Is there such a thing as excessive nerfing?

Cory who is the tech guy, the rule maker, and a racer, uses his bumper also. I have proof of it on gopro and the dent in my rear bumper. You don't know what you are talking about.I have a call into Casey to clarify the 'nerfing' term. He is on vacation this week.

Casey...Cory...whoever he is...would have to make yet another rule change in the middle of the season and/or review every single piece of footage posted so far to determine the following (minimum): many positions each racer should be docked in each race to date for breaking the rules (nerfing).. each incident affects the current points championship...
..why some racers 'mysteriously' lose their nerfing footage when the most egregious of incidents are most likely of a disqualifying nature (per the current rules)...
..and (most importantly) why 'the rule maker' would wait until the very end of the season to perform any of the above duties related to driver/participant safety or (less importantly) the points standing.

It's amazing (to me) that the entire class keeps falling back to using "Cory" as some kind of a 'crutch' when it comes to whether the rules should be followed (they aren't) or to insist that he (and only he) is their one and only 'savior' in terms of getting each race participant back to their families safely each night.

Apparently, the class would (now) just as soon demand that "Cory" install "crash sensitivity (judgement) meters" on the front and back of your cars or effectively babysit the class using the current facts of life that every racer pledged to abide by.

I'll tell you what Corey would like...and I don't even know the guy.

Build your cars (without being babysat) so that they match each other front/rear at least one time through the suspension travel...or for those who have trouble understanding the concept? the starting line. Seriously, if you guys haven't come to that conclusion by now(?) and on your own...I can almost guarantee that there is a whole lot of other things regarding safety that you're not thinking much about and will soon (unfortunately) regret.

You all obviously don't want to change or follow the why are you asking "Cory" regards to anything?
If he's not going to penalize or disqualify anybody because you claim that he doesn't follow his own rules or even make judgements on're all certainly not racing for a legitimate championship in the first place (sorry, yet you all might as well be running moonshine).
Casey...Cory...whoever he is...would have to make yet another rule change in the middle of the season and/or review every single piece of footage posted so far to determine the following (minimum): many positions each racer should be docked in each race to date for breaking the rules (nerfing).. each incident affects the current points championship...
..why some racers 'mysteriously' lose their nerfing footage when the most egregious of incidents are most likely of a disqualifying nature (per the current rules)...
..and (most importantly) why 'the rule maker' would wait until the very end of the season to perform any of the above duties related to driver/participant safety or (less importantly) the points standing.

It's amazing (to me) that the entire class keeps falling back to using "Cory" as some kind of a 'crutch' when it comes to whether the rules should be followed (they aren't) or to insist that he (and only he) is their one and only 'savior' in terms of getting each race participant back to their families safely each night.

Apparently, the class would (now) just as soon demand that "Cory" install "crash sensitivity (judgement) meters" on the front and back of your cars or effectively babysit the class using the current facts of life that every racer pledged to abide by.

I'll tell you what Corey would like...and I don't even know the guy.

Build your cars (without being babysat) so that they match each other front/rear at least one time through the suspension travel...or for those who have trouble understanding the concept? the starting line. Seriously, if you guys haven't come to that conclusion by now(?) and on your own...I can almost guarantee that there is a whole lot of other things regarding safety that you're not thinking much about and will soon (unfortunately) regret.

You all obviously don't want to change or follow the why are you asking "Cory" regards to anything?
If he's not going to penalize or disqualify anybody because you claim that he doesn't follow his own rules or even make judgements on're all certainly not racing for a legitimate championship in the first place (sorry, yet you all might as well be running moonshine).
What the Hell are you talking about? You are like Charlie Brown's teacher, wah wah wah wah wah wah.....

Casey and Cory have seen my bumping videos and both said it is perfectly fine. Again, you don't know what the Hell you are talking about.

I am done conversing with your ignorance.

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
Casey...Cory...whoever he is...would have to make yet another rule change in the middle of the season and/or review every single piece of footage posted so far to determine the following (minimum): many positions each racer should be docked in each race to date for breaking the rules (nerfing).. each incident affects the current points championship...
..why some racers 'mysteriously' lose their nerfing footage when the most egregious of incidents are most likely of a disqualifying nature (per the current rules)...
..and (most importantly) why 'the rule maker' would wait until the very end of the season to perform any of the above duties related to driver/participant safety or (less importantly) the points standing.

