Are UTV Racers Cheating at BITD??

A $25 per car FEE LOL. No kidding.. LMAO I would not get out of bed for that, to have to look at and here all of the crying from everyone. How many teams have showed up over the years and were Failed but given a fix it ticket and allowed to race instead of being sent packing. Im sure theres 1 or maybe 2 LOL.
I get it and I see the issue everyone has so like they say put up or shut up. I don't see you or anyone else offering up to do it. LOL Hey Justin Cory is
I wonder if the IRS is aware of the monies eared... Just thinking.
2015 Can-Am Maverick ECU rule
Wed, 03/18/2015 - 10:33 — Admin
There has been some questions about the ECU flashing on the Maverick Turbo. The way the rule is written racers must use the stock ECU. The is no way for a ECU reflash to be inspected and confirmed, therefore the rule does not say that reflashing is not allowed. S3 and Desert Toyz are using the stock ECU as delivered from the factoy, the tire size has been adjusted to eliminate the speed limiter. No other modifications have been done to the ECU. Verification of a stock ECU will be made before and after each race.

Just off the UTVRA site... so is Cory saying that a flashed ECU is legal... Im confused

When I protested the introduction of the turbo car to the pro class I was told that the powertrain would be sealed and run 100% stock! I mentioned the ability to radically improve horsepower and torque output by modifying the ecu, again, was told this wouldn't happen. Now, its OK to change the ecu to accommodate tire size?
When I protested the introduction of the turbo car to the pro class I was told that the powertrain would be sealed and run 100% stock! I mentioned the ability to radically improve horsepower and torque output by modifying the ecu, again, was told this wouldn't happen. Now, its OK to change the ecu to accommodate tire size?

I posted this in the other thread about the tire size change:

We are not touching to ecm, it never gets touched nor removed from the car. We simply hook up to the obd port and change the tire size. And from my understanding it changes these parameters in the gauge cluster just like the screen message on a Can-am so its mute point. We would never want to do anything that would be considered cheating, in fact I don't know how anyone could even take pride in racing or winning knowing they are breaking the rules.
See I don't know that s3 is going to run an ecu flash but what I am reading on the new rule change is that Cory is going to that's for Dam sure.
I posted this in the other thread about the tire size change:

We are not touching to ecm, it never gets touched nor removed from the car. We simply hook up to the obd port and change the tire size. And from my understanding it changes these parameters in the gauge cluster just like the screen message on a Can-am so its mute point. We would never want to do anything that would be considered cheating, in fact I don't know how anyone could even take pride in racing or winning knowing they are breaking the rules.

Shane, in no way would I make an assumption, or suggest that you guys would go against the rules. This to me, is now a matter of, what are the rules, and how are they going to be enforced.
Brian bush you were for the turbo according to cory!
Everyone in the pro class was.

In no way shape or form was I for the turbo racing in our class until either a: Another manufacturer had forced induction to compete. And b: Existing cars would be allowed to apply forced induction to their cars.
This thread is not moving forward. If someone is cheating call them out, pay the money or move on. I wish everyone luck.

Congrats to Dustin at S3 for a killer run. He had no idea they even won. Chad Ragland walked over and spoke with them at the finish. They were hoping for a podium. I think this S3 car and the few others will make this season epic.
Brian you are right it seems like the thing that needs to happen is we need to rent the south point arena and have a full class meeting where all the racers can voice their concerns to casey and Cory and fix the problems that have been pestering the racers for a long time.
Let's make things ready for next season!
Rusty this thread was never really about cheaters but about the fact that with the current tech situation it would not matter if they were cause we have no way to check for it.
That's right Cory hasn't told anyone to go home cause the car isn't right. He gives them a race and they fix it later. If he is getting so rich off the Fees then I would assume a lot of people should be fighting for his job. LMAO I don't see anyone stepping up and now with almost 70 golf carts to inspect and its time consuming as hell I bet money that BITD doesn't want the job either. Maybe BITD will take it over raise the tech fee to $100 per car to hire people to speed the process up. Then Post race impound and a $150 fee to clean the motor up so nothing can get inside and damage it and do a inspection of the top 5 cars. Take $25 from the fees and put it towards a purse to be shared at the end of season by the top 5 point leaders. Just a thought like a California Politician. LOL Mo Money.

Warlock I'm guessing you have never raced a desert race with either BITD or Score?

