FU2 Chassis 4 seater cage

The entire chassis is made out of mild steel. I am driving so I can't give more info now. Stay tuned for more info.

If saftey is your #1 no one would use .095. Bitd and score call for .120 wall tubing. Most of the cages built for a UTV are for looks and improved saftey.
weight is insignificant between DOM and Mild at the same wall thickness, Chromo can be lighter because of the strength, you can use a thinner wall and be stronger.

my whole sand car is mild (suspension is Chromo ) and I feel it is safe for passengers, because of design. even a chromo car or cage can be weak, alot has to do with design.

I think most of the reputable builders would agree with this.

My rhino cage is Chromo and DOM.
You are splitting hairs when it comes to HREW, Chromo and DOM. These are bolt on cages. The bung welded into the stock HREW chassis held on with 10mm bolts is the weak link. Cage design is more critical than material on a bolt on application.
Look's like mild steel to me, that would reflect the cheap price.

straight from the man himself.. JIMbo!!

"if you want chromoly add $300 more to the price of the cage!if you want dom add $150 so if any one has anything too say heres a thread here for everyone to speak!!!!!!if you questions hit me up Jimbo!!!!!! "

well damn i guess that put the fire out.. some of his cages start at $650+150= $800 for a cage that is FULL DOM.... that is still the best priced cage around :cool:

i think Jimbo is just trying to help out the utv market by incorporating a better pricing scheme for customers.
Then there is the weight concern. How much heavier is seam wall steel over DOM?
same weight from what i researched. DOM is mild steel.

weight is insignificant between DOM and Mild at the same wall thickness,

???? if they are the same size -then they weigh the same.
the strength is just different.

AED Motorsport Products - Your supplier of Mild Steel

AED Motorsport Products - Your supplier of Mild Steel

AED Motorsport Products - Your supplier of 4130 Chrome Moly
Last edited:
There has been a lot of talk about DOM and HREW tubing among off-roading circles and I'll try to answer a few questions that you may have about the differences.

DOM is a process and means "drawn over mandrel". Typically you use DOM when you require precise thicknesses in the ID, OD or wall thickness of a tube. It is not seamless but is made from sheet steel, rolled and electric resistance welded and finally, "DOM'ed". DOM is a cold process. Most typically it is made from low to medium carbon steel.

HREW is cheaper than DOM, but isn't as nice. HREW has a seam weld, as does DOM, but DOM is taken a few steps further to counteract the welding and cold working abnormalities for a straighter stronger piece of tubing. But as far as strength goes for bumpers and sliders, HREW will sufficiently do the job except for applications that require extreme strength.

If I were building a purely competition rock buggy where I would be getting into areas with large drop-offs, I would probably use DOM, but for the kind of off-roading that most people do and even for the occasional rock competition, I would probably go with the HREW.

In summary, DOM is a stronger tubing material than HREW, but costs about twice as much per foot. HREW is more than sufficient for most off-road applications.

In my opinion this is the key point. The process of how the tube is made is something to consider in that certain grades of steel are only avaliable in DOM so the grade of steel is really it. DOM can be purchased in a lot of different grades such as 1006 that is not as strong at a yield strength of 41300 psi when compaired to 4130 that is at 66700 psi and ERW is most commonly found in A-36 which has a yield of 36000 psi but is also avaliable in many other nickel alloys. So my point is just because it is DOM doesn't mean its the best one should look very close at what grade of steel.

same weight from what i researched. DOM is mild steel.

if they are the same size -then they weigh the same.
the strength is just different.

AED Motorsport Products - Your supplier of Mild Steel

AED Motorsport Products - Your supplier of Mild Steel

AED Motorsport Products - Your supplier of 4130 Chrome Moly

The Density of the mild steel is the same as the 4130 series .284 lb/in3 so this is correct in that the wieght savings is realized in the reduced wall thickness...

weight is insignificant between DOM and Mild at the same wall thickness, Chromo can be lighter because of the strength, you can use a thinner wall and be stronger.

my whole sand car is mild (suspension is Chromo ) and I feel it is safe for passengers, because of design. even a chromo car or cage can be weak, alot has to do with design.

I think most of the reputable builders would agree with this.

My rhino cage is Chromo and DOM.