It's amazing (to me) that the entire class keeps falling back to using "Cory" as some kind of a 'crutch' when it comes to whether the rules should be followed (they aren't) or to insist that he (and only he) is their one and only 'savior' in terms of getting each race participant back to their families safely each night.

Apparently, the class would (now) just as soon demand that "Cory" install "crash sensitivity (judgement) meters" on the front and back of your cars or effectively babysit the class using the current facts of life that every racer pledged to abide by.

I'll tell you what Corey would like...and I don't even know the guy.

Build your cars (without being babysat) so that they match each other front/rear at least one time through the suspension travel...or for those who have trouble understanding the concept? the starting line. Seriously, if you guys haven't come to that conclusion by now(?) and on your own...I can almost guarantee that there is a whole lot of other things regarding safety that you're not thinking much about and will soon (unfortunately) regret.

You all obviously don't want to change or follow the why are you asking "Cory" regards to anything?
If he's not going to penalize or disqualify anybody because you claim that he doesn't follow his own rules or even make judgements on're all certainly not racing for a legitimate championship in the first place (sorry, yet you all might as well be running moonshine).

Your really gunning for the all time troll award huh? You make claims that you have no proof of at all and yet your the spineless guy who wont even put a name to a face. Maybe when you and George meet for Breakfast you can figure out how to continue your worth rant. While you choose to remain nameless.


The guy who doesn't even race is the biggest bitch. Go get a Pink Rhino and you and George can go to races and whine together.
Casey...Cory...whoever he is...would have to make yet another rule change in the middle of the season and/or review every single piece of footage posted so far to determine the following (minimum): many positions each racer should be docked in each race to date for breaking the rules (nerfing).. each incident affects the current points championship...
..why some racers 'mysteriously' lose their nerfing footage when the most egregious of incidents are most likely of a disqualifying nature (per the current rules)...
..and (most importantly) why 'the rule maker' would wait until the very end of the season to perform any of the above duties related to driver/participant safety or (less importantly) the points standing.

It's amazing (to me) that the entire class keeps falling back to using "Cory" as some kind of a 'crutch' when it comes to whether the rules should be followed (they aren't) or to insist that he (and only he) is their one and only 'savior' in terms of getting each race participant back to their families safely each night.

Apparently, the class would (now) just as soon demand that "Cory" install "crash sensitivity (judgement) meters" on the front and back of your cars or effectively babysit the class using the current facts of life that every racer pledged to abide by.

I'll tell you what Corey would like...and I don't even know the guy.

Build your cars (without being babysat) so that they match each other front/rear at least one time through the suspension travel...or for those who have trouble understanding the concept? the starting line. Seriously, if you guys haven't come to that conclusion by now(?) and on your own...I can almost guarantee that there is a whole lot of other things regarding safety that you're not thinking much about and will soon (unfortunately) regret.

You all obviously don't want to change or follow the why are you asking "Cory" regards to anything?
If he's not going to penalize or disqualify anybody because you claim that he doesn't follow his own rules or even make judgements on're all certainly not racing for a legitimate championship in the first place (sorry, yet you all might as well be running moonshine).

I don't believe BITD's definition of a "Nerf" is what everyone else definition is. Every class is bumping each other in these races to let the front car know "Im here and I am ready to pass" . Casey has seen our video and deemed it acceptable practice. If that rule makes you squeamish maybe you should stick to Nascrap or Similar. I dont care where you look...but you will always find contact in the desert....if there wasn't contact they wouldn't require bumpers.
Your really gunning for the all time troll award huh? You make claims that you have no proof of at all and yet your the spineless guy who wont even put a name to a face. Maybe when you and George meet for Breakfast you can figure out how to continue your worth rant. While you choose to remain nameless.


The guy who doesn't even race is the biggest bitch. Go get a Pink Rhino and you and George can go to races and whine together.

