Is there such a thing as excessive nerfing?

So now your multiple people? You use the word "WE" alot.
"We" are the readers of this board who do not race...yet who 'somehow' are intelligent enough to understand the rules of racing and how each video posted to date should have 'somehow' affected the points standing by now.

".. yet your passionate enough to keep on posting and not call BITD or Cory or ask some one in person or even email or phone call any one.."

What would you like us to ask Corey or the BITD???
Why guys are fabbing up their cars to look like MadMax...posting videos of themselves breaking his (their) safety rules..or why the surviving families will have damning (time-stamped) evidence that this was indeed all condoned by every single person on race day but 'one' participant?

or WE are the definition of why internet forums are lame for any type or honest discussion.

Joey has been calling you guys 'lame' for weeks now. He asked you to stand up for your sport in terms of the rules (and quite possibly you guys only whine about the rules you know that you will be busted for not following) not to mention getting off of the back of your (scape)goat named ignored him. Honest discussion regarding racing involves rules. That the rules themselves have taken such a backseat when everybody was literally crying about the rules not even a month ago says more about the class as a whole...than internet forums.
"We" are the readers of this board who do not race...yet who 'somehow' are intelligent enough to understand the rules of racing and how each video posted to date should have 'somehow' affected the points standing by now.

What would you like us to ask Corey or the BITD???
Why guys are fabbing up their cars to look like MadMax...posting videos of themselves breaking his (their) safety rules..or why the surviving families will have damning (time-stamped) evidence that this was indeed all condoned by every single person on race day but 'one' participant?

Joey has been calling you guys 'lame' for weeks now. He asked you to stand up for your sport in terms of the rules (and quite possibly you guys only whine about the rules you know that you will be busted for not following) not to mention getting off of the back of your (scape)goat named ignored him. Honest discussion regarding racing involves rules. That the rules themselves have taken such a backseat when everybody was literally crying about the rules not even a month ago says more about the class as a whole...than internet forums.

Well if you don't race, I don't see where all this concern for a sport you don't participate comes from. Maybe your should save this discussion for the soda fountain after 4th period.

The results of a poll you want to see was distributed to the people who race and/or provided and email address. And those results have been distributed to the people that are involved. If your not willing to come out of the closet and tell the world your name, your not going to get an email of the results. Kinda the way the world works KIDDO.
"..The results of a poll you want to see was distributed to the people who race and/or provided and email address. And those results have been distributed to the people that are involved..."
We (full well realizing that 'we' are all merely 'just' the fans of this sport, 99.9% of this board/those that keep manufacturer's in business and the people who support many of these racer's products) were told that the results would be posted here. If you learned otherwise and noticed the 'peons' of this sport/board asking for all these months for what was promised...why didn't you simply come forward with the change of plans...especially with Joey claiming that the entire class liked to complain about this process...and not much else?

"..Well if you don't race, I don't see where all this concern for a sport you don't participate comes from.."

The arrogance literally oozing from a statement such as the above from a racer in this class(?) pretty much tells the story of 1900 class racing in 2015.

It wouldn't be so bad if somebody came up here and corrected him or explained the concept of simple safety/concern for others...yet nobody will.

The above is exactly why we would never tell our kids to look up to anything in 1900 factory-sponsored racing today and instead have them read threads such as this to teach cautionary tales regarding honor and fair play.

It's Your Legacy.
We (full well realizing that 'we' are all merely 'just' the fans of this sport, 99.9% of this board/those that keep manufacturer's in business and the people who support many of these racer's products) were told that the results would be posted here. If you learned otherwise and noticed the 'peons' of this sport/board asking for all these months for what was promised...why didn't you simply come forward with the change of plans...especially with Joey claiming that the entire class liked to complain about this process...and not much else?

The arrogance literally oozing from a statement such as the above from a racer in this class(?) pretty much tells the story of 1900 class racing in 2015.

It wouldn't be so bad if somebody came up here and corrected him or explained the concept of simple safety/concern for others...yet nobody will.

The above is exactly why we would never tell our kids to look up to anything in 1900 factory-sponsored racing today and instead have them read threads such as this to teach cautionary tales regarding honor and fair play.

It's Your Legacy.

