Mint 400 side bet

It was not intended as a personal attack but simply to point out all the crap flying around re the event... But I'll play

-Push-Gate: Whatever Agreed
-Magical last minute entries that weren't in by the cutoff. People in all classes dropped out and the massive list of those waiting were then allowed to take their place. BLM gives a permit with an allowed set number of entries. BITD & MM cannot change that easily. Understood, doesn't change the controversy floating around
-More entries than initially allowed? NOPE Understood, doesn't change the controversy floating around
-1st race cutoff's so the all important unlimited guys can race. Deal with it.. Trophy Trucks are the big show. I liked it better when desert racing was about the racers, not "The Show". So all the competitors are not equal to the promoter?
-Trash/spectator issues: Always is when you pile in almost 100K people throughout multiple spec areas. But Mad Media pays for trash cans and clean up crews. Can't fix stupid and lazy. AGREED AND IT SUCKS PEOPLE DO NOT TAKE RESPONSIBILITY!, again simply stating fact...
-Weatherman radio support uninvited: He was not UNinvited, there was a mix up in communication with how he would be integrated again this year and it slipped through the cracks. Matt Martelli was bummed that happened. "Uninvited" may have been the wrong term and I apologize. Bob's post on RDC...

"Sharlene and I were ready to go and looking forward to our continuing support of the Mint 400 Race. We were invited, as usual by Mad Media; however, our effort was blocked by Casey's allegiance to his new sponsor. Had we more than two days advance notice, we could have prepared the Yellow Zebra Jeep and at least done retrieval. We followed the race from home and utilized the new tracking system which was awesome!"

-ECU-Gate: This will continue to be an issue YUP
-IRC running out of trackers Again? IRC? Why does anyone care about that failed system anymore? When was the last time IRC tracking worked anyway, at least consistently? The YB system was awesome and is the future. Because IRC is, as of this event mandatory and it's not the first time they ran out of the mandatory units. Failed yes, but required and paid for by competitors.
-And more spamming than any event in the history of off road racing: It was all piled into 3 weeks of hype building and announcements vs. 3 months like years previous. Don't like it? OPT OUT! Fine line between marketing and spamming, just like the Monster and Currie updates I receive that were never signed up for. It's kinda like: Do we really need to press 1 for English and I'll call you if I need solar...

You may not have been in the sport back then but; "Desert Racing" used to be more about the race and competitors and the show was ancillary. Yes, there was controversy and issues! But in the new era there seems to be more controversy and conversation; and a lot of it seems to surround more leniency in the rules and the fact that the show seems to have eclipsed the racing part in importance...

Again nothing personal as ALL racing orgs have issues but that's the sandbox we have to play in. I also get that Marketing and the show is how MM derives it's income and that people withdrew. We were one that sent our stuff in by the cutoff and withdrew 2 days later.

It was not intended as a personal attack but simply to point out all the crap flying around re the event... But I'll play

You may not have been in the sport back then but; "Desert Racing" used to be more about the race and competitors and the show was ancillary. Yes, there was controversy and issues! But in the new era there seems to be more controversy and conversation; and a lot of it seems to surround more leniency in the rules and the fact that the show seems to have eclipsed the racing part in importance...

Again nothing personal as ALL racing orgs have issues but that's the sandbox we have to play in. I also get that Marketing and the show is how MM derives it's income and that people withdrew. We were one that sent our stuff in by the cutoff and withdrew 2 days later.

Majority of off-road races to this day are still about the race and competitors. Go to any SNORE event, most BITD events, etc and its still in my opinion very much about the limited or core racer. The Mint 400 has and always will be as much about the show as it is the race, thats what makes the Mint 400 the Mint 400. And yes, I think it does suck in some regards that the Trophy Trucks get all the glory but you know what, when you see the fence lines in the morning vs. the afternoon you realize that its the fans that dictate what the show is, not the promotor.

