Sr1 Class To Demo At Stadium Kart World Championship

The Underground should be well repesented. I can't wait to see a group of 8 or more Weller R1 Rhinos on the track @ one time. How exciting will this be. January is almost here. Jason is going to be worn out by the time he finishes all of the projects he has & then he can build his own.
Along with all the action Saturday the 30th. We will be hosting the Short course R/C Truck Championship. We have brought on "The Dirt's" Joey Christensen to build a new short course R/C truck track. Please pre-register as all the classes are going to fill up fast. Email and phone # are on the flier.

*Stadium Kart racers we will have a special class for you!!

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How many people on the Underground have a Slash/ SC10/ or other brand Rc Truck?

I just got my first SC10!!!!!!!!
there are a bunch of slashes in here...we just havent been all up on it...I need to get mine out and knock the cob webbs off of it! You guys dont want none!!!



I have a couple. I stock track setup and one brushless play truck. Both are slashes. I also have a R/C crawler. I will be racing my Slash for sure.
I just got my kid a SC10 #17 baby. Ill have to bring it out, its been many, many years since I raced RC though...

Will the 1/5 scale track be open? Ill bring my 5T too if it will be.
Im not sure about the big track. I'd bring it just in case.
Not sure, Ill have the car done but I think Codes wrist is broken, he broke a finger 5 weeks back and I think that masked that fact he broke his wrist as well.

We'll find out next week whats up.
Not sure, Ill have the car done but I think Codes wrist is broken, he broke a finger 5 weeks back and I think that masked that fact he broke his wrist as well.

We'll find out next week whats up.
im not shure if my rhino will be done jason has had it going on two month now he still wating on parts ?
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New sponsors to be announced soon!!!!!!!! Can't wait to break the news!!!!!!!
Just 3 weeks away. Has anyone got their Weller R1 Rhino ready for the race? Better get on the ball. Time is wasting. You stadium Kart guys need to button the karts back together & go testing so you will be ready for the big race. Remember there is RC offroad racing too. This will be a great event to kick off 2010. I know Ken & the people from Milestone Ranch MX Park have been working tirelessly to get the track & everything else ready fro the last weekend in January. Please let everyone know you are coming by posting here. The thundering sound of Weller R1 Rhinos & the sound of Stadium Karts snarling into the corner 3 & 4 abreast with nobody lifting. I am getting very excited.

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