Mint 400 side bet

Mad Media to their defense does always have the racers best interest in their thoughts. Nothing is ever done to spite the competition in favor for TV or the show. But its extremely hard to balance everyones expectations and desires and make everyone happy. Everyone being racers, sponsors, fans, teams, BLM, media, etc. What they do for racers from the point of swag at check-in to the media exposure to the contingency layout and the podium presentation, not to mention the awards and prizes, is second to NONE!

Mad Media does a great job and is fair!
If Mitchell and I had not received push help from Sims and Krause, we would have had it across within an extra 3 minutes. If Kristin Matlock had finished within that i would say we owe her our first place finish. She was around 18 minutes behind, we still would have had first by well over 10 minutes, so i am comfortable where we landed. I knew there was a rule about towing across the finish but didnt realize it was also pushing.
You should hold your head up high. If you can push your car across the finish line and still win a race you more than deserve that trophy in my book.
..another fine example of the blind eye: Looking at a number of cars in a lot of the classes including UTV, it seems the old rules for bumpers such as the SCORE Rule CR43 are now just guidelines: "No hazardous bumpers..." & "All ends must be rounded or capped" etc...

As for BITD:

All UTV race vehicles must have rear bumper secured to frame using minimum
1.5" outside diameter, .083" wall thickness. Front and rear bumpers must sick
out a minimum of 2” past the tires.
Bumper ends must be made in such a way as
to avoid any sharp edges. Bumpers and nerf bars must be designed in a way as to
reasonably inhibit two vehicles from becoming locked together.
A safe front and rear bumper is required on all vehicles.
No hazardous front or rear bumpers,

Thanks for finally being the one man to just come out and say it..for many years now?

Safety? (Pffffhhht)

It's as if the rule book has been "too complicated" to understand for all this time...even to the point (mentioned earlier to nasty reception) of why nobody SHOULD be allowed (obviously) out of their car 'x' feet from the finish line..let ALONE pushing it!!!

Does BITD really have to make such a rule in the first place..or (unbelievably) 'inform' anybody to stay the heck out of there? Look at the photo in post 137. Does BITD 'now' have to make a babysitting rule that if your lights don't even work (anymore) must possess backup power, abandon your car or physically exit the course if able?

To the OP's point:
Intelligently designed bumpers save lives. Ignoring the fact that the exact same bumper on every single car saves even more lives is just plain irresponsible and teaches the next generation of racers absolutely nothing (ditto for every other ridiculousness outlined by too many others over time to name here).

This whole thing is in shambles folks...and let's all pray to God that nobody is maimed or killed before somebody 'of consequence' finally admits it.
What or who won that award for pushing there utv across the finish line. That was a pretty good story and so will cognito and mr sims no matter how we twist it.
And the thread just went to shit......

"..somebody just posted a photo of the two winning drivers disqualifying themselves while claiming later that the rules should not apply to the the responsibility of all drivers to know like the back of their hands..or (heaven forbid) be enforced at the most important juncture in the race.."

Went to "...." indeed.
"..somebody just posted a photo of the two winning drivers disqualifying themselves while claiming later that the rules should not apply to the the responsibility of all drivers to know like the back of their hands..or (heaven forbid) be enforced at the most important juncture in the race.."

Went to "...." indeed.
Or you have a full lack of contempency about receiving permission from a RACE OFFICIAL BEFORE the incident occurred.
Cmon dude that's over the top they had Bitd approval so don't blame them for Bitd policy failures. It didn't change anything and the only reason this is even being discussed has to do with future decisions not this one. It's water under the bridge and not a single person has suggested they were not the bonafide winners of the race hands down......end of story.
Or you have a full lack of contempency about receiving permission from a RACE OFFICIAL BEFORE the incident occurred.

Cmon dude that's over the top they had Bitd approval so don't blame them for Bitd policy failures. It didn't change anything and the only reason this is even being discussed has to do with future decisions not this one. It's water under the bridge and not a single person has suggested they were not the bonafide winners of the race hands down......end of story.

"BITD approval" or "Race Official approval" does not EVER "trump" the pre-determined rules that everybody else (still on the course) are (still) being forced to abide by.
"Getting out of your car (period)" that close to the finish line...let alone pushing it with no working lights or rushing back on to the course (period)..does not "trump" common sense (or 'Safety101' for that matter).

