Sr1 Class To Demo At Stadium Kart World Championship

Gary, tell your fab guy to "gitterdone"!

Ben, I will tell Jason to give you an update....I know his hands are kind of tied right now with those rear end parts, and he's doing all he can to get them done, but not rushed to where they aren't going to be a really solid part....
Thanks Corry, Just talked to Jason. I know its hard getting all these trick parts out, just wanted to be able to plan my attach for the next two weeks! :)
Gary, tell your fab guy to "gitterdone"!

Ben, I will tell Jason to give you an update....I know his hands are kind of tied right now with those rear end parts, and he's doing all he can to get them done, but not rushed to where they aren't going to be a really solid part....
Oh, cool Gary!! Yeah...I got some new nerfs too - lol! :D It'll be a little track, but I'll do my best to stay off of your nice new car! ;)

Thanks Daniel!!
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February 17th, 2010 Murrieta, CA
The top dogs and everyone else who is serious about winning the Stadium Kart World Championship are preparing like this is the Supercross Finals. Mcgrath, Deegan and young hot shoe RJ Anderson were recently spotted at Milestone Ranch testing and tuning their machines in order to gain any available advantage at claiming the Trophy Kart Elite Title! Hailie Deegan, Zach Hunt, Trenton Briley were also on the track and gaining valuable seat time. The Stadium Kart World Championship is nearly here, and the off road industry is on the verge of the next major event.

Even a few Hollywood “Celeb Types†got wind of the hype surrounding the Stadium Kart World Championship. Brody Jenner (The Hills) and his entourage came out to spin some laps. The limited time behind the wheel of Nestor’s personal Elite Trophy Kart revealed just how much fun the new machines are. Brody will soon be visiting Milestone Ranch with Bruce and the rest of “the family†in tow.

Milestone Ranch will be open from 2:00pm – 8:00pm Wednesday and Thursday, however Stadium Kart World Championship has arranged for an exclusive media day to take place this Friday for press and photo shoots.

Don't miss out on the additional entertainment from the Triumph Motorsports Stadium Quad race. Taking place on Saturday, the Three classes consisting of Pro, Expert and Novice will provide plenty of furious 4-wheel action and bonzai quad racers going all out.

For Sunday February 21st, Cory Weller and Tyler Herzog will debut the new high powered SR-1 UTVs and leading the die hard Arizona offroaders with an exciting Demo. We are hoping to see a few local California racers such as Gary Thompson, Code Rahders and Mike Valentine take to the track in their freshly completed SR-1 Machines.

General admission will be $10 a day for family and friends. Spectating is sure to be eventful with close up action and great views of the track .

Don't forget the live Broadcast and play by play commentary of The Stadium Kart World Championships on Totally Off Road Radio Host Jim Holtus & Dave Arnold will be teaming up with

Daniel Fernandez is in charge of the upcoming Trophy Kart Offroad Swapmeet. Each party that wants to participate will make a $35 donation with 100% of the funds going directly towards Parker Porter support fund. Get signed up early at and rock the free Parker Porter sticker or for more information and day of schedule contact Daniel at 760.803.9344 or

The Stadium Kart World Championships would not be possible without the strong alliance of event sponsors Trophy Kart, Lucas Oil, Team Associated, Simpson Race Products, and King Race Shocks. Special thanks goes out to everyone for the assistance, especially Grawbowski Racing CMI, CFD, BME, Triumph Motorsports, DH Graphics, The Fabschool, Synergy Electric, A.M. Ortega, Osbourn racing, Full Tilt Trophy Karts, Weller Racing, Rv discount Center and media coverage by, Totally Off Road Radio and UTVunderground.

For more info, please check out:
Stadium Kart World Championship
Ken Johnson: 619.277.7266


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