Trust me BITD would take over the UTV inspection immediately knowing that 50+ cars are entering their races, and they are not going to charge to do it either. Casey is not going to turn away the UTV's because they dont have their own Tech guys. Every other class is inspected by BITD tech officials and BITD does not have a separate charge for doing so. And some of those BITD officials are still doing some of the UTV tech as Cory is not checking Helmets & Driving Suits.

Who is teching the UTV's at the Score races? Hmmm???

Post race clean up inspection fee! HaHa! Once again you have never been apart of a post race inspection or know how it works.

And why has Cory not turned away a racer? IMO if a car comes with a minor issue, you give a written warning, and allow them a 1 race waver. If the issue is performance or safety related you dont get a one race pass. You fix it now or you dont race. We have Rule Books and Race Series Tech Directors for a reason. If you have questions you look it up or call the Tech Director. If you show up unprepared and your car is not safe or is not legal you go home. Its as simple as that! I saw a few things at the Mint that IMO should not have been allowed to race. And I know these were not first time races for these teams or cars.
I started my post based on the fact that corey is the Tech inspector and was crying about cheaters on his face book post.

And if they are not cheating then they can agree to a post race tech if they are then they will oppose it.

So I just got a call from another racer who is not willing to come on and speak against Cory cause they k ow the wrath that Cory can bring.

They are suggesting a vote from the racers to determine the real feelings from the racers all at one time in public where what is said is known by all and not twisted by anyone else.

It is a ad deal when half the field of Racers are so afraid of the tech guys that they will not voice their opinion.
Pro Production UTV class vehicles with factory turbocharged engines must remain
stock as delivered from the factory. No changes or modifications are allowed, with
the exception of the air cleaner, header pipe, exhaust pipe, muffler and clutch. All
engine parts must remain stock. No aftermarket ECU’s. No aftermarket fuel
controllers. All electronic engine management parts must remain stock as delivered
from the factory.

This is copied directly from the rulebook on UTVRA. It's all semantics and interpretation.
If you read this and apply it literally the sentence "No Changes or modifications are allowed" would clarify that even a tire size change or a gauge cluster greeting change would not be allowed. The last sentence "all electronic management parts must remain stock as delivered from the factory" further reinforces that these changes would not be allowed.
I'm just saying this is how it is written.

This is the UTVRA response
Wed, 03/18/2015 - 10:33 — Admin
There has been some questions about the ECU flashing on the Maverick Turbo. The way the rule is written racers must use the stock ECU. The is no way for a ECU reflash to be inspected and confirmed, therefore the rule does not say that reflashing is not allowed. S3 and Desert Toyz are using the stock ECU as delivered from the factoy, the tire size has been adjusted to eliminate the speed limiter. No other modifications have been done to the ECU. Verification of a stock ECU will be made before and after each race.

Again to dissect this literally, The original rule "All electronic engine management parts must remain stock as delivered from the factory" I think this clearly indicates that re-flashing is not allowed because a re flashed ECU would not be "as delivered from the factory". and for Cory to state right in his response "no OTHER MODIFICATIONS have been done" indicates that a "MODIFICATION" was done even if is just to eliminate the speed limiter.

I don't this this lacks clarity. Is it hard to enforce? Yes. Impossible? No.

Please don't take this as a jab at S3 or any other racer! Dustin you ran a great race and your car teched legal.
In my eyes you are definitely not a cheater. Again I reinforce that I don't think anyone is cheating in the class.

The point of this post is this. The UTVRA and BITD is allowing one person making the rules, changing the rules, interpreting the rules, Enforcing the rules and then competing within them. No disrespect implied, It just seems very difficult to balance all of this. I think that is why so many racers are expressing disapproval.

For the record I didn't start any of this! LOL
Agreed let's keep Cory as a fellow racer!!!
And turn tech oer to BITD.
I bet the class gets even bigger, cause there are racers that will not race here for the reason stated above.
Legally for the rules, The ECU will have to a claimer or there will have to ECU's provided by BITD that get supplied before the race and collected after the race.

That is gonna be super lame. But there is no other way to police that.

But this topic started with a discussion of some engine builder or racers thinking the Top 5 guys are cheating because they can't keep up with them. And from the guys who have won the last few races on Polaris powered cars, Most have said they are running stock engines. So it seems like more winning drivers are winning with Stock engines. So engine builders and racer who have spent lots of money on big fancy engines think its more likely others are cheating then the fact they might not have the skill, courage or equipment to drive like the big boys.

I don't think anybody is cheating in this class and Horsepower does not win the race in these events.

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