Is there such a thing as excessive nerfing?

(Ironworks said):
"...Your 52 year old that hides behind a screen name. Your no more then a afterschool public service message the longer you talk and refuse to introduce your self. HAHA seriously.."

It doesn't matter 'who' the fans are...YOU GUYS are the face of Class 1900 racing and all (evidently) proud of threatening some guy and his girlfriend by insisting that they watch their mirrors.

As a fan, I have a problem with that and the Class should as well...yet let's see what happens next in terms of overall (documented/understood) safety on the course.
I didnt hear any threats, you must be a politician.
I read it more like a suggestion.

Next year, racers that do not move over will be getting penalties, as long as this pass alert system gets implemented.
George its funny as I scroll back through my private messages as you try to change your tone privately.

You owe the Cognito boys a public apology. Your still bent out of shape from Silver state. In PM"s you say there are different levels of racing going on during any race. The real guys, the fast guys who wanna just have fun and the rest who are just taking along in the rear hoping to see pit one. ( my spin on what you said ) and all you do it try and sweat a guy who is there to race while you wanna impress your girl on a ride on a closed course race track.

Here is the email George sent me. I will highlight the change in tone from the public to the private.

Don't threaten me unless you mean it because I'm going to assume you do then it can escalate to a point that we look back and say that was a stupid thing that started on an Internet forum. I crushed Lopez car at Baja and of course didn't mean to. I started 21 and 200 mi broke at Baja in 4 th. Same thing at v2r so I've passed and been passed. I've nerfed and been nerfed. Caused damage and been damaged. Cognito hit Matlock and Nygren hard in back to back races. Villarreal got hit hard at v2r by I think Wilson took out his trans. I didn't expect there would never be another car nerfed when I posted the thread just hoped to make people think twice before they wreck out someones car and race given the number of recent incidents. That's exactly whys I said to Casey. I specifically told him the reason I called was not to single out Justin because other cars been wrecked he wasn't involved. Point was intended to be in general terms but as people chime in it goes in all directions and words twisted etc. For example, within the field of 40 cars there are several levels of racing. Everyone's a rocket for 50 mi then you know how it changes. My point was I'd like to think my gf was safe as co dawg. Same as Mobbin like his 14 yr old to be safe and anyone else should be able to feel reasonable safe that they won't be on the wrong end of a botched nerf over a drop off, rolled, or whiplashed for no reason. Racing in any form and I've raced many has it's risk and what makes it fun. I just wanted to bring attention to what can happen and has happened so people would think. I believe that was successful. Going off on all these tangents about sponsors, role models and all the inflamed rhetoric of Legacy wasn't my intention. I don't know who this guy is and it's not my style to hide behind anything or anyone.

I'm not here to be agreeable with the cool guys or disagreeable just for the sake of it. I don't think being towed is part of racing so I stated my opinion.....Cognito and friends didn't like it and I expected that. I also don't think putting anyone at unnecessary risk is right and I stand by that. I've caused others to wipe out over the years racing bikes and I never felt good about it and tried to avoid it but sometimes shit happens and impatience wins out.

Take this however you choose......I'd prefer to not to let a forum become personal. If rather keep things clean but if it gets dirty then it won't be my first rodeo either.

(Ironworks said):
"...Your 52 year old that hides behind a screen name. Your no more then a afterschool public service message the longer you talk and refuse to introduce your self. HAHA seriously.."

It doesn't matter 'who' the fans are...YOU GUYS are the face of Class 1900 racing and all (evidently) proud of threatening some guy and his girlfriend by insisting that they watch their mirrors.

As a fan, I have a problem with that and the Class should as well...yet let's see what happens next in terms of overall (documented/understood) safety on the course.

You don't have a big enough problem with it to actually say Hello my Name is ________ and I live here and this is why I feel this way. Your just a 52 year old key board cowboy.
Rodger so immature posting that like teen girls trading notes but your red highlights btw. Get a life..... Let the thread go already!
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I didnt hear any threats, you must be a politician.
I read it more like a suggestion.
Next year, racers that do not move over will be getting penalties, as long as this pass alert system gets implemented.