No the ironic part of all this banter is for somebody who just hides behind a screen name.

Does Nascar let the fan have a vote in the rules? Nope they just say starting this Saturday night we will have a new rules package at Kentucky all the while the racers, owners and sanctioning body reps all had a say in the rules to get to the point that they enforce them and then TELL the fans this is how it will be.
Having been both the hammer and the nail in nerfing situations in 20 years of racing cars; I believe the biggest issue in nerfing is a lot of people don't understand approach speeds or know how to correctly apply a bump "aka nerf". It seem most newer racers learned from race videos and think a SLAM is a "nerf" just like their heros...

Secondly: The nerfee's are also to blame as they don't take the warning and move. IMHO the hands off - blue light thing has encouraged rabbiting... If you get bumped you need to let them know you get it, and move ASAP and Get the F out of the way as soon as possible. Nerfer needs to give them a few seconds and understand the terrain. If you are in single line don't expect them to wreck their car to jump out of your way just like you don't want the back marker POS TT driver to plow you and not give you a few seconds to find a spot. When God invented mirrors and co-drivers he had something in mind; use them and if they don't work correctly, replace them...

The other issue I see in the UTV's and a lot of other classes is the rear cages on a lot of the newer cars are not designed well. It seems making it look cool is more important than the structure and where the energy is transferred to. Also the current front bumper trends are no longer wide and flat and are designed smaller and squarer, and more likely to get more into open areas and not spread the impact over a rear cage. The new boxy bumpers seem designed to fit into small areas and to do more damage. Some even have corners (4-90's make a circle?) despite rules stating no hazardous bumpers and that corners must be rounded (CR43 SCORE rule book). But then they don't post tech the motors anymore in limited classes so rules seem more like guidelines...

Sadly, bumping is a necessary part of the sport but the new era attitude of: "Get the F Outta My Way" + BANG!!!! is stupid and costly. In 2 consecutive Parker 425's (the car race ;)): We ran sportsman and we were the last starting group of all the cars: In '13 we passed all 51- 2 lap cars on lap 1 to lead the 2 lap overall and 45 cars in '14 and were 2nd overall of all the 2 lappers behind Jerry Penhall in an LS-converter 1 car on lap 1. In '13 I think I bumped 2 Jeepspeeds that rabbited, a 5 open and a few trucks, '14 about the same and a few 8 trucks and other faster class cars and got a bump from Mr Penhall in a 2 line area @ RM 20 and a TT on lap 2 that was being stupid.... SF 250 this year, last car off the line and passed more than half the field. 1 decent nerf on a pinchy 10 car that was being a dick and we never got touched despite having a few down unlimited cars come by: Kroeker TT, Cops TT and a few others... We have also been passed a bunch in lap races like Parker by faster cars and other than one TT; we have never had an issue or damage in the last say 10 years. For us, we honestly find it easier to drive around guys when passing rather than wasting time hitting them over and over again, and our co's watch the mirrors and don't wait for sirens because we think it's cheaper to move than hold up a faster car.

Admittedly, I have hit faster or equal cars fairly hard out of frustration, but only if they rabbit or don't move, (Hammer). Sadly we got plowed at Parker '14 by a back marker TT battling for 15th place after admittedly being down. Experienced co saw him & waived, gave him tons of room, and wife was moving right just like Casey tells us. No dust, no siren, no warning, no lift, just ran them down and punted the car off the course with plenty of room on the left to pass cleanly, doing $6k in damage and taking away our win (nail).

Being the nail because someone is stupid is costly and no fun... Just remember, there is always someone faster and Karma is a bitch...
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Does Nascar let the fan have a vote in the rules? Nope...they enforce them and then TELL the fans this is how it will be.

#1...No fan here is telling your class what any rule should be. They (along with even one racer, one organizer and who knows how many more) are telling the class that they should either abide by the rules, change them or (heaven forbid) take advice from the their fans if they don't have the guts to do either before somebody gets hurt or killed.

#2...It is utterly amazing that this has to be explained over...and over...and over.

#3...This 'feigned ignorance' is hurting the sport and will someday (soon) force the following two questions:

Are manufacturers promoting the blatant breaking of safety-related rules in the 1900 class by their sponsorship(s) of teams LOUDLY bragging that the rules and safety in general mean absolutely nothing come race day?

