wow looks like a nice trackRounding up I added the track map #'s up to 3952 feet, guesstimating including the corners I bet about 9/10's to 1 mile in length.
Here is a shot of MMSP from space, track is in the upper right corner in front of the grand stands. Zoom in for a better look.
<IFRAME marginWidth=0 marginHeight=0 src=",-112.378421&num=1&t=h&sll=40.580112,-112.378743&sspn=0.009355,0.022638&ie=UTF8&ll=40.580128,-112.378721&spn=0.03129,0.054932&z=14&output=embed" frameBorder=0 width=640 scrolling=no height=480></IFRAME>
<SMALL>View Larger Map</SMALL>
Here is a link to the facilities web site. This place looks first class, Im suprised they want this level of dirt anywhere near that road course.
Miller Motorsports Park
im trying to find a co driver for the long driveGary, you going to make the trip? Hope you do.
maybe the nabor kid will drive with meIf thats all thats holding you up we should be able to find someone to help out.
Come on Underground, any volunteers? Serious rep points for whoever steps up!!
Lookin good. I thought there was supposed to be an asphalt turn, and unless im missing something, i dont see where its going to be?
Edit, resized photo & added asbuilt.
RJ, so whats the word, is that big turn into the front straight is going to be asphalt or dirt?
As of vegas, and the last i've heard, is that that turn is going to remain asphalt. Then the rest of the track will be clay, like the dirt at perris speedway.