Rodger I bowed out of this thread a long time ago so bite me!
I talked to Casey today, he said what we did in the video is a tap, not a nerf.

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
I talked to Casey today, he said what we did in the video is a tap, not a nerf.

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
That should settle it then......I'm good with that. Looking forward to the next race so I can tap that! And I don't want to hear any complaining that I tap too hard! Lol
Rodger I bowed out of this thread a long time ago so bite me!

Maybe you left with your tail between your legs a while back a Thread you started. But the fact is you way over reacted to something that turned out to not even be a rules violation or worth even 10% of the whining and crying posted all over this message board. And the thing that makes me angry about this that due to the fact you way over reactive keyboard whiner, You drug a guy who is honest, hard working and owns a business that supports many employees and his own family thru the mud over a tap on your back bumper ( it memory serves me correct this "TAP" below up your transmission ) since you apparently have never heard the saying Rubbing is Racing.

I honestly think you owe this whole website an apology along with the guys from Cognito.

Hopefully you can grow up and act like a man in real life and behind your key board. If you start a fight you better be prepared for what happens. Or Heck just think before you speak.
Rodger, first I don't care that your angry and secondly I don't owe the website an apology for bringing this up. It kept going strong without me and your responsible for that as much as anyone. I let it go pages ago....your the one who doesn't know when to stop.

Only because you have selective memory I'll state it again. Before V2R there was the Matlock tap and the Nygren botched tap which in both cases they lost the footage. The only footage shown was what they chose to share. In my case they hit us hard enough to put 3 dents in the bumper so it felt hard in the car. After seeing the video I did accept it didn't look reckless.

It's your legacy sharply critical comments have nothing to do with me and IMO inflamed by you guys who kept it going and probably inflamed the subject more than deserved. Another thing you forget is one if the factory teams came out and said they don't think nerfing of any kind is safe so there's more people who are at least concerned how it's done.

I don't need your lecture. Your threat about what might happen doesn't concern me..... You should think before you speak. Not scared if that's your intention. Pink car # 1958 you know my name I'm easy to find.

As far as Justin is concerned I did speak to him and called Casey after to set the record straight which I posted weeks ago. If you want the subject to go away the I suggest STFU about it.... I did!
Rodger, first I don't care that your angry and secondly I don't owe the website an apology for bringing this up. It kept going strong without me and your responsible for that as much as anyone. I let it go pages ago....your the one who doesn't know when to stop.

Only because you have selective memory I'll state it again. Before V2R there was the Matlock tap and the Nygren botched tap which in both cases they lost the footage. The only footage shown was what they chose to share. In my case they hit us hard enough to put 3 dents in the bumper so it felt hard in the car. After seeing the video I did accept it didn't look reckless.

It's your legacy sharply critical comments have nothing to do with me and IMO inflamed by you guys who kept it going and probably inflamed the subject more than deserved. Another thing you forget is one if the factory teams came out and said they don't think nerfing of any kind is safe so there's more people who are at least concerned how it's done.

I don't need your lecture. Your threat about what might happen doesn't concern me..... You should think before you speak. Not scared if that's your intention. Pink car # 1958 you know my name I'm easy to find.

As far as Justin is concerned I did speak to him and called Casey after to set the record straight which I posted weeks ago. If you want the subject to go away the I suggest STFU about it.... I did!
I didn't lose any footage, get it straight. Memory cards don't store any more data once they are full.

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
Since both the 1915 and 1916 cars were nerfed out of V2R I thought it was worth bringing back this subject. Before you go off that I'm whining just consider 1915 came all the way from Austin Texas to race and spent more than most except maybe Brink to get there. They went home after less than 100 mi with $2-3,000 damage. 1916 "botched" nerf according to Cody was close to disastrous and also home early with damage.

Now that we don't have TT to worry about should we have to worry about fellow competitors? Have we just jumped from the frying pan into the fire? Matlock got hammered at Baja 500. We got hit coming out of pit 3 at V2R. No siren nothing hard enough for multiple dents to our bumper but we survived.