With the obvious second question being that when somebody (inevitably) gets hurt or killed driving a manufactured sponsored car involved in these widely and LOUDLY supported intimidations...what will be the effect on the brand's reputation with so much time-stamped and irreversibly stated material already up here on the net?
#1...No fan here is telling your class what any rule should be. They (along with even one racer, one organizer and who knows how many more) are telling the class that they should either abide by the rules, change them or (heaven forbid) take advice from the their fans if they don't have the guts to do either before somebody gets hurt or killed.

#2...It is utterly amazing that this has to be explained over...and over...and over.

#3...This 'feigned ignorance' is hurting the sport and will someday (soon) force the following two questions:

Are manufacturers promoting the blatant breaking of safety-related rules in the 1900 class by their sponsorship(s) of teams LOUDLY bragging that the rules and safety in general mean absolutely nothing come race day?

With the obvious second question being that when somebody (inevitably) gets hurt or killed driving a manufactured sponsored car involved in these widely and LOUDLY supported intimidations...what will be the effect on the brand's reputation with so much time-stamped and irreversibly stated material already up here on the net?

But you the only person saying anything, but not really saying anything as you refuse to identify yourself so no one is taking anything your saying seriously, no matter if you make a valid point or not. You might as well just be the gust of wind in the air.

And the funny part is everyone else but you sees the fact your wasting everyone's time and Joeys bandwidth.

I just wanna see how many times you will type the same nonsense over and over and expect some one to take you seriously.
Sounds like an ambulance chaser doing his part to try and set up his case.

He seems to be able to tell the future quite a bit too, maybe he is planning on running 2 cars and nerfing himself just to prove a point.

I think this thread started out with an honest discussion but boy has it gone to SH!T

Where is the unsubscribe button?
The manufacturers either support the blatant 'proud' videotaping of their sponsored cars breaking critical safety-related rules or they do not.
We had this same 'see no evil' attitude back in the 90's when little kids in the Appalachias were getting killed/maimed in grossly disproportionate numbers to the rest of the country. ABATE sponsorship was then (and I assume still is now) heavily connected to ORV 'safety' and (sadly) national ORV leadership.

Let's get this right...we'll get in the other guy's dust storm so that we can't see a thing ahead of either of us...ram him if he merely slows down for an obstacle in the rock field or another vehicle...pray that he doesn't jerk the wheel at the exact same time so that we flip him or drive him in in to whatever he is slowing down for (such as a rock or another vehicle)...pray that WE don't hit what he's slowing down for...all at 70 mph in a car built like a glorified golf cart.

What could possibly go wrong(?)...why in the world do they penalize positions and disqualify people for purposely doing this(?)...and who would blame a manufacturer obviously supporting its drivers filming safety-related rule breaking or bragging about it afterwards?
The manufacturers either support the blatant 'proud' videotaping of their sponsored cars breaking critical safety-related rules or they do not.
We had this same 'see no evil' attitude back in the 90's when little kids in the Appalachias were getting killed/maimed in grossly disproportionate numbers to the rest of the country. ABATE sponsorship was then (and I assume still is now) heavily connected to ORV 'safety' and (sadly) national ORV leadership.

Let's get this right...we'll get in the other guy's dust storm so that we can't see a thing ahead of either of us...ram him if he merely slows down for an obstacle in the rock field or another vehicle...pray that he doesn't jerk the wheel at the exact same time so that we flip him or drive him in in to whatever he is slowing down for (such as a rock or another vehicle)...pray that WE don't hit what he's slowing down for...all at 70 mph in a car built like a glorified golf cart.

What could possibly go wrong(?)...why in the world do they penalize positions and disqualify people for purposely doing this(?)...and who would blame a manufacturer obviously supporting its drivers filming safety-related rule breaking or bragging about it afterwards?
Cory who is the tech guy, the rule maker, and a racer, uses his bumper also. I have proof of it on gopro and the dent in my rear bumper. You don't know what you are talking about.

I have a call into Casey to clarify the 'nerfing' term. He is on vacation this week.