I agree! :D

My 2 cents... oh dont forget that you need to consider the filler material i.e. welding wire...


ultimately it comes down to the design of the cage and frame its attached to. i have been building cages for years and have rolled them over and have seen them rolled over. if a cage is built properly, i.e. designed / cross braced correctly and welded properly there are slim chances of failure.

i do agree that there are better materials to build from as well as that using thicker materials can help create a better structure. but for what we do in our rhino's i have zero issue putting my family in my car with a cage built of mild steel especially since i know its been braced correctly and is attached to the frame in six locations to the frame.

also i have seen in many cases fabricators that dont know the real difference between DOM and mild and will call out their cages as being DOM where they're really using mild. many really dont know the difference and arent edjucated int this area, but are just great fabricators that can create struturaly sound cages just based on logic.

either way im bias in this case, but if you can get a CO cage tig welded for under a grand your doing real good! when i first started building cages i was selling them for $2500 now theyre a dime a dozen. buy who you want to buy from but i wouldnt bash any one fabricator for using mild as i was one of them and never had any type of major failure in roll overs. to each his own...
Damn sounds like its the only way peeps can knock the FU2 cages...I havent heard of peeps talking chit on other cage builders or even calling them out on it unless there is a reason ! Has ANYONE heard of a FU2 cage folding in a roll over ?

Crazy how peeps are quick to point out "mild" steel but would be talking chit if he was using .120 to be on the safe side as well and over braced :confused::confused: as always everyone has there opinion but shouldnt knock it unless it is built in a poor manner which doesnt seem to be the case here JMO
JR I can understand your want to defend Jimbo and his product as he made a big stink on his forum about how people over here are attacking him. But if you read this thread no where did anyone question his fabrication or design quality. Only thing in question was the material he used and it was stated later that he will design cages with any type of steel with a price increase. And with all due respect I dont think any of the fabricators meaning site sponsors of UTVUnderground build anything from Mild Steel. So on that end it is a valid thing for one to point out as far why a product may be so cheap.

Reality is it is a fair question to ask as far as what type of steel a company is using. Most people/enthusiats would never know the difference and it isnt fair to compare pricing vs another company when one company is using/quoting DOM or Chromo and another Mild Seam Wall.

This is a legit topic with some good discussion. No one is attacking him or his skills, nor would this site tolerate the attacking of any vendor whether they were a site sponsor or not.
I think it's more than that. Who else is building a 4 seat cage out of any form of steel for $650? So if I understand he sells a 4 seat tig welded chromoly cage for $1000? That's tough to beat.

Most cages are bolt on. The cage is only as strong as it's weakest mounting point which is the stock chassis mounting location. This is a bung welded into a mild steel tube. Most people buying these cages are looking for a cool looking cage that is stronger than stock at a fair price. You can't knock someone for that.
I believe everybody has their own thoughts on what type of metal is best to use on their cage. You can have the strongest cage but if you are attaching it to something that is weaker in strength, this point becomes the weak point. I have never bought anything from FU2, but I believe he offers a great product at a great price. More power to you Jimbo for being competitive in a poor economy.
Crazy how peeps are quick to point out "mild" steel but would be talking chit if he was using .120 to be on the safe side as well and over braced :confused::confused: as always everyone has there opinion but shouldnt knock it unless it is built in a poor manner which doesnt seem to be the case here JMO

Since I seem to be the one that pointed out the "mild", maybe I should elaborate...

I wasn't knocking FU2, merely stating the obvious. The cage price was reflectant on the material being used. I thought Kyle's comment about cages being $1000+ was whack, and pointed out a fact that he obviously overlooked. Sorry if it affended anyone. :D
either way each builder has their own opinion on what cages should be priced at.. thats cool and everything. kyle is also right

paying 1000+ and even in most cases 2000+ for cages is a thing of the past.

Fu2 is setting the bar and helping out the consumer, you can get a full chromoly tig welded cage for $950!! now thats a deal.. even in this situation "the price of FU2 cages, has no direct correlation with material being used..." I know where my next cage purchase is going :D
JR I can understand your want to defend Jimbo and his product as he made a big stink on his forum about how people over here are attacking him. But if you read this thread no where did anyone question his fabrication or design quality. Only thing in question was the material he used and it was stated later that he will design cages with any type of steel with a price increase. And with all due respect I dont think any of the fabricators meaning site sponsors of UTVUnderground build anything from Mild Steel. So on that end it is a valid thing for one to point out as far why a product may be so cheap.

Reality is it is a fair question to ask as far as what type of steel a company is using. Most people/enthusiats would never know the difference and it isnt fair to compare pricing vs another company when one company is using/quoting DOM or Chromo and another Mild Seam Wall.

This is a legit topic with some good discussion. No one is attacking him or his skills, nor would this site tolerate the attacking of any vendor whether they were a site sponsor or not.

LMFAO I can give a chit about what or in your case WHERE he posted about peeps making a "big stink" and matter of fact I seen this stuff before I even looked at his thread over there ! I think he has a WELL designed cage and considering most rhinos only go 50 that mild set up would hold up just fine..as we mod our toys some want more which is a option we all have with many diff builders including him ! I know you have to compare "apples to apples" so who has a TIG welded cage out of DOM or chromoly for under a G ? Seemed to be a money thing which turned to material used but even at that I dont know of anyone with that type of pricing

FYI I only post on stuff like this if I feel they have a solid product and could care less who said what or if this benifit me in the long run...so sorry you feel im trying to stick up for him cause he posted on another suite !!!
either way each builder has their own opinion on what cages should be priced at.. thats cool and everything. kyle is also right

paying 1000+ and even in most cases 2000+ for cages is a thing of the past.