My question is this how it's going to be.....anyone in front of anyone risks getting hammered to the point of damage to their car and possibly more as in the case of 1916 episode. We can stipulate it's part of racing but is there a point in the spirit of sportsmanship where it's gone too far and is there a way to curb it such as a class consensus that this isn't acceptable or does it escalate to retaliation like any other sport.

Just gf would like to get in the car but I'm afraid to expose her to what might happen. I know I'm not the fastest car and less so if she's in the car so wtf? One of the concerns about putting Brett the kid afflicted with MDA was what happens if the car gets hammered with him
In it. Brian Reno and I both nixed the idea over these kinda of concerns.

So is this worthy of discussion or just see who's car is the next to go home early? Then when does retaliation become part of the equation then someone going postal?

Rodger, first I don't care that your angry and secondly I don't owe the website an apology for bringing this up. It kept going strong without me and your responsible for that as much as anyone. I let it go pages ago....your the one who doesn't know when to stop.

Only because you have selective memory I'll state it again. Before V2R there was the Matlock tap and the Nygren botched tap which in both cases they lost the footage. The only footage shown was what they chose to share. In my case they hit us hard enough to put 3 dents in the bumper so it felt hard in the car. After seeing the video I did accept it didn't look reckless.

It's your legacy sharply critical comments have nothing to do with me and IMO inflamed by you guys who kept it going and probably inflamed the subject more than deserved. Another thing you forget is one if the factory teams came out and said they don't think nerfing of any kind is safe so there's more people who are at least concerned how it's done.

I don't need your lecture. Your threat about what might happen doesn't concern me..... You should think before you speak. Not scared if that's your intention. Pink car # 1958 you know my name I'm easy to find.

As far as Justin is concerned I did speak to him and called Casey after to set the record straight which I posted weeks ago. If you want the subject to go away the I suggest STFU about it.... I did!

Go read your first post. Hind sight is always 20/20. You can't just pick a fight and then try and sneak out the back door with out getting whats due.

I kept this going so you and your side or alter ego ( legacy ) kick can cry foul over something that is not even a rules violation. You both over dramatize a topic that is nothing. I had fun messing with the 2 biggest Hillary supporters on the site.

Remember just a few pages ago when you and Legacy both were saying some one is gonna die and sponsors should be aware of how this represents the class and blah blah blah. When come to find out you just wanna take your girl friend for a drive in your race car on closed course when a race is going on.

Well you better watch your mirror if that is your mentality. There are people here to race.
I didn't lose any footage, get it straight. Memory cards don't store any more data once they are full.

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
Justin, doesn't matter my point was Rodger tried to make it appear the thread was started over a tap to my bumper and my point was there was two more serious incidents in back to back races that have been overlooked. No different than after the mint when I first brought up the subject. We had our transmission taken out, Perkins was taken out, and I believe Fisher was hit really hard but "landed" it it and continued among others hit hard that day.

Rodger would like everyone to believe it was just a single tap to my bumper that promoted the comments and just not true. Regardless of the explanations and circumstances of the other numerous incidents and whoever was involved or why they did happen and no on disputes that.
Go read your first post. Hind sight is always 20/20. You can't just pick a fight and then try and sneak out the back door with out getting whats due.

I kept this going so you and your side or alter ego ( legacy ) kick can cry foul over something that is not even a rules violation. You both over dramatize a topic that is nothing. I had fun messing with the 2 biggest Hillary supporters on the site.

Remember just a few pages ago when you and Legacy both were saying some one is gonna die and sponsors should be aware of how this represents the class and blah blah blah. When come to find out you just wanna take your girl friend for a drive in your race car on closed course when a race is going on.

Well you better watch your mirror if that is your mentality. There are people here to race.
Your in another world drama queen I never said people are going to die and I have no idea who Legacy is. I never mentioned sponsors etc. your full of crap. Show where I said that. You know it's not me cuz this guy seems to know cars/motors etc and a car racing history that's nothing like my knowledge or experience. Believe what u want.
Your in another world drama queen I never said people are going to die and I have no idea who Legacy is. I never mentioned sponsors etc. your full of crap. Show where I said that. You know it's not me cuz this guy seems to know cars/motors etc and a car racing history that's nothing like my knowledge or experience. Believe what u want.