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
Uh I didn't realize this was still going on. Probably peaked a couple pages back IMO. Once it's aired out and I think it's safe to say it has then it turns into antagonistic and even i feel like nerfing someone. I think the points been made it can be dangerous so maybe a little restraint and/or judgement is in order and it's a part of racing like it or not. Every sport has it's equivalent hard shot. The best possible outcome from this thread is everyone thinks about it both ways a little more.
The manufacturers either support the blatant 'proud' videotaping of their sponsored cars breaking critical safety-related rules or they do not.
We had this same 'see no evil' attitude back in the 90's when little kids in the Appalachias were getting killed/maimed in grossly disproportionate numbers to the rest of the country. ABATE sponsorship was then (and I assume still is now) heavily connected to ORV 'safety' and (sadly) national ORV leadership.

Let's get this right...we'll get in the other guy's dust storm so that we can't see a thing ahead of either of us...ram him if he merely slows down for an obstacle in the rock field or another vehicle...pray that he doesn't jerk the wheel at the exact same time so that we flip him or drive him in in to whatever he is slowing down for (such as a rock or another vehicle)...pray that WE don't hit what he's slowing down for...all at 70 mph in a car built like a glorified golf cart.

What could possibly go wrong(?)...why in the world do they penalize positions and disqualify people for purposely doing this(?)...and who would blame a manufacturer obviously supporting its drivers filming safety-related rule breaking or bragging about it afterwards?

Legacy you are making a mountain out of a mole hill. Casey knows about the nerf, if my memory is correct George called him. If I had to guess you are a friend of his and cant get over that this is part of desert racing. Yes you drive through dust blind at times and get nerfed if you jackrabbit or dont check your mirrors. Some people even run out of talent and can't keep the car right side up. Its not for everyone and winning is something to be proud of.
Legacy you are making a mountain out of a mole hill. Casey knows about the nerf, if my memory is correct George called him. If I had to guess you are a friend of his and cant get over that this is part of desert racing. Yes you drive through dust blind at times and get nerfed if you jackrabbit or dont check your mirrors. Some people even run out of talent and can't keep the car right side up. Its not for everyone and winning is something to be proud of.

I don't know who this person is so he may be a friend or stranger. Tatum I said my piece and I've never encouraged anyone to post on here one way or another about anything. FYI I ran stock travel up until the last couple races so I wouldn't be so judgmental.

Btw, I don't hide behind an icon or anyone else......I talked to Casey before and after I saw the video as did others. Read the whole thread and refresh your memory.
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I don't know who this person is so he may be a friend or stranger. Tatum I said my piece and I've never encouraged anyone to post on here one way or another about anything. FYI I ran stock travel up until the last couple races so I wouldn't be so judgmental.

Thats cool George, he just joined shortly after you and wants to remain anonymous, so I was guessing. I know you hadn't been posting on this but Legacy cant let it go.
I'm not sure what you mean by the last sentence.
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I don't know who this person is so he may be a friend or stranger. Tatum I said my piece and I've never encouraged anyone to post on here one way or another about anything. FYI I ran stock travel up until the last couple races so I wouldn't be so judgmental.

Btw, I don't hide behind an icon or anyone else......I talked to Casey before and after I saw the video as did others. Read the whole thread and refresh your memory.

Was my memory wrong?
I ran out of talent a few times and rolled the car which is well known and possibly a record. Lol However, I never sat in a Utv before V2R and literally just got in and raced it with stock travel. My gf and her friend broke in the motor running around the 50 ac where I work. I just figured you were talking about me.....the shoe fit is all.
Cory who is the tech guy, the rule maker, and a racer, uses his bumper also. I have proof of it on gopro and the dent in my rear bumper. You don't know what you are talking about.

I have a call into Casey to clarify the 'nerfing' term. He is on vacation this week.

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

I think Georges buddy, thinks you invented the nerf.
I ran out of talent a few times and rolled the car which is well known and possibly a record. Lol However, I never sat in a Utv before V2R and literally just got in and raced it with stock travel. My gf and her friend broke in the motor running around the 50 ac where I work. I just figured you were talking about me.....the shoe fit is all.

I guess if the shoe fits... but honestly I was trying to point out that there are a lot of challenges and dangers in this sport and thats probably why most do it.

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