UTVUnderground Vegas 2 Reno RACERS FUND **$$$$**

So Joey,
You going to post up a "where we stand" on this thread?
Who bought in and what companies have pledged money?
Ok, here is where we are at:

$50.00 Matt Parks - Check
$50.00 Brandon Shueler - Paypal
$200.00 Jagged X - Paypal
$50.00 Mike Lasher - Paypal
$200.00 Mark Sundberg - Paypal
$50.00 Gary Peterson - Paypal
$50.00 Michael Lansky - Paypal

TOTAL - $650.00
I looked back through the posts and there are more pledges for money.

Tech 3 $100
CR designs $100
Fatography $75
and some more I think
Oh and Lasher pledged a set of GBC tires to the winner as well.

These guys need to put up! Get your money in guys. Lets get this thing up there.

No better way to build a class than to make it worth a bundle to win!

Oh yea, I think Joey is in for a hundy also.
$100.00 UTVUnderground - Paypal
$50.00 Matt Parks - Check
$50.00 Brandon Shueler - Paypal
$200.00 Jagged X - Paypal
$50.00 Mike Lasher - Paypal
$200.00 Mark Sundberg - Paypal
$50.00 Gary Peterson - Paypal
$50.00 Michael Lansky - Paypal

TOTAL - $750.00

I knew my math was right!
CHAD RICCIO sent you $100.00 USD
Transaction ID: 39A06644NF836943S
Hello UTV Underground,

Just thought you'd like to know CHAD RICCIO sent you $100.00 USD.

We are up to $850
Derek Murray sent you $50.00 USD
Transaction ID: 6261781632881960G
Hello UTV Underground,

Just thought you'd like to know Derek Murray sent you $50.00 USD.

Note from Derek Murray:
Here is the buy in for #1917- Murray. Thanks for coordinating this!!!
Eric Cowan sent you $50.00 USD
Transaction ID: 4TE822461S424711B
Hello UTV Underground,

Just thought you'd like to know Eric Cowan sent you $50.00 USD.

Note from Eric Cowan:
$50.00 entry for Cory Sappington for Vegas to Reno

What is your paypal address? I read the first couple pages again but did not see it.

1915 is in the shop and it does not look like we will be done. We cut the cage in half and rebuilt the back of the car to allow more seat room and it is just not coming together. It will be close. Either way I am in for $50. If I make the race I am in for another $50. Are we going to do this for every race?
Friar Engineering sent you $50.00 USD
Transaction ID: 24U21928E05232602
Hello UTV Underground,

Just thought you'd like to know Friar Engineering sent you $50.00 USD.

Note from Friar Engineering:
racers fund from Scott Martinez
Shauna Leard sent you $50.00 USD
Transaction ID: 5VX28706AE3940838
Hello UTV Underground,

Just thought you'd like to know Shauna Leard sent you $50.00 USD.

Note from Shauna Leard:
sean cook &1930 is in and ready to race. good luck boys and girl. see you at the finish line
Matt Parks - $50.00
Michael Lansky - $50.00
Mike Lasher - $50.00
Gary Peterson - $50.00
Mark Sundberg/Jason Fraser - $200.00
Jagged-X - $200.00
Brandon Schueler - $50.00
CR Designs - $100.00
Derek Murray - $50.00
Cory Sappington - $50.00
Scott Martinez - $50.00
Sean Cook - $50.00
UTVUnderground.com - $100.00

TOTAL - $1050.00

Nice Pot GUYS!!!! Lucas & Rusty are you guys in??????

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