Mint 400 side bet

SEC8: No aircraft permitted for the purpose of race support. This includes but is not limited to flying
over any race vehicle; transportation of drivers/riders and or support crews (unless a medical
emergency exists); communication with race vehicle or pit support vehicle or pit; spotting for race
vehicle; transportation of equipment and/or parts; landing on or near the race course in areas other
then approved by Best In The Desert Racing Association and within FAA rules; flying too low;
and interfering with the normal conduct or actions of the event. Violation of this rule may lead to
entrant’s disqualification. No Drones are permitted at any BITD event.
Note: Requests for aircraft special use (i.e.: filming, observing, etc.) must be submitted to
Best In The Desert Racing Association in writing. Requests must include the radio
frequencies (helicopter or airplane frequency and race team frequency) to be used and must
be submitted no later than one week prior to scheduled event. Any request received during
the week prior to the event will not be considered.

Let me first say what Mr sims did is great for everyone and TV. But with that said should Robby Gordon be not allowed to race for the rest of 2015 season because he broke this rule plus was token away parker win for this a couple years ago. Casey said a rule is a rule and they are in place for a reason.

What Robby did was not only VIOLATE a BITD race rule, he strait up put the BITD BLM relationship in jeopardy by landing his helicopter in the middle of a live race in a non-emergency situation just so he could big dick it out of there. He has had his fair share of warnings in the past. A couple of years ago he was busted for communicating with his helo during a race if I remember, I could be wrong But this year what he did goes wayyyy beyond a BITD rule, he broke a BLM rule and that is why Casey was forced to do something.
What your referring to is SCORE. Awesome format like Death Race 2000 just let them race and first one to the finish win! Not realistic for Bitd but you have to admit that advancing cars along the race course is odd to most people. I think it's a result of the pussification of America myself. Btw where my participation ribbon?
Parker BITD 2016 robby is not allowed back to BITD until 2017 for talking to helicopter. If he comes back no helicopter allowed for 2017. Casey talked about it at drivers meeting. Same rule, same section about 3 numbers off.
Parker BITD 2016 robby is not allowed back to BITD until 2017 for talking to helicopter. If he comes back no helicopter allowed for 2017. Casey talked about it at drivers meeting. Same rule, same section about 3 numbers off.
Clearly something else happened at this year's 425 with RG ?!
Sadly enforcement of rules, popularity and sponsorship seem to always play a factor in the new era of desert racing...

Mr Sims exhibited great sportsmanship and Cognito ran ANOTHER solid race up front and were not giving up; and someone allowed a slip in the rules which seems like an honest mistake. Would it have changed the outcome? Does it really matter? It does if you want the rules to be consistent to all competitors.

No dog in this particular fight but it seems every race has a cloud over it's head and some sort of controversy or irregularity (fyi, it's not just the UTV's)?

So far this one has:

-Magical last minute entries that weren't in by the cutoff.
-More entries than initially allowed?
-1st race cutoff's so the all important unlimited guys can race.
-Trash/spectator issues
-Weatherman radio support uninvited
-IRC running out of trackers Again?
-Air support drama
-And more spamming than any event in the history of off road racing

Congrats to all the racers, finishers and winners!

PS George: I applaud your stones for standing up for the rules. I have mixed feelings given the sitaution and the fact that it was a sportsmanship call but agree the rules are becoming too flexible too often..

One Baja 500 we were the fastest car in our class but had a fluke wiring issue that set us back 2.5 hours with bottle necks. We lost by 6 mins in the end and had Zero penalties while the winner had flat footed every speed zone and was penalized 58 mins. I had no issue with second other than I hate losing... I asked the officials via email a week later without calling out any names: "I'm curious but at what time do the amount of penalties become a statement of someone ignoring the rules?" the response was "At our discretion".

Maybe it's time for a CRB again...
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I never heard about that. And apparently neither did very many others. Obviously a lot of people think back a couple years when you hear RG and helicopter in the same sentence.
Sadly enforcement of rules, popularity and sponsorship seem to always play a factor in the new era of desert racing...

Mr Sims exhibited great sportsmanship and Cognito ran ANOTHER solid race up front and were not giving up; and someone allowed a slip in the rules which seems like an honest mistake. Would it have changed the outcome? Does it really matter? It does if you want the rules to be consistent to all competitors.

No dog in this particular fight but it seems every race has a cloud over it's head and some sort of controversy or irregularity (fyi, it's not just the UTV's)?

