, but sadly we the people have stopped believing in the grand experiment of self rule, and have let apathy cloud our judgement.
No matter what your opinion. Get to know your local representatives, vote, and inspire your neighbor to do the same. Don't let the few speak for you, or carry the burden of doing the work. Help them carry the load, and make your voices heard.
This message is for all the lurkers, not the people that live in cyber world.
Who is John Galt?