Mad Media to their defense does always have the racers best interest in their thoughts. Nothing is ever done to spite the competition in favor for TV or the show. But its extremely hard to balance everyones expectations and desires and make everyone happy. Everyone being racers, sponsors, fans, teams, BLM, media, etc. What they do for racers from the point of swag at check-in to the media exposure to the contingency layout and the podium presentation, not to mention the awards and prizes, is second to NONE!

With that said, I didn't take your post as a personal attack I just want to prevent any mis-interpetations by those reading these posts. A lot of people didn't attend the Mint 400 and feel the need to comment all about it. I find that hilarious that someone who didn't take the time to attend would take the time to try and spew negativity about it. That is not directed at you acme, I just want to be general in how I use what intel I have to try and dispel any potential rumors or bad info.
I'll play, when did the entry number get upped to 339? Thought it was capped at 330?

You would have to contact BITD. My guess is that they went to BLM possibly and asked for an additional 10 spots. It is also possible they have 339 listed but that was only because they didn't eliminate 9 racers from the actual list prior to posting? I am guessing here but if you have large concern you would have to ask BITD.
Everyone who registers a HELO for the race KNOWS the rules! Plain and simple. You do NOT for any other reason then a potential life saving reason or emergency situation, land a helicopter anywhere near or on the live race course as it is in direct violation of the BLM permit. Its simple. Dude is rolled over and they are not out of the vehicle, helo radios in and lets BITD and other authorities know they are landing to asses and help. Other teams helo's have helped save lives and helped teams and race officials out when there are emergency situations.

What RG did was break his truck mid-race and then call for his helo to pick him and his co-dog up so they didn't have to hang out in the desert. BIG DIFFERENCE.

You kind of proved George right on this one. Know the rules plain and simple.
You kind of proved George right on this one. Know the rules plain and simple.

Well yes and no. What Sims did was ask BITD for permission and they granted it. No one blatantly broke the rule. They asked and BITD approved. Maybe if RG had asked maybe he would have gotten approval, maybe not. Instead he just said F it and took his chances.
Well yes and no. What Sims did was ask BITD for permission and they granted it. No one blatantly broke the rule. They asked and BITD approved. Maybe if RG had asked maybe he would have gotten approval, maybe not. Instead he just said F it and took his chances.
Casey is king and rule writer did he ask him or a volunteer at finish line that was thinking with there heart but not knowing the rules. Did robby ask volunteer and never notified the king casey? again he said she said. 2ND what the hell was that no help pushing rule SEC13 written for?
Well yes and no. What Sims did was ask BITD for permission and they granted it. No one blatantly broke the rule. They asked and BITD approved. Maybe if RG had asked maybe he would have gotten approval, maybe not. Instead he just said F it and took his chances.
Actually my point here and on several occasions previously is there shouldn't be any asking for approval to break the rules. Is this a professional series or a sandlot series? Tell me what other professional sport do you get to ask to break the rules and its granted? This whole conversation about rule breaking the proper way is fucking retarded!!! And that doesn't mean I don't like you Joey or think you do a helluva job promoting the sport but of all people I'd think you would appreciate the integrity of rules in any sport.
Actually my point here and on several occasions previously is there shouldn't be any asking for approval to break the rules. Is this a professional series or a sandlot series? Tell me what other professional sport do you get to ask to break the rules and its granted? This whole conversation about rule breaking the proper way is fucking retarded!!!
I'm 99.9% certain Sims didn't ask for permission to break the rule. He figured he could ask a bitd official if it was in the rules to help push the car across the line. That being said, there was a complete failure on the end of bitd make sure their officials ALSO knew the rules.

FWIW - this same incident almost happened at UTVWC and we radioed into BITD and specifically asked Casey if we could be towed across the line. We were given an answer of "no".

That's how I knew there was a 250 ft rule. But I didn't not know about the no help pushing within the 250ft.
I'm 99.9% certain Sims didn't ask for permission to break the rule. He figured he could ask a bitd official if it was in the rules to help push the car across the line. That being said, there was a complete failure on the end of bitd make sure their officials ALSO knew the rules.

FWIW - this same incident almost happened at UTVWC and we radioed into BITD and specifically asked Casey if we could be towed across the line. We were given an answer of "no".