So far this one has:

-Magical last minute entries that weren't in by the cutoff.
-More entries than initially allowed?
-1st race cutoff's so the all important unlimited guys can race.
-Trash/spectator issues
-Weatherman radio support uninvited
-IRC running out of trackers Again?
-And more spamming than any event in the history of off road racing

Congrats to all the racers, finishers and winners!

PS George: I applaud your stones for standing up for the rules. I have mixed feelings given the sitaution and the fact that it was a sportsmanship call but agree the rules are becoming too flexible too often..

One Baja 500 we were the fastest car in our class but had a fluke wiring issue that set us back 2.5 hours with bottle necks. We lost by 6 mins in the end and had Zero penalties while the winner had flat footed every speed zone and was penalized 58 mins. I had no issue with second other than I hate losing... I asked the officials via email a week later without calling out any names: "I'm curious but at what time do the amount of penalties become a statement of someone ignoring the rules?" the response was "At our discretion".

Maybe it's time for a CRB again...

-Push-Gate: Whatever
-Magical last minute entries that weren't in by the cutoff. People in all classes dropped out and the massive list of those waiting were then allowed to take their place. BLM gives a permit with an allowed set number of entries. BITD & MM cannot change that easily.
-More entries than initially allowed? NOPE
-1st race cutoff's so the all important unlimited guys can race. Deal with it.. Trophy Trucks are the big show.
-Trash/spectator issues: Always is when you pile in almost 100K people throughout multiple spec areas. But Mad Media pays for trash cans and clean up crews. Can't fix stupid and lazy.
-Weatherman radio support uninvited: He was not UNinvited, there was a mix up in communication with how he would be integrated again this year and it slipped through the cracks. Matt Martelli was bummed that happened.
-ECU-Gate: This will continue to be an issue
-IRC running out of trackers Again? IRC? Why does anyone care about that failed system anymore? When was the last time IRC tracking worked anyway, at least consistently? The YB system was awesome and is the future.
-And more spamming than any event in the history of off road racing: It was all piled into 3 weeks of hype building and announcements vs. 3 months like years previous. Don't like it? OPT OUT!
I never heard about that. And apparently neither did very many others. Obviously a lot of people think back a couple years when you hear RG and helicopter in the same sentence.

Casey told us face to face at UTVWC when we mentioned the potential for RG racing an Arctic Cat. He said, NOT THIS YEAR and explained why.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You are correct but what if he landed to help a wreck? would rule be over turn, Yes. So again what is the rule, Is the rule black and white or are the rules in a grey area. Rule was black and white for robby landing his helicopter and communication correct. Rule is in grey area for emergency on track. Rule in black and white on getting help to push across for win. Rule is in grey area if 2 sponsored teams get the greatest help to each other while everyone watches but doesn't change outcome of race, plus killer story and sportsmanship.
You are correct but what if he landed to help a wreck? would rule be over turn, Yes. So again what is the rule, Is the rule black and white or are the rules in a grey area. Rule was black and white for robby landing his helicopter and communication correct. Rule is in grey area for emergency on track. Rule in black and white on getting help to push across for win. Rule is in grey area if 2 sponsored teams get the greatest help to each other while everyone watches but doesn't change outcome of race, plus killer story and sportsmanship.

I am not sure if the official that gave Sims the green light had time to consider all that but it sounds awesome.
You are correct but what if he landed to help a wreck? would rule be over turn, Yes. So again what is the rule, Is the rule black and white or are the rules in a grey area. Rule was black and white for robby landing his helicopter and communication correct. Rule is in grey area for emergency on track. Rule in black and white on getting help to push across for win. Rule is in grey area if 2 sponsored teams get the greatest help to each other while everyone watches but doesn't change outcome of race, plus killer story and sportsmanship.

Everyone who registers a HELO for the race KNOWS the rules! Plain and simple. You do NOT for any other reason then a potential life saving reason or emergency situation, land a helicopter anywhere near or on the live race course as it is in direct violation of the BLM permit. Its simple. Dude is rolled over and they are not out of the vehicle, helo radios in and lets BITD and other authorities know they are landing to asses and help. Other teams helo's have helped save lives and helped teams and race officials out when there are emergency situations.

What RG did was break his truck mid-race and then call for his helo to pick him and his co-dog up so they didn't have to hang out in the desert. BIG DIFFERENCE.

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