Fu2 is setting the bar and helping out the consumer, you can get a full chromoly tig welded cage for $950!! now thats a deal.. even in this situation "the price of FU2 cages, has no direct correlation with material being used..." I know where my next cage purchase is going :D

Just cause one company comes out making a cage for less than a thousand dollars does not mean that other companies wont stop making cages and or will just drop there shorts to compete. To say that $1000 cage is a thing of the past is just stupid anyway, I gurantee there will always be $1000+ cages in this industry, as long as wuality shops are still in business anyway.

What so many consumers forget about is there is a lot of overhead when running a top quality shop. You have Insurance, Employee Payroll, Payroll taxes, Accounting Fees, Rent, Tooling, R&D, Vacation time, Bonuses, Marketing expenses, people who dont pay bills, and all the other things that come with running a legit shop. Most of the businesses we work with all have these expenses and are not just 3 dudes in a building bending metal all for profit. ( I am Not saying Fu2 is either one fo these examples, I know nothing about them.) Companies are entitled to charge whatever they deam neccesary to pay their bills, their emplyees, and make a little bit of money so thatthey can continue to be in busienss and grow. There isnt a lot of margin in fabricating these products anyway.

At any rate, people can support and purchase whatever they want for whatever reason they want. I would be pleased to spend a few extra bucks to buy from a quality and and innovative shop like Magnum, XMF, DFR or a number of others out there who have busted their a$$e$ for years to help build this industry to what it is today. To each his own.
LMFAO I can give a chit about what or in your case WHERE he posted about peeps making a "big stink" and matter of fact I seen this stuff before I even looked at his thread over there ! I think he has a WELL designed cage and considering most rhinos only go 50 that mild set up would hold up just fine..as we mod our toys some want more which is a option we all have with many diff builders including him ! I know you have to compare "apples to apples" so who has a TIG welded cage out of DOM or chromoly for under a G ? Seemed to be a money thing which turned to material used but even at that I dont know of anyone with that type of pricing

FYI I only post on stuff like this if I feel they have a solid product and could care less who said what or if this benifit me in the long run...so sorry you feel im trying to stick up for him cause he posted on another suite !!!

Jesus christ, this thread is getting out of control........

I dont feel your trying to stick up for him cause of where he posted JR...based upon the timing of your post I assumed you had read what he posted over there first...sorry for assuming as we all know what ASS U ME means....

I will say this.....I D G A F about what or who or why anyone does what they do. I made an observation about a product and related his inexpensive price on a cage to it, and I was right. If you want Chromo add 300 bucks....nuff said. At $900 He is still the KING OF CHEAP cages! Fu2 wins? LOL No one was knocking him or his products, just questioning where he is shedding the cost and assumed it had to be in the fact he was using Mild Steel.

Now we have all been corrected, everyone has come out and made their peace.......
Since I seem to be the one that pointed out the "mild", maybe I should elaborate...

I wasn't knocking FU2, merely stating the obvious. The cage price was reflectant on the material being used. I thought Kyle's comment about cages being $1000+ was whack, and pointed out a fact that he obviously overlooked. Sorry if it affended anyone. :D

Dan sorry if you feel the "mild'' comment was directed towards you cause I didnt mean it that way just a general comment. Material does play a huge part in cost and you made a legit statement and there are MANY peeps that look at the final nut rather than how they got to that price....As far as Kyle comment..seems that MANY peeps go with there vendor/friend/ or the peeps that hook them up which sometimes it is better to just keep your commnts to youself so they dont blow out content ! Not sure if it was a knock on other builders but def didnt sound right i will agree with you on that one
Jesus christ, this thread is getting out of control........

I dont feel your trying to stick up for him cause of where he posted JR...based upon the timing of your post I assumed you had read what he posted over there first...sorry for assuming as we all know what ASS U ME means....

I will say this.....I D G A F about what or who or why anyone does what they do. I made an observation about a product and related his inexpensive price on a cage to it, and I was right. If you want Chromo add 300 bucks....nuff said. At $900 He is still the KING OF CHEAP cages! Fu2 wins? LOL No one was knocking him or his products, just questioning where he is shedding the cost and assumed it had to be in the fact he was using Mild Steel.

Now we have all been corrected, everyone has come out and made their peace.......

LOL enough BS about who, what, where ,when and why EVERYONE has there own style..price and all that other stuff Im over it when is the next ride cause I need to get out ?

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