WORCS #2 Primm, NV


Feburary 25-27 2011

Location: Primm, NV
Website: http://www.primmvalleyresorts.com/hotel_buffalobill.php
Elevation: 1,000 Feet
Directions: Located 35 miles south of Las Vegas on I-15. Track is just behind the Buffalo Bills Casino on the East side of the highway.
Practice Hours: No Practice this weekend
Age Class: 4 Years old +
Track Entry Fee: $10 per person per day $20 weekend pass, Youth 12 and under $5 Weekend pass
Gate Hours: 7-10pm daily 6-10pm- Sat and Sun
Sign Up Hours: Fri 11am-5pm Sat 6:30am-6pm (ATV Saturday 7am to 6pm) Sun 7am-3:30pm.
Camping: $10 per night
Host Hotel: Mention GROUP CODE SCR-0225 for discount by FEBRUARY 11TH for rate
Buffalo Bill's Hotel and Casino- 800-FUN-STOP
$51.95-Friday, $59.95-Saturday, $34.95-Sunday


<TR><TD><TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top colSpan=2>SATURDAY</TD><TD vAlign=top width=418> </TD><TD vAlign=top> </TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top>#</TD><TD vAlign=top>Times</TD><TD vAlign=top>Class</TD><TD vAlign=top>Duration</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top width=27>1</TD><TD vAlign=top width=55>8:00</TD><TD vAlign=top>Pro & Expert Adult Unclassified</TD><TD vAlign=top width=59>35 min</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top width=27> </TD><TD vAlign=top width=55>8:45</TD><TD vAlign=top>Youth Unclassified (race 2)</TD><TD vAlign=top width=59>35 min</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top> </TD><TD vAlign=top>9:25</TD><TD vAlign=top>Adult Unclassified B/C</TD><TD vAlign=top>35 min</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top width=27>2</TD><TD vAlign=top width=55>10:15</TD><TD vAlign=top>Shifter Open, 90 Prod, 70 Prod, 90 Stock</TD><TD vAlign=top width=59>40 min</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top width=27>3</TD><TD vAlign=top width=55>11:15</TD><TD vAlign=top>Prod A, Stk A, Wom A, Prod B, Stk B</TD><TD vAlign=top width=59>50 min</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top width=27>4</TD><TD vAlign=top width=55>12:20</TD><TD vAlign=top>50+, Stk C, Spt 15-29C, 30C, 40C, WomB, 12-15 Prod,12-15 stk
</TD><TD vAlign=top width=59>50 min</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top width=27>5</TD><TD vAlign=top width=55>1:25</TD><TD vAlign=top>Pro Practice</TD><TD vAlign=top width=59>60 min</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top width=27>6</TD><TD vAlign=top width=55>2:40</TD><TD vAlign=top>Open A, Open B, 14-15 Prod</TD><TD vAlign=top width=59>50 min</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top width=27>7</TD><TD vAlign=top width=55>3:45</TD><TD vAlign=top>Shifter Open LC, Shifter Open Sport, Wom C, Sport 8-15</TD><TD vAlign=top width=59>40 min</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top>8</TD><TD vAlign=top>4:45</TD><TD vAlign=top>SBS Class 1, SBS Class 2, SBS Class 3</TD><TD vAlign=top>45 min</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top> </TD><TD vAlign=top> </TD><TD vAlign=top>WORCS Kids</TD><TD vAlign=top> </TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top colSpan=2> </TD><TD vAlign=top> </TD><TD vAlign=top> </TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top colSpan=2>SUNDAY</TD><TD vAlign=top> </TD><TD vAlign=top> </TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top>#</TD><TD vAlign=top>Times</TD><TD vAlign=top>Class</TD><TD vAlign=top>Duration</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top width=27>9</TD><TD vAlign=top width=55>8:00</TD><TD vAlign=top>Open C, Prod C, School Boy, 12-15 Open Sport, 12-15 Prod Spt, Utility</TD><TD vAlign=top width=59>50 min</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top width=27>10</TD><TD vAlign=top width=55>9:05</TD><TD vAlign=top>Sport 15-29 A, 30A, 40A, Sport 15-29 B, 30B, 40B</TD><TD vAlign=top width=59>50 min</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top width=27>11</TD><TD vAlign=top width=55>10:20</TD><TD vAlign=top>70 Open, 70 stock, 50 7-8, 50 4-6</TD><TD vAlign=top width=59>30 min</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top>12</TD><TD vAlign=top>12:00</TD><TD vAlign=top>Pro, Pro-am</TD><TD vAlign=top>90 min</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR>
Looking forward to heading out of Boise to Vegas (650mi) on Friday morning.
WORCS reported almost 1800 entries at this event last year (combined Bikes and ATV) with 2 tracks running at the same time theres plenty to watch and do, Lots of vendors at this event also.
Santellan concrete and 747 INK are getting ready to take on round # 2 of the WORCS series. This race is located at State line in Nevada.Kayla Smith is driving in the Rhino class and rd # 1 she brought home a victory and hopes to do the same.She will be trying out some new rims and tires that she has never ran before.It's raining and she will need some tracktion and solid rims.

