LOORRS RD's 7 & * Utah Track Layout


There isnt much to see but you get an idea of the track. It is an attached PDF fo ryou to download!

Thanks Rog for the PDF


  • LucasMiller[1].pdf
    493.5 KB · Views: 45
Rounding up I added the track map #'s up to 3952 feet, guesstimating including the corners I bet about 9/10's to 1 mile in length.

Here is a shot of MMSP from space, track is in the upper right corner in front of the grand stands. Zoom in for a better look.

<iframe width="640" height="480" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src="http://maps.google.com/maps?q=40.580487,-112.378421&amp;num=1&amp;t=h&amp;sll=40.580112,-112.378743&amp;sspn=0.009355,0.022638&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;ll=40.580128,-112.378721&amp;spn=0.03129,0.054932&amp;z=14&amp;output=embed"></iframe><br /><small><a href="http://maps.google.com/maps?q=40.580487,-112.378421&amp;num=1&amp;t=h&amp;sll=40.580112,-112.378743&amp;sspn=0.009355,0.022638&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;ll=40.580128,-112.378721&amp;spn=0.03129,0.054932&amp;z=14&amp;source=embed" style="color:#0000FF;text-align:left">View Larger Map</a></small>

Here is a link to the facilities web site. This place looks first class, Im suprised they want this level of dirt anywhere near that road course.

Miller Motorsports Park
Rounding up I added the track map #'s up to 3952 feet, guesstimating including the corners I bet about 9/10's to 1 mile in length.

Here is a shot of MMSP from space, track is in the upper right corner in front of the grand stands. Zoom in for a better look.

<IFRAME marginWidth=0 marginHeight=0 src="http://maps.google.com/maps?q=40.580487,-112.378421&num=1&t=h&sll=40.580112,-112.378743&sspn=0.009355,0.022638&ie=UTF8&ll=40.580128,-112.378721&spn=0.03129,0.054932&z=14&output=embed" frameBorder=0 width=640 scrolling=no height=480></IFRAME>
<SMALL>View Larger Map</SMALL>

Here is a link to the facilities web site. This place looks first class, Im suprised they want this level of dirt anywhere near that road course.

Miller Motorsports Park
wow looks like a nice track
If thats all thats holding you up we should be able to find someone to help out.

Come on Underground, any volunteers? Serious rep points for whoever steps up!!
If thats all thats holding you up we should be able to find someone to help out.

Come on Underground, any volunteers? Serious rep points for whoever steps up!!
maybe the nabor kid will drive with me
Looks like an awesome track for the SR1's!! Plus, I know that one turn is paved...that will be interesting, for sure! Can't wait to make it out there!! I think the distance of this race will keep the SR1 class count about what it is now - but look out for the race at Glen Helen!! I think we are looking at 13 or so cars for that one!

I asked for my three days off work for the Utah race.......I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they give it to me!
Lookin good. I thought there was supposed to be an asphalt turn, and unless im missing something, i dont see where its going to be?
Lookin good. I thought there was supposed to be an asphalt turn, and unless im missing something, i dont see where its going to be?

Edit, resized photo & added asbuilt.


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The last turn of the road course appears to be the pavement turn.

Anyone who attends this race will surely be spoiled, facilities here are world class. Garages, showers, paved pits for competitors. Grandstands, concessions, real bathrooms for spectators. I raced a 6 hour a couple years ago and even by road course standards, the facilities were luxurious.


  • miller01aJPG.jpg
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Edit, resized photo & added asbuilt.


Haha, yep, I was definately missing something. I was looking in the dirt lot in the far top right. My computer is a dinosaur, so I couldn't load that^ format.

Thanks Doug!
RJ, so whats the word, is that big turn into the front straight is going to be asphalt or dirt?
RJ, so whats the word, is that big turn into the front straight is going to be asphalt or dirt?

As of vegas, and the last i've heard, is that that turn is going to remain asphalt. Then the rest of the track will be clay, like the dirt at perris speedway.
As of vegas, and the last i've heard, is that that turn is going to remain asphalt. Then the rest of the track will be clay, like the dirt at perris speedway.

Really?? We so have the wrong tires for asphalt.

Guess I better get a spare set of axles too.

Thanks RJ, if you hear something different please let us know.
Utah is such an offroad friendly state its great to see some bigger races. We even have a state ran offroad park less then 15 min from my house in SLC.
I would love to do this race. Hopefully next year, I can save up enough to make the trek. The location sounds like a blast!
I was at the track over the weekend for World Superbike, the track and complex is unreal, its really nice. You all are going to love it, I cant wait to go.

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