Well you better watch your mirror if that is your mentality. There are people here to race.
Your in another world drama queen I never said people are going to die and I have no idea who Legacy is. I never mentioned sponsors etc. your full of crap. Show where I said that. You know it's not me cuz this guy seems to know cars/motors etc and a car racing history that's nothing like my knowledge or experience. Believe what u want.

So your friends. HAHA

The only thing he showed us is how to use puntcuation when its not needed. He is damn good at that.
"...Remember just a few pages ago when you and Legacy both were saying some one is gonna die and sponsors should be aware of how this represents the class and blah blah blah. When come to find out you just wanna take your girl friend for a drive in your race car on closed course when a race is going on.Well you better watch your mirror if that is your mentality. There are people here to race.

First of all, I don't know George or Felix or whoever he is from 'boo'...yet this obviously doesn't matter to most of the guys who evidently race this class as they wouldn't stick up to defend a fellow driver if their life depended on it.
Every poster on here knows full well that George never said any of the above...yet they don't care. Being part of the 'click' is more important than defending what is said about him and that (for those much younger than George) is the measure of a friend vs putting stickers on your race trailer that brag about your being a BITD/Class 1900 (cough) "community" member.

This has come down to every racer knowing full well that somebody was nerfed this year so hard **or** was mismatched on their bumper so much that they both got tangled up to the point that they couldn't even separate themselves...and not a single thing has been done about it NOT BY THE RULE MAKER but by YOU the racers themselves.

If you guys want to live by this "Casey saw this and he didn't say anything" nonsense vs defining minor and major nerfing or policing it yourselves (gee, what a concept) through taped views from both angles using the honor system afterwards THEN BY GOSH LIVE BY THE CONSEQUENCES WHEN SOMEBODY GETS HURT OR KILLED THROUGH YOUR UNWILLINGNESS TO SIMPLY GET TOGETHER LIKE MEN AND SOLVE THE MOST BASIC OF SAFETY ISSUES.

I feel like I'm a 52 year old babysitter vs simply a fan of UTV racing. It should be obvious to you guys by now that this 'see no evil' crap has got to stop for the sake of someone getting hurt for no reason whatsoever other than youngblood macho who-knows-what.

When you guys start threatening each other over a guy simply starting the most important discussion that you've all had this year?...your fans are done with every single one of you who sit there silently.
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First of all, I don't know George or Felix or whoever he is from 'boo'...yet this obviously doesn't matter to most of the guys who evidently race this class as they wouldn't stick up to defend a fellow driver if their life depended on it.
Every poster on here knows full well that George never said any of the above...yet they don't care. Being part of the 'click' is more important than defending what is said about him and that (for those much younger than George) is the measure of a friend vs putting stickers on your race trailer that brag about your being a BITD/Class 1900 (cough) "community" member.

This has come down to every racer knowing full well that somebody was nerfed this year so hard **or** was mismatched on their bumper so much that they both got tangled up to the point that they couldn't even separate themselves...and not a single thing has been done about it NOT BY THE RULE MAKER but by YOU the racers themselves.

If you guys want to live by this "Casey saw this and he didn't say anything" nonsense vs defining minor and major nerfing or policing it yourselves (gee, what a concept) through taped views from both angles using the honor system afterwards THEN BY GOSH LIVE BY THE CONSEQUENCES WHEN SOMEBODY GETS HURT OR KILLED THROUGH YOUR UNWILLINGNESS TO SIMPLY GET TOGETHER LIKE MEN AND SOLVE THE MOST BASIC OF SAFETY ISSUES.

I feel like I'm a 52 year old babysitter vs simply a fan of UTV racing. It should be obvious to you guys by now that this 'see no evil' crap has got to stop for the sake of someone getting hurt for no reason whatsoever other than youngblood macho who-knows-what.

When you guys start threatening each other over a guy simply starting the most important discussion that you've all had this year?...your fans are done with every single one of you who sit there silently.

Your a 52 year old that hides behind a screen name. Your no more then an afterschool public service message the longer you talk and refuse to introduce your self.

HAHA seriously.
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