She will be running 25.5 PITBULL ROCKER TIRES with a set of DWT Diablo beadlock rims.
The proven setup and the only way to go RACE in the MUD.


Results and pics will follow after todays race.
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Congrats to santellan concrete and the 747 ink race team for a 3rd place finish at primm today. Trevor made a last minute decision and ran his normal tires for the race today, not enough rain. Great work kayla...
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There was snow and a ton of roll overs. Somebody jumped over the front of Kayla's car and ripped her hood right off. Hopefully somebody has some pictures.
bakersfield guy named dj took first place with a bone stock xp and some doors. And also his first time racing sxs. Rumor has it his car will be at madhouse motorsports monday for a full race build ...Congrats DJ
bakersfield guy named dj took first place with a bone stock xp and some doors. And also his first time racing sxs. Rumor has it his car will be at madhouse motorsports monday for a full race build ...Congrats DJ

Pretty cool...it has to be a rush to go out and race for the first time and win.
both 1st and 2nd were XP's driven by 1st time racers

1st place DJ
2nd place Philip Martin (Tower Works Fab)
3rd I didnt catch ????

Class 2

1st Chris Ward
2nd Chris Willing
3rd ???

Class 3

i have no idea ... will post it as WORCS does
both 1st and 2nd were XP's driven by 1st time racers

1st place DJ
2nd place Philip Martin (Tower Works Fab)
3rd I didnt catch ????

Class 2

1st Chris Ward
2nd Chris Willing
3rd ???

Class 3

i have no idea ... will post it as WORCS does

GREAT JOB!! Congrats chris1 and chris2!!:)
yes the XP that won (DJ) is a pro am Quad rider, looked to be about 19 or 20 maybe.. I saw a nice seat, some sides, and radios... all else looked stock, the XPs are fast.
Holz got in a tangle in the first corner and broke a tie rod.

I had 17 start my class (2).. moved into 2nd early in the first lap and had a great battle with CW for the lead, I got around him in and we went at it some more, Very fun. My new shocks were awesome and I was able to run the fastest lap of the race in my class, Then late in lap 2 my belt exploded and I was done.
Had a great time and very impressed with WORCS, with over 1700 entries this weekend the races went off on time and the track was fun. congrats to Chris Ward on the win in class 2, his car was working well and he drove clean and smooth.
Pretty sick that 39 UTV's showed up!!! I have pictures from Revolt Powersports being worked on now by Mark. Once I get them I will start a thread and post them up. Hopefully with official results as well!!!

39 UTV's!!!!! Amazing!
It sounds like Beau Barron won is this correct , is this the same guy that took soboba GP 2011? Sounds like Polaris needs to pick up a new factory rider. Great work.
worcs is a growing in the sxs class and the competition is getting closer. team santellan concrete and 747 ink is fully commited to running the series and is looking forward to the lake havasu round. Worcs is way more affordable, rougher, and more technical, than any of the other sxs races ive done so far and they have a class for everybody. they run a very professional program with companies in the industry offering contingency. i highly recommend to any of the the underground members who are interested in racing so give it a try!

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