Mint 400 side bet

I just spoke with Casey. The rule was created with safety in mind. People outside of the protective roll cage with their back to the race course pushing another vehicle can be dangerous. The rule at one point was .5 miles from the finish. It was later changed to 200 yards.

He did say 1 person called and made a complaint. This person will remain nameless. You know what they say. If you don't like the food the restaurant is serving, stop coming for dinner.

Casey and I had a discussion about Bitd being overly involved in the races. This was just one example. The last time he and I spoke it was when he authorized that a car in a hotly contested points race who couldn't make the start due to mechanical issues be towed 70 mi on the highway to meet their chase truck and start the race from there. My position then and now is that's outrageous and so is assisting a car to cross the finish line in any position much less first place.

We all know that 99% of the racing community agrees that race vehicles should finish on their own without outside assistance especially from the race organizer. However Casey stated that " Bitd tries to do everything in their power to assist every car across the finish line so they can experience finishing the most highly competitive desert race series in the world." Pretty close if not his exact words.

The other thing we discussed is the various restaurant choices and how the most authentic dining experience is Score with some other smaller ones starting to look better and better and much less expensive. Then we talked about the pussification of America and how the idea bitd is committed to making sure everyone gets to "experience" a big desert race finish is part of that movement.....and he said there were a pile of lace panties left on the course next to pee tubes.

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