Really tough question imho. The reason I say this is that there's a huge difference in people's opinion of "race ready". As Matt stated, some platforms are closer to "race ready" out of the box than others. In addition, differenet people have different opinions on what level of chassis modifications they are comfortable with.
We spend a great deal of time on chassis design, even more so now that speeds are steadily increasing...why?...mostly because I think my kids like having me around (well most of the time anyway
). I've certainly seen cars in contingency that I absolutely would NOT ride in for any length of time in race conditions.
We have always run pretty stock motors (100% stock currently), so motor costs have never been an issue in our program (well, post Rhino days anyway
). We do religious maintenance and watch miles for piston changes, but that's honestly about all there is to it. We've also been really fortunate that Elka has been fantastic in our program and can almost always give us a working package the first time...a little fine tuning during testing and that's all that's been required.
In addition, as stated, race prep is a HUGE factor imho. We try to be very thorough between races to give ourselves the absolute best chance of getting to the finish line. Putting a wrench on every bolt between every race equals a ton of "man hours", which in turn translates in a ton of "money"...whether foregoing other income by doing it yourself or paying someone else for prep work.
Another very valid point is manpower at the actual races. I have no idea how other teams do it, but Jagged has always taken care of their support crew and we typically have a pretty good showing of quality support crew that can perform when things go badly.
I'd love to give you a true cost of replicating our current car, but honestly we never tracked "man hours" which certainly equals far more than parts on this build. I do know we probably put in around 300 man hours just in the week prior to Silverstate if that gives you an idea....and the car was already 99% fabricated when that week started.
Just like anything else in life, there are many ways to approach it, but having a detailed plan and sticking to it will almost always give you great results imho.