That's how I knew there was a 250 ft rule. But I didn't not know about the no help pushing within the 250ft.

I don't doubt his intentions but I've heard it a thousand times READ THE RULE BOOK! So don't get your panties in a wad for someone pointing out when a rule is broken either intentional or unintentional. I didn't see Brandon get upset when he ran over the berm at Utvwc and was called out. No disrespect meant I hope none taken. Honestly I think the 250 ft finish line rule is one of the better known rules. You fuckers came out of the woodwork to point that out when I said my very first race I got towed across the finish....last car!!! So there! Lol
I don't doubt his intentions but I've heard it a thousand times READ THE RULE BOOK! So don't get your panties in a wad for someone pointing out when a rule is broken either intentional or unintentional. I didn't see Brandon get upset when he ran over the berm at Utvwc and was called out. No disrespect meant I hope none taken. Honestly I think the 250 ft finish line rule is one of the better known rules. You fuckers came out of the woodwork to point that out when I said my very first race I got towed across the finish....last car!!! So there! Lol
ONLY reason you know that rule is because YOU WERE TOWED ACROSS THE LINE AT ONE TIME!

There are a ton of rules that you don't know in the book today I'm sure also!
,I have seen the good and bad over the years and have been doing this longer than most, first race attended 1974 B to V. things have surely changed, some for the better, some for the worst. ACME made some comments about it being about the racers and not the hype and I have to agree with him, at least thats the way it was back in the day, but I guess us old guys need to just drift away. Oh and Staggs you can always be an honarary memeber of the Losers Lounge and join the clique. those that know, know! The racing hasn't really changed that much, it's still buddies trying to beat the desert, the advent of multimedia and the ability to be a public critic is what has changed. Teddy Roosevelt said it much better than I could ever when he said;

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”
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ONLY reason you know that rule is because YOU WERE TOWED ACROSS THE LINE AT ONE TIME!

There are a ton of rules that you don't know in the book today I'm sure also!
To be fair it was Cognito who was on the receiving end of a bent rule....but then you said you guys had already been told it wasn't ok so I guess people forget after a year. Haha! Brandon was just a spectator at that point who offered to help.....nothing wrong with that.

For the record I think Brandon is everythjng Teddy stated above I don't think anyone questions his enthusiasm. Truth everyone who gets in a race car that's out in the hundreds of hours in prep and countless defeats testing before a race or on the course qualifies. While many don't see the podium or have the sponsor money they face every bit the same challenges or more. So whatever I say ....I walk the walk just like everyone else. Even you Sheakley on the occasion you get your hands dirty.
To be fair it was Cognito who was on the receiving end of a bent rule....but then you said you guys had already been told it wasn't ok so I guess people forget after a year. Haha! Brandon was just a spectator at that point who offered to help.....nothing wrong with that.

For the record I think Brandon is everythjng Teddy stated above I don't think anyone questions his enthusiasm. Truth everyone who gets in a race car that's out in the hundreds of hours in prep and countless defeats testing before a race or on the course qualifies. While many don't see the podium or have the sponsor money they face every bit the same challenges or more. So whatever I say ....I walk the walk just like everyone else.
To be fair, I haven't been a part of cognito for any part of 2016 season.
^^^^^^^ Joe: That lounge thing is supposed to be a secret...

Again rules but another fine example of the blind eye: Looking at a number of cars in a lot of the classes including UTV, it seems the old rules for bumpers such as the SCORE Rule CR43 are now just guidelines: "No hazardous bumpers..." & "All ends must be rounded or capped" etc...

As for BITD:

All UTV race vehicles must have rear bumper secured to frame using minimum
1.5" outside diameter, .083" wall thickness. Front and rear bumpers must sick
out a minimum of 2” past the tires.
Bumper ends must be made in such a way as
to avoid any sharp edges. Bumpers and nerf bars must be designed in a way as to
reasonably inhibit two vehicles from becoming locked together.
A safe front and rear bumper is required on all vehicles.
No hazardous front or rear bumpers,

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