If you're all expecting "permission" or "approval" to either understand the above or to break the very rules that every single one of you know all too well?..then quit complaining about BITD leading you around like lap dogs.

I've never witnessed so many become collectively ignorant/in denial (so fast) in my entire life.

In the BITD rulebook SGR 1-18 deal with the "General Rules" and numerous times the verbiage allows for digression on rules and penalties with SGR 18 specifically stating:

SGR18: The Director has the final decision on all issues involving any Best In The Desert Racing
events. The Director has full discretion to make any final determinations, judgments,
suspensions or penalties in relationship to all Best In The Desert Racing Association rules and/or

Congrats to both competitors on your effort, tenacity, sportsmanship and wins!

PS Spamming is not covered in the rules Joey, so I'm done pissing in your Cheerios on that one...
In the BITD rulebook SGR 1-18 deal with the "General Rules" and numerous times the verbiage allows for digression on rules and penalties with SGR 18 specifically stating:
SGR18: The Director has the final decision on all issues involving any Best In The Desert Racing
events. The Director has full discretion to make any final determinations, judgments,
suspensions or penalties in relationship to all Best In The Desert Racing Association rules and/or
regulations it's kind of like (knowingly) gaining an advantage by not giving a rip about rules which don't necessarily apply to you or how others are being forced to follow them..because your Daddy owns the race track.

Gosh..we can only hope that the 'next' generation is reading this and learning something of value.

In the BITD rulebook SGR 1-18 deal with the "General Rules" and numerous times the verbiage allows for digression on rules and penalties with SGR 18 specifically stating:

SGR18: The Director has the final decision on all issues involving any Best In The Desert Racing
events. The Director has full discretion to make any final determinations, judgments,
suspensions or penalties in relationship to all Best In The Desert Racing Association rules and/or

Congrats to both competitors on your effort, tenacity, sportsmanship and wins!

PS Spamming is not covered in the rules Joey, so I'm done pissing in your Cheerios on that one...
Your correct the director has full discretion as to consequences but it does not provide him the authority to change a rule. I know that's splitting hairs cuz he just needs to say yeah that's a rule violation but we're not doing anything about it.

So my words don't get twisted that's not what happened here. The scoring people misinterpreted the rules and gave incorrect instructions......human error. I do think this has been covered enough and just like the nerfing issue its not disappeared but it's more measured and cars not getting damaged every race anymore. Everyone is more aware it's been put on the radar and I think you'll see less before you see more of this kind of thing.
Your correct the director has full discretion as to consequences but it does not provide him the authority to change a rule. I know that's splitting hairs cuz he just needs to say yeah that's a rule violation but we're not doing anything about it.

So my words don't get twisted that's not what happened here. The scoring people misinterpreted the rules and gave incorrect instructions......human error. I do think this has been covered enough and just like the nerfing issue its not disappeared but it's more measured and cars not getting damaged every race anymore. Everyone is more aware it's been put on the radar and I think you'll see less before you see more of this kind of thing.
I just spoke with Casey. The rule was created with safety in mind. People outside of the protective roll cage with their back to the race course pushing another vehicle can be dangerous. The rule at one point was .5 miles from the finish. It was later changed to 200 yards.

In the situation Branden asked a new race official (Only 2nd race with BITD) if he could assist. The official agreed not knowing there was a standing rule. Casey tells his people to radio him for any special requests. In this case the official was looking at the Sportsman Side/Race Family and decided he felt it was ok. Team SIMS assisted a fellow competitor in pushing a disabled race car over the line for a finish. Officials watched as it happened. It didn't affect the standings or even give them any form of competitive advantage. Casey said if they would have called he would have asked Sims to step aside and they would have a used a vehicle to tow them over for safety.

Casey has since met with his team to review protocol. Casey believes in the rules and why they were created. BITD will stand behind all decisions made by an official and will work to promote safe and responsible desert racing.

He did say 1 person called and made a complaint. This person will remain nameless. You know what they say. If you don't like the food the restaurant is serving, stop coming for dinner. it's kind of like (knowingly) gaining an advantage by not giving a rip about rules which don't necessarily apply to you or how others are being forced to follow them..because your Daddy owns the race track.

Gosh..we can only hope that the 'next' generation is reading this and learning something of value.
We get it, you like strict rules and regulations and you think that BITD is mismanaged and dangerous.

Maybe it's not deserving of you being a fan.....have you considered Nascar? Maybe they have forum that would enjoy your participation?

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