UTVUnderground Vegas 2 Reno RACERS FUND **$$$$**

Justin Sheakley sent you $50.00 USD
Transaction ID: 0PD576724X314454Y
Hello UTV Underground,

Just thought you'd like to know Justin Sheakley sent you $50.00 USD.

Matt Parks - $50.00
Michael Lansky - $50.00
Mike Lasher - $50.00
Gary Peterson - $50.00
Mark Sundberg/Jason Fraser - $200.00
Jagged-X - $200.00
Brandon Schueler - $50.00
CR Designs - $100.00
Derek Murray - $50.00
Cory Sappington - $50.00
Scott Martinez - $50.00
Sean Cook - $50.00
UTVUnderground.com - $100.00
Justin Sheakley - $50.00

TOTAL - $1100.00

Nice Pot GUYS!!!! Lucas & Rusty are you guys in??????
Bobby Raber sent you $50.00 USD
Transaction ID: 26G79780WD6183126
Hello UTV Underground,

Just thought you'd like to know Bobby Raber sent you $50.00 USD.

Note from Bobby Raber:
Vegas to Reno fun.

Matt Parks - $50.00
Michael Lansky - $50.00
Mike Lasher - $50.00
Gary Peterson - $50.00
Mark Sundberg/Jason Fraser - $200.00
Jagged-X - $200.00
Brandon Schueler - $50.00
CR Designs - $100.00
Derek Murray - $50.00
Cory Sappington - $50.00
Scott Martinez - $50.00
Sean Cook - $50.00
UTVUnderground.com - $100.00
Justin Sheakley - $50.00
Bobby Raber - $50.00
Ron Pallyeghi - $50.00

TOTAL - $1200.00

Nice Pot GUYS!!!! Congrats to Jagged X for taking it home!!!!!! Thanks to everyone who participated! We definitely need to do this again!

TOTAL - $1200.00

Nice Pot GUYS!!!! Congrats to Jagged X for taking it home!!!!!! Thanks to everyone who participated! We definitely need to do this again!

That is BAD ASS! 2 drivers 2 co-drivers that is $300 each! :-)

Dont forget we split is 70/30 between top 2 finisher in the pot. So according to my math the split would be:

$840.00 - Jagged X 1st Place
$340.00 - Matt Parks 2nd Place

Sound good guys??
Just split that up between the A-Team (Me and Blake)!:D I'll send the paypal addresses now.:p
Thanks! In addition, Matt said go ahead and send his to my Paypal as well.;)

Now THAT ^^^^ is some funny chit! :rolleyes:
I am so poor I can't pay attention.

Joey, you should have my address and I will happily take the money. But my math shows that 30% of $1200 is $360 not $340. Can't wait to get the check in the mail. :)
Now THAT ^^^^ is some funny chit! :rolleyes:
I am so poor I can't pay attention.

Joey, you should have my address and I will happily take the money. But my math shows that 30% of $1200 is $360 not $340. Can't wait to get the check in the mail. :)

It was worth a shot!:D
Any updates on when this is going to be paid? :o I need the money to help cover BWDC.

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