"You better watch your mirrors..." hasn't been a 'suggestion' since the first moonshiner heard it...and everyone on here knows it.
Maybe you'd like to start a thread on "moving over" and how whoever makes the rules (now) will be using the same or 'new and improved' one place penalty/disqualification (non)judgement penalties..on a (now) regular basis with "pass alert".

Now 'that' will certainly be just as interesting or more than this thread and probably solve all these passing issues in one fell swoop:

Slow down to go into a corner or slow for a car/obstacle that the car behind can't see..and the guy banging the 'pass alert system' with his fist just as hard and as fast as he can while at the same time legally nerfing the living snot out of the car in front of him 'takes over from there'....
You need to sort this out between yourselves before or after a hospital visit or funeral caused by ignoring the topic of this thread.

That's the best advice that I can give you guys and will leave it there.
hmm funny shit ... I didnt start racing for FANS .. I race to win !!!!! I like the slow guys on the course because every time I pass one I have a cha ching meter in my car and it goes off ... cha ching cha ching ... all this talk of people getting nerfed is good It lets the slow guys see that they indeed need to pull over and get the fuck out of the way long befor a faster car gets to them .. Plain simple truth of the matter is the guys getting nerfed are the same ones that are creating all the danger for the guys behind them .. they obviously are not owning up to doing there job in the car and as we do hear by Casey at every meeting if you are caught DO NOT JACK RABBIT and please PULL over to the RIGHT ASAP if somebody is a half mile behind you and you didnt pass them you have been caught ... FACT SIMPLE PLAIN FACT !!!!!! I wonder why I have never been nerfed ???

if its your legacy was my only fan im sorry I lost you because I think your fucking stupid and pretty my disagree with every post you have made here and feel that you hiding behind a MASK gives me even more reason to have ZERO respect for you

Happy Friday Mofuckers !!!!!

Fucken Crickets
You need to sort this out between yourselves before or after a hospital visit or funeral caused by ignoring the topic of this thread.

That's the best advice that I can give you guys and will leave it there.

So no your threatening people?
hmm funny shit ... I didnt start racing for FANS .. I race to win !!!!! I like the slow guys on the course because every time I pass one I have a cha ching meter in my car and it goes off ... cha ching cha ching ... all this talk of people getting nerfed is good It lets the slow guys see that they indeed need to pull over and get the fuck out of the way long befor a faster car gets to them .. Plain simple truth of the matter is the guys getting nerfed are the same ones that are creating all the danger for the guys behind them .. they obviously are not owning up to doing there job in the car and as we do hear by Casey at every meeting if you are caught DO NOT JACK RABBIT and please PULL over to the RIGHT ASAP if somebody is a half mile behind you and you didnt pass them you have been caught ... FACT SIMPLE PLAIN FACT !!!!!! I wonder why I have never been nerfed ???

if its your legacy was my only fan im sorry I lost you because I think your fucking stupid and pretty my disagree with every post you have made here and feel that you hiding behind a MASK gives me even more reason to have ZERO respect for you

Happy Friday Mofuckers !!!!!

I guess we just needed some star power to get things handled.

I am impressed that George could log out of one account and in on another to make 2 separate posts in under 2 minutes. He must have had multiple windows open at once to make that happen. He is getting real good.
So no your threatening people?

"No"'re right..."No"body was ever threatened and you know it. We have been discussing somebody possibly (accidentally) being hurt or killed during a future race due to a nerfing incident if the class doesn't (soon) own the fact that nerfing parameters (rules) are not being followed and that cars are being purposely built to...who knows what.

I exited the conversation due to the fact that adult discussions involving safety, nerfing or racers possibly being (accidentally) hurt or killed while nerfing means absolutely nothing to the class at this point in time.
Copy/Paste from Justin's FB page: The driver of orange RPM vehicle apparently is Lalo Laguna.

Brian Mcdonnell: He punted joel whitted......joel is a long time off road racer, won this race a few years ago in class 12...such a lame maneuver, just set him up in a turn instead of blasting him....I spoke to joel right after and he said they spoke after and I believe lalo's guys helped rebuild the he apologized I think and all is fine between to the guy seeing a mistake and manning up to address